
Negotiation & Problem-Solving Strategies

The negotiation process is part of every manager’s day-to-day interaction with stakeholders inside and outside the organization, which is essential to achieve organizational goals. Since negotiation is pervasive in our daily activities, our sessions will focus on negotiation as an integral part of the managerial process.
Most of the good managers develop their negotiation style and skills intuitively based on their experiences. What you can expect from this course is a context to think systematically and critically about your experiences. This will allow you to establish a framework that will help you increase your learning every time you are involved in a negotiation. We will lay the foundation in this course for the continuous improvement that is necessary to excel in this critical competence.

Program Objectives
and Outcomes

  • Improving the ability to negotiate in competitive as well as collaborative situations
  • Increasing the level of awareness of the negotiation process
  • Becoming familiar with specific concepts, principles and frameworks that will enhance the negotiation effectiveness
  • Understanding and reflecting on personal style, and the impact it has on others
  • Understanding how negotiation should be an integral part of the strategy of the organization
Key Topics covered 

in the Program

For Whom

This course is suitable for middle to senior level executives, who habitually need to work with multiple stakeholder groups, internal and external, to achieve their organizations’ objectives.

Learning Methodology

  • Negotiation Role-plays with increasing levels of complexity

  • In-class discussion, review and debrief
  • Learning Journal and Reflection


Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.

  • Strategy Formulation and Implementation
  • Getting Future Ready for Managing End-to-End Supply Chains
  • Negotiation & Problem-Solving Strategies
  • Strategies for Growth and Business Model Innovation
  • Developing Business Acumen through Integrated Business Simulation
  • AI-Powered Decision Maker
  • Developing a Strategic Mindset -Creating and sustaining Competitive Advantage
  • Global Strategy
  • Developing Strategic Agility
  • Succeeding in the Disruptive and Digital Future Business World
  • Growth Through Business Model Innovation
  • HR Strategies for the Future Digital World