Sales and Marketing

B2C Sales Excellence

Customers today, across industries, seek to do business with firms that not only provide great products but also amazing buying experiences. Today’s sales executives have complex sales challenges, and they need new-age sales understanding, to win customers. They need latest sales best practices, tools & frameworks, to excel in sales. This Programme enables participants to systematically approach sales to retail customers. The module will provide key frameworks and practical tips that help firms, sales leaders and sales executives, to increase the bill value of each customer. The workshop has been designed from experiences of working with several retail companies, and interactions with Thousands of Sales executives around the world.

Key Topics covered in 

the Programme

  • Understanding the profile of the customer
  • Customer Connect and Customer Delight
  • Active listening& Assertive communication
  • 5 different styles of Selling

  • Cross selling & Up selling
  • Handling angry customers
  • Handling objections in a right way
  • 6 different ways to close a sale

Session Wise Topics

  • Customer Profiling
  • Customer Connect & Customer Delight
  • Active listening and Assertive Communication
  • 5 Different styles of Selling
  • Cross-Selling & Up Selling
  • Handling Angry Customers
  • Converting “No” to “Yes” – Handling Objections
  • Closing the Sale

For Whom

The Retail Sales Excellence Programme is designed for Sales professionals who are responsible for driving sales in a retail environment. This programme is beneficial for:
Sales executive & managers, and key account managers. Additionally, this programme is relevant for marketing professionals engaged in aligning their retail marketing efforts with sales strategies. Furthermore, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners who are trying to enhance their sales acumen and customer engagement can also benefit from this programme.


Currently, the following certificate programmes are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our programmes span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.

  • Digital Transformation
  • Marketing in the Digital Era
  • B2C Sales Excellence
  • B2B Sales Excellence