Balan Ramesh
Assistant Professor
Dr. Balan Ramesh is a computational biologist with a research focus on comparative genomics. With numerous publications in prestigious journals, he has made significant contributions to understanding complex non-model systems. His work spans various inter disciplinary fields, including sex chromosome and genome evolution, sexual selection, venom regulation and toxin synthesis, emphasizing the integration of computational tools with experimental research. Dr. Ramesh is dedicated to fostering innovation in the field and mentoring emerging scientists.
- Dr. Balan Ramesh has a Ph.D. with specialization in Quantitative Biology from University of Texas, Arlington
- Balan Ramesh is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Mahindra University.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
- He has done Post-Doctoral Fellow with specialization in Comparative Genomics and Transcriptomics from University of Idaho
- Robben M;Ramesh B;Pau S;Meletis D;Luber J;Demuth J; (n.d.). ScRNA-seq reveals novel genetic pathways and sex chromosome regulation in Tribolium spermatogenesis. Genome biology and evolution. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38513111/
- Ramesh, B., Small, C., Bassham, S., Johnson, B., Barker, E., Rose, E., Currey, M., Healey, H., Myers, M., Ahnesjö, I., Lotta Kvarnemo, Monteiro, N., Cresko, W. and Jones, A. (2024b). Chromosome-scale genome assemblies for 10 syngnathiform fishes produced using a standardized sequencing and annotation workflow. Authorea (Authorea). [online] doi:https://doi.org/10.22541/au.172467565.57384610/v1.
- Ramesh, B., Small, C.M., Healey, H., Johnson, B., Barker, E., Currey, M., Bassham, S., Myers, M., Cresko, W.A. and Adam Gregory Jones (2023). Improvements to the Gulf pipefish Syngnathus scovelli genome. Gigabyte, [online] 2023, pp.1–11. doi: https://doi.org/10.46471/gigabyte.76.
- Firneno, T.J., Ramesh, B., Maldonado, J.A., Hernandez-Briones, A.I., Emery, A.H., Roelke, C.E. and Fujita, M.K. (2022). Transcriptomic analysis reveals potential candidate pathways and genes involved in toxin biosynthesis in true toads. Journal of Heredity. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esac015.
- Ramesh, B., Firneno, T.J. and Demuth, J.P. (2021b). Divergence time estimation of genus Tribolium by extensive sampling of highly conserved orthologs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, [online] 159, p.107084. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107084.
- Ramesh, B. and Demuth, J. (2020). Using Ancestral Reconstruction of Chromosome Expression States (ARChES) to Understand the Evolution of Dosage Compensation. [online] Utexas.edu. Available at: https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/items/2b4aba04-7fd3-45e8-94c8-dd05b15e81be.
- Schield, D.R., Card, D.C., Hales, N.R., Perry, B.W., Pasquesi, G.M., Blackmon, H., Adams, R.H., Corbin, A.B., Smith, C.F., Ramesh, B., Demuth, J.P., Betrán, E., Tollis, M., Meik, J.M., Mackessy, S.P. and Castoe, T.A. (2019). The origins and evolution of chromosomes, dosage compensation, and mechanisms underlying venom regulation in snakes. Genome Research, 29(4), pp.590–601. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.240952.118.
- Muthukumaran P, J. Aravind, A. Thirumurugan, Sridhar, S., Balan, R. and P. Indumathi (2017). Screening, Isolation and Development of Fungal Consortia with Textile Reactive Dyes Decolorizing Capability. Environmental science and engineering, pp.295–303. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48439-6_22.
- Kanmani, P., Kumaresan, K., Aravind, J., Karthikeyan, S. and Balan, R. (2016). Enzymatic degradation of polyhydroxyalkanoate using lipase from Bacillus subtilis. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 13(6), pp.1541–1552. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-016-0992-5.
- Aravind, Paulraj Kanmani, G.T. Sudha and Balan, R. (2016). Optimization of chromium(VI) biosorption using gooseberry seeds by response surface methodology. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2(1), pp.61–68. doi: https://doi.org/10.7508/gjesm.2016.01.007.
- Muthukumaran, P., Saraswathy, N., Yuvapriya, S., Balan, R., Gokhul, V. and Indumathi, P. (2016). In vitro phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of Amorphophallus paeonifolius (Dennst. Nicolson) against some human pathogens. Available online www.jocpr.com Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, [online] 8(2), pp.388–392. Available at: https://www.jocpr.com/articles/in-vitro-phytochemical-screening-and-antibacterial-activity-of-amorphophallus-paeonifolius-dennst-nicolson-against-some.pdf.
- Peraman Muthukumaran, Nachimuthu Saraswathy, Vijayasekar Aswitha, Balan, R., Venkatesh Babu Gokhul, Palanikumar Indumathi and Sivasubramani Yuvapriya (2016b). Assessment of Total Phenolic, Flavonoid, Tannin Content and Phytochemical Screening of Leaf and Flower Extracts from Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) Backer ex K.Heyne: a comparative study. Pharmacognosy Journal, [online] 8(2). Available at: https://www.phcogj.com/article/129 .
- Kumaresan, K., Balan, R., Sridhar, A., Aravind, J. and Kanmani, P. (2016). An integrated approach of composting methodologies for solid waste management. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, [online] 2(2), pp.157–162. doi: https://doi.org/10.7508/gjesm.2016.02.006.
Members of a species (males and females) share the same genetic material (DNA), yet there are remarkable morphological and functional differences between the sexes. These differences primarily arise due to the sex chromosomes (traditionally X and Y chromosomes), which determine the sex of a species. However, across the animal kingdom, there is a wide variety of sex-determination systems. This variety is especially true for fishes, which shed light on the early stages of sex chromosome evolution, which in turn helps us understand the genes and gene network responsible for the differences between the sexes. With sequencing technologies, comparative framework, and cluster computers, I am excited to answer questions broadly under the umbrella of Why there is a difference in lifespans between the sexes. What factors accelerate or decelerate aging? How does the accumulation of mobile genetic elements (Transposons) on sex-limited chromosomes affect aging? Do sexually dimorphic species live longer than monomorphic species? Tackling these questions would provide sex-specific genes responsible for rapid growth and fast aging that control cell cycle, gene transcriptions, and translations. To summarize, I am a computational biologist interested in studying the role of sexual selection in the evolution of sex chromosomes and sex determination mechanisms and its effects on aging and lifespan.