
Core Programs Overview

The Centre for
Executive Education

Customized Executive Education Programs are designed to address unique business challenges & issues, and development/ learning needs of an organization. Based on the deep understanding of business context, people context and cultural context, the Programs Design, Contents and Teaching Methodologies are aligned to deliver pre-defined learning outcomes, for the organization and the Programs participants.

The detailed programs design lays out the conceptual frameworks, case studies, assignments, group exercises, role-plays, project work, business simulation games, practitioner/expert/industry connects, to optimize the learning process, while leveraging the overall capability of the University, for impactful delivery. To create business impact, participants are encouraged to take up action learning projects, in consultation with the senior leaders of the organization, to apply the programs learnings in their roles, under the guidance of the MU faculty.


Our Approach to Custom Design


  • In-depth diagnosis of Learning Needs of participating executives from the organization.
  • Done through engaging extensively with the Top Leaders from the organisation, potential participants & their reporting managers.

  • Co-creation of Customized Content, with close involvement of clients in defining Programs architecture, contents and learning outcomes.

  • Strong focus on aligning education with business impact for our clients.

  • Extensive Collaboration with key stakeholders of client organization to define Learning Objectives, ensuring the Programs design is targeted to deliver on the objectives, to be able to measure the effectiveness of the Programs.

To create Business Impact, participants are encouraged to take up Action Learning Projects, in consultation with the Senior Leaders of the organization, to apply the Programme Learnings in their roles, under the guidance of the MU faculty.

Developing Leadership

MU Executive Education can design and conduct Leadership Development Programs, targeted to develop your mid to senior-level executives, focused on specific competencies relevant for the organization. Some of the possible themes that could be customized for specific organizational context could be:

Developing leadership

Culture of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Some of the possible themes that could be customised for specific organizational context could be:

culture of innovations


Digital transformation involves rethinking how technology can be used to improve business models, value proposition, customer experience and operational efficiency

Digital transformation


These Programs help participants understand the nuances and well-researched frameworks for strategy development & implementation, and enabling the necessary cultural changes in the organization, for successful achievement of the firm’s goals.


Functional Competency

These Programs can help participants become more effective in their current functional roles, by updating them with the most recent knowledge and skills, emerging global trends and proven successful practices & tools.

Functional Competency Development