Dr. Anadi Saran Pande
Professor & Dean
School of Management
Dr. Anadi Pande is a unique amalgam of industry and academics. He has been Professor of Strategic Management at IIM Lucknow over three periods: 2000-2006; 2014-15; 2016-2024. He has been awarded ‘Best Teacher’ of IIM Lucknow twice. He has created several unique elective courses in Strategic Management, besides creating a popular General Management course titled “Wisdom of Indian Philosophy”, which was rated the best ‘non-Conventional course’ in 2023. He has published in national and international journals of repute, besides presenting papers in prestigious conferences including at Academy of Management, Boston. He and his co-author received the best paper award in an international conference on entrepreneurship.
In 2003, he and his team were awarded by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India for writing the draft ‘Manufacturing Policy for India’.
He established IIM Jammu in its formative years from 2017-2018 as its Convener, while IIM Jammu was under the guidance of IIM Lucknow. He set up the physical infrastructure at Jammu University, took charge of all the administrative process, set up the MBA program and its curriculum as the Chairman-MBA, hired the faculty members, set up academic processes, conducted the first convocation in March 2018, ensured successful placements of the graduating students, admitted the third batch, created a benchmark dual degree international immersion program with European Business Schools in shoe string budget.
At IIM Lucknow, he revitalized and built up a remarkably successful incubator as a ‘Not for Profit’ company; (https://iimlincubator.com/). He revitalized it in 2019 with new governance, Vision, Mission, values, today it boasts of about 110 startups which have created wealth and jobs for the nation.
Dr. Pande has extensive industry experience of approximately 25 years. He worked with Tata Motors (and other Tata companies) for 16 years and was promoted to leadership positions through fast-track scheme of the company in 1992. He was Head of Project Planning at its 600-acre Lucknow plant during its creation and later was ‘Factory Owner’ of its Vehicle Assembly factory.
He worked at Hero MotoCorp for 8 years as Head of Corporate Planning and Corporate HR. He led separation negotiations with Honda, and built global technology alliances for the company’s R&D. He executed world’s largest two-wheeler factory at Haridwar as Head.
Dr. Pande has deep IR experience and has signed several wage agreements with several labor unions in Haryana.
In 2014 he was at Larsen & Toubro, Mumbai, as Head – Corporate Strategy/Initiatives. Later he joined Hero Cycles as Director, Corporate Strategy and Corporate HR. Here he participated in acquisition of a British company, Avocet Sports (Now Incyte Cycles), Manchester, UK, and joined its Board of Directors as executive director.
Dr. Pande is an independent director on the Board of couple of Indian companies and is an Honorary Trustee on both charitable and for-profit Trusts.
- Ph.D., University of Lucknow: (2004)
Strategic Management Thesis Title: Technology Strategy of Indian Firms; A Study from Learning Organization Perspective
- DBM, Pune University All Management Subjects: (1988)
- B.Tech. (5 Year Program), IIT-BHU Mechanical Engineering: (1979-1984)
- 12th All India Senior School Certificate Exam, The Scindia School, Gwalior/CBSE: (1979)
August 2014- July 2024
- Professor, IIM Lucknow: (August 2014- July 2024)
December 2000- January 2008
- Associate Professor, IIM Lucknow: (December 2000- January 2008)
June 2019-July 2024
- Faculty In charge & Director, IIM Lucknow Enterprise Incubation Centre (Section 8 Co.): (June 2019-July 2024)
March 2017- October 2018
- Convener, IIM Jammu, IIM Jammu: (March 2017- October 2018)
November 2015- November 2016
- Director, Corporate Strategy & Corporate HR, Hero Cycles Ltd. New Delhi: (November 2015- November 2016)
February 2014- August 2014
- Head, Corporate Strategy /Initiative, Larsen and Toubro, Mumbai: (February 2014- August 2014)
April 2006- December 2013
- Vice President, Corporate Planning and Strategy & HRM, Hero MotoCorp Ltd
- Head, Haridwar Project, Hero MotoCorp Ltd: (April 2006- December 2013)
July 1999-October 2000
- Head, Assembly Factory, ‘Factory Owner’, Tata Motors Ltd., Lucknow: (July 1999-October 2000)
July 1993- December 2000
- Head, Central Planning, Tata Motors Ltd., Lucknow: (July 1993- December 2000)
Journal Publications
- Vivek Kumar Jha, & Anadi Saran Pande, (2024), Making sustainable development happen: Does sustainable entrepreneurship make nations more sustainable? Journal of Cleaner Production, 440, org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.140849 (ABDC-A)
- Anadi Saran Pande & Neerja Pande, (2021), Enriching the Construct of Workplace Spirituality with Insights from Indian Philosophy and its Empirical validation in Indian Context, IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 1–18, DOI: 10.1177/22779752211016104 (ABS-2)
- Anadi S. Pande & Ranjan Kumar, (2020), Implications of Indian Philosophy and Mind Management for Agency Conflicts and Leadership: A Conceptual Framework, IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 9(1) 34–44, DOI: 10.1177/2277975219858864, (ABS-2)
- Anadi Saran Pande, (2007), Leveraging Capabilities at DRL, Asian Case Research Journal, Volume:11, Issue 1. (NUS Publication)
Non -Blind Peer Reviewed Articles
- Anadi Saran Pande, Unleashing Human Potential, Business Manager, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2013, pp 07-09
- Anadi Saran Pande, Tension in the Air, Indian Management 50, Issue 3, March 2010, pp 30-38
- Anadi Saran Pande, In the Driver’s Seat, Indian Management, 45, Issue 6, June 2006, pp 47-54.
Conference Paper Presentations
Scheduled for Oct. 2024 (Accepted)
- Globalizing Indian Thought 2024, Leveraging Samkhya-Yoga (SY) philosophy to explore the antecedents of mindfulness, the direct and mediating effects of prosocial belief and higher being importance, Pande, A.S., Pande, N., Kumar, International, R. London, IIM Kozhikode.
- Indian Knowledge System in Management 2024, Re-conceptualization of Mindfulness and Consciousness using Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy, Pande, A.S., Pande, N. National, IIT Bombay.
- ISDSI-Global 2023 conference, Does Sustainable Entrepreneurship Lead to Sustainable Development? An Evaluation of SE Outcomes and Ecosystems, Jha, V., Pande, A.S., National, IIM Ranchi.
- Academy of Management, 83rd Annual Conference, 2023, Sage on the Stage and Coach on the Side-Facets of a Good MBA Teacher-Indian Students Perspective, Pande, A.S., Pande, N., International, Boston, USA, Academy of Management.
- 6th International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation in India, 2023, Transforming & Enriching Management Education in India in the Light of New Education Policy, Pande, A.S., Dubey, A., National, COIL Lucknow.
2022 - won the best paper award
- International Conference on People, Ecosystems, and Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship, 2022, Ecosystems and Sustainability: The Influence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems on Sustainable Entrepreneurship and SDG Performance of Nations, Jha, V., Pande, A.S., International, IIM Kashipur and Strathclyde Business School, UK.
- 3rd International Conference on Challenges in Emerging Economies 2021, Implementing Anti-Competition Regulation in India: Challenges and Way Forward, Pande, A.S., Pande, N., National, J. Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai.
- Globalizing Indian Thought (2019), Theorizing workplace spirituality: Insights from Indian philosophy, Pande, A.S., Pande, N., National, IIM Kozhikode.
- Society and Management: Indian Culture Vis-à-vis Western culture, 2018, Dimensions of Indian Philosophy and Implications for Agency Theory and Leadership: A Conceptual Insight, Pande, A.S., Kumar, R., National, IIM Kozhikode.
- Value: The Next Lever for Value Creation, 2005, A New Policy Structure for Labour Relations: Enabling Organizational Innovation, Gurtoo, A., Pande, A.S., National, IIM Bangalore.
Book Chapters
- India’s Manufacturing Sector Policy Framework, 2003, Academic Foundation, N. Delhi, We Think for India (WTI), Manufacturing Policy for India.