
Bhaskar Tamma

Head- Marketing, People Supply Chain (RMG) & Corporate Services



Dr. Bhaskar Tamma is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Mahindra École Centrale College of Engineering. Dr. Bhaskar Tamma holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering(IC Engines) from IIT Madras, Chennai, India

He also has two decades of experience which includes a Project leader, Program proposals / planning / execution, Leading multi-disciplinary global teams, Innovation, New technology evaluation, Emission Forecasting, Technology forecasting, Mentoring, IP strategy, Recruitment Interviews, Collaborations (mapping internal technologies/expertise with industry requirements, identifying intersections and secure funding).


  • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering(IC Engines), IIT Madras, Chennai, India
  • M.S in Mechanical Engineering(IC Engines), IIT Madras, Chennai, India
  • B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, AP, India


  • Sept’20- August-2023: Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MU, Hyderabad, India
  • July’19 – till date: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MU, Hyderabad, India
  • Mar’15 – to June’19: Principal Engineer, Thermo-Sciences lab, GE Global Research Centre, Bangalore, India
  • Dec’07 – Feb’15: Senior Engineer, Chemical and Kinetics Lab, GE Global research Centre, Bangalore India
  • Feb’04 – Nov’07: Lead engineer, Applied Combustion Lab, GE Global Research Centre, Bangalore, India
  • April’01 – Jan’04: Mechanical Engineer, Engine Analysis and Prognostics lab, GE Global Research Centre, Bangalore, India
  • Feb ’99 – Mar’01: Section Engineer, R&D, Mahindra & Mahindra, Farm Equipment sector, Mumbai, India
  • July 98 – Jan’99: Senior Project Officer, USA DOE Project, IC Engines Lab, IIT Madras, Chennai
Key Contribution
  • Established collaboration with external partners.
  • Identified performance improvement opportunities due to new technologies eg Additive manufacturing and Data Analytics to deliver SFC and emissions benefits in Diesel engines.
  • Optimized bowl geometry to provide SFC gain, using data Analytics model trained using Latin hyper cube DOE CFD data. The global optima derived from this is validated by CFD.
  • Analytics for field data: Wind profile characterization and profiling based on wind turbine measured parameters: Identified parameters of importance, used different classification and regression-based models, comparison and recommendation on model applicability.
  • Recommended injector specification using Spray-bowl matching tool, reducing modelling and testing time by 10x.
  • Enabled understanding of dual fuel combustion thro’ development and use of Multi-zone phenomenological model for premixed and dual fuel flame propagation.
  • Leader Reciprocating Engines Centre of Excellence (COE): Led team of 5 for 3 years during which laid out IP strategy, roadmap, training requirements of team, ensured technical deliverables and securing funding for team.
  • GE Six sigma Black Belt role: Guided and mentored 13 Green belt trainees for certification and ensured full certification of team for 4 years.
  • Provided technical oversight and enabled team to secure funding to evaluate enhanced cooling concepts for Locomotive Radiators.
  • Reciprocating Engine CFD data postprocess automation reducing time by 1/10th with low errors.
  • Established best practices for CFD modeling of reciprocating engine combustion using KIVA and ConvergeCFD. Established engine CFD data postprocess methodology and automation of the same.
  • Used CFD KIVA and GT Power System level model to optimize spray and bowl for a medium speed multi-cylinder turbocharged and inter-cooled diesel engine.
  • Contributor to “NOx Control Technologies for Automotive Vehicles” A Report Prepared for CAR Panel on Automotive Engines, Pramod Mehta et al, March 2011.
  • Explored options for increasing tractor engine power through Thermodynamic analysis.
  • Analyzed causes for high lub oil consumption in tractor engines.
  • Analysis of tractor engine production cylinder head port swirl coefficients to find root cause of higher emission.
  • Developed a multi-zone phenomenological model for engine Combustion and emission (Soot and NO) prediction for Direct Injection Diesel Engine as part of Doctoral Program at IIT CHENNAI, 2000.
  • Characterized the influence of vegetable oils and their esters on combustion and emissions in a low heat rejection diesel engine as part of Master of Science Program at IIT CHENNAI, 1993.
  • Established collaboration with IIT Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Industries.
Guidance and Mentoring
  • Academics (2019-21)
  • Thermodynamics (B. Tech 1st year)
  • Alternative Energy Sources (B. Tech 3rd & 4th year)
  • Introduction to IC Engines (B. Tech, 4th year)
  • Industry upskill training (Dec 2021)
  • Basics of Electric Vehicles: Fuel cell vehicles
  • 2015-16: GE FastWorks (Lean Startup) Trainer for GE leaders.
  • 2011-12: Design for Six Sigma “Conceptual Design Analysis” for GE Green Belt & Black belt trainees.
  • 2003-2010: “Thermodynamic power systems” for GE Edison engineering development program (EEDP). Thermodynamic (TD) Laws, Power cycles, Application of thermodynamic laws, Cycle analysis & costing, Assignment framing and evaluation
  • 2005-2006: Framed course content and delivered lectures on “CFD Modeling for IC Engine” for MTech Automotive Engine Technology batch, IIT Chennai: Course Content: Importance of modeling and simulation, Parameter of importance, Modeling approaches, Model validation and sensitivity study, Models and Experiments, Modeling strategies, Model limitations, Modeling new technologies and challenges.
Invited Talks
  • 2020 July, “Electric Vehicles: Emissions & Thermal Management”, EFDP – Sustainable Mobility in Indian Context
  • 2019 Dec, “Modeling and Development of Combustion Technology for Reciprocating Engines”, Mahindra Technical Academy (MTA), MRV, Chennai
  • 2019 Nov 25th, “Impact of Energy Source on Electric Emission Vehicles” and “Fuel Economy Improvements in IC Engines to meet future Regulations” from 10.00 to 1.15 pm on 25-11-2019 (Monday), part of Two weeks Refresher Course on “Advances in Thermal Engineering” from 18-30 Nov’19, JNTUH
  • 2018 Aug 13, IIT Palakkad, “Life as a Professional”, New Joinee orientation lecture
  • 2017 Aug 13, IIT Palakkad, “CFD modelling for engines
  • 2017 Aug 14, IIT Palakkad, Industry-Institute interaction panel discussion
  • 2016 Aug 31, IIT Madras, Indo-Japan Expert meet, Talk on “GE Reciprocating Engines- Products, Trends and Challenges
  • 2015 Aug 14, IIT Hyderabad, “Simulation of IC Engine: Application and Trends
  • 2013 April 11, SVCE Bangalore, “Simulation of IC engine Applications
Guidance and Mentoring
  • Ph.D Supervision : 1 Co-guide : Ongoing
  • UG projects: 4
  • Interns: 6
  • Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Green Belt certifications: 13
  • 2020-2023 Head of Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Responsibilities: Co-ordinate BoS meetings for BTech (Mechanical & Mechatronics) and MTech (Computational Mechanics, Robotics, Systems Engineering) programs, New Lab development, CapEx/OpEx budgeting, Champion & highlight department achievements thro’ regular 6-months department highlights, PG co-ordinator for MTech & Ph.Ds, Co-ordinate department documentation for NBA and NIRF certifications, Faculty recruitment, faculty yearly evaluation & feedback
Courses taught
  • ME 1101: Thermodynamics
  • ME 4056: Alternate Energy Sources
  • ME 4058: Introduction to IC Engines
  • ME 4060: Introduction to Systems Engineering
  • SE 5101: Systems Engineering
  • SE 5206: Renewable Energy sources
Research & Publications

Journal article

  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, Development of Electro-Thermal Model for Prismatic Lithium-ion Cell Subjected to Electric Vehicle Drive Cycle Using Converging Fluid Channel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 199 (2024) 108935,
  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Kumar Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, Development of electro-thermal model for air cooling study of electric vehicle lithium-ion battery module operating in Indian conditions and drive cycle, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 240, 2024, 122233, ISSN 1359-4311,
  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, “Phase change material properties identification for the design of efficient thermal management system for cylindrical lithium-ion battery module”, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol 99 (2024) 113241,
  • Bhaskar T, “Design Space for Pre-chamber Gasoline Engines Modeling”, Book Title: Modelling Gasoline Combustion, Editors P.A. Lakshminarayanan, JM Mallikarjuna, Haiwen Ge, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Springer-Nature and ISEES Kanpur, 2024.
  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Kumar Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, Design of novel thermal management system for Li-ion battery module using metal matrix based passive cooling method, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 73, Part C, 2023, 109119, ISSN 2352-152X,
  • Napa, Nagaraju; Agrawal, Manish Kumar; Tamma, Bhaskar; Design of an Air-Based Thermal Management and Predictions of Thermal Characteristics of Lithium-Ion Cell Using 1D Numerical Model, 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Bhubaneswar, India, 6-Jan 2023, https://doi:10.1109/SeFeT57834.2023.10244838
  • Pushkar, K; Napa, Nagaraju; Madichetty, Sreedhar; Agrawal, Manish Kumar; Tamma, Bhaskar; Thermal Analysis of Lithium Ion Battery Pack with Different Cooling Media 2022 SAE Technical Paper (No. 2022-28-0043)DOI:
  • Bhaskar Tamma, Shankar Venugopal “Designing a course on Cutting Edge Mobility Technology”, article on Mobility Engineer 2030, SAE Mobility Magazine, Pgs 19-26, Vol: 8 Issue: 3, July – September 2021
  • Napa, Nagaraju; Agrawal, Manish; Tamma, Bhaskar; Bendaram, Anirudh Reddy; Heat Transfer Characteristics of electrochemical cell− A numerical study, Proceedings of the 26thNational and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference December 17-20, 2021, IIT Madras, Chennai-600036, Tamil Nadu, India 2021, pg. 1259-1265, Begel House Inc.DOI: 10.1615/IHMTC-2021.1900
  • Sreenivasa Rao Gubba, Bhaskar Tamma, Pejman Kazempoor, Thomas J Hurley, Mark A Patterson and Grant Hartman, “A novel air management system for a large bore two-stroke naturally aspirated gas engine to reduce emissions”, International Jl of Engine Research, Volume 22, issue 2, page(s): 364-374, 2021
  • Reddy Gade, V., Seth, D., Agrawal, M.K., Tamma, B. (2021). Development of Autonomous UVC Disinfectant Robot. In: Duffy, V.G. (eds) Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. AI, Product and Service. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (), vol 12778. Springer, Cham.
  • S. S. Samavedam, A. R. Bandaram, M. K. Agrawal and B. Tamma, “Multizone Modelling of Heat Transfer Characteristics of an Electrochemical Cell Pack,” 2021 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), New Delhi, India, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ITEC-India53713.2021.9932491
  • Rhutwik Pohekar, Bhaskar T, Pramod S Mehta, Gubba SR, “Multi-zone phenomenological modelling of Pilot ignited Dual-Fuel Diesel engine”, SAE 2020-01-5065, 2020.
  • Ravichandra JS, Finney CEA, Primus R, Wijeyakulasuriya S, Klingbeil AE, Bhaskar T, “Application of High-Performance Computing for Simulating Cycle-to-Cycle Variation in Dual-Fuel Combustion Engines” SAE 2016-01-0798, 2016, ISSN 01487191
  • Vishwajith Bhat, Bhaskar T, “Development of Multi-Zone Phenomenological model for SI Engine” SAE world Congress, SAE 2014-01-1068, 2014, ISSN 01487191
  • Pramod S Mehta and Bhaskar T., “Effect of Swirl and Fuel Injection Characteristics on Premixed Phase of Diesel Combustion”, SAE International Congress and Exposition, Paper Number 980534, Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, February 23-26, 1998, Also SP-1326, “In-cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control”, pp 201-206,, ISSN 01487191
  • Pramod S Mehta, Debesh Lahiri and Bhaskar T, “Evaluation of Role of Premixed Combustion on Diesel Engine Combustion and Emission Characteristics”, Symposium on International Automotive Technology (SIAT’ 96), SAE 962482, ARAI, Pune India, December 5-7, 1996,, ISSN 01487191

International Conference: 23

  • Sruthi Kalivendi, Bharghavi Gorthi, Nagaraju Napa, Manish Kumar Agrawal and Bhaskar Tamma, Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, ICFTES2024, Paper ID: 102, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems, June 6-8, 2024, NIT Calicut, Kerala, India
  • Manoj Kumar Desu, Nagaraju Napa, Abhishek M, Manish Kumar Agrawal and Bhaskar Tamma, Analysis of Air based Thermal Management System for Lithium-ion Battery Pack, ICFTES2024, Paper ID: 101, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems, June 6-8, 2024, NIT Calicut, Kerala, India (Best paper award)
  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, “Thermal management of battery pack by employing NC, FC and immersion cooling” 27th National and 5th International ISHMT – ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference – 2023, IIT Patna
  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, “Design of an Air-Based Thermal Management and Predictions of Thermal Characteristics of Lithium-ion Cell Using 1D Numerical Model”, IEEE 3rd Intl Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (IEEE SeFeT 2023), Siksha Anusandhan, Bhubaneshwar,
  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, Converging Fluid Channel Design to Improve Thermal Performance of Prismatic Lithium-ion Cell (2023), IEEE 1st International conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Power Electronics, and Electric Vehicles (ICPEEV 2023), Mahindra University, Hyderabad, India
  • Pushkar K, Nagaraju Napa, Sreedhar M, Manish Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma,” Thermal Analysis of Lithium Ion Battery Pack with Different Cooling Media, SAE paper number 2022-28-0043, 10TH SAE India International Mobility Conference, SIIMC2022, 12-14 October 2022, Bangalore India.
  • Nagaraju Napa, Manish Agrawal and Bhaskar Tamma “Heat transfer characteristics of electrochemical cell – A numerical study”, Number 308, IHMTC-2021 (26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC 2021)
  • Srikar Srivatsa Samavedam, Anirudh Reddy Bendaram, Manish K Agrawal, Bhaskar Tamma, “Multi-Zone Modelling of Heat Transfer Characteristics Of An Electrochemical Cell Pack”, IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference – India 2021, ITEC India 2021.
  • Reddy Gade V., Seth D., Agrawal M.K., Tamma B. (2021) Development of Autonomous UVC Disinfectant Robot. In: Duffy V.G. (eds) Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. AI, Product and Service. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12778. Springer, Cham.
  • Adam K, Nick M, Ravichandra JS, Shalaby M, Bhaskar T, Primus R, “Evaluation of Machine Learning for Piston Bowl Design” Paper 312, CIMAC conference, Vancouver, June 10-14, 2019
  • Sandeep Dhar, Bhaskar T, Aditya Bhakta and Murali Krishna, “An approach towards reed valve geometry design”, 24rd IIR Intl congress of refrigeration, Purdue, 2014, Paper 1144
  • Parag Mantri, Bhavesh Kachhia, Bhaskar T, Aditya Bhakta, “Friction Model Development for a reciprocating compressor” 24th IIR Intl congress of refrigeration, Purdue, 2014, Paper 1151
  • Aditya Bhakta, Parag Mantri, Bhaskar T, “An Improved Analytical Model for Efficiency Estimation in Design Optimization Studies of a Refrigerator Compressor”, 24rd IIR Intl congress of refrigeration, Purdue, 2014, Paper 1152
  • Vamshidhar D, Venkatesham B, Bhaskar T, Kunal S, Subhrajit D, Shruti A, Vishal G P “Muffler design for a refrigerator compressor”, 24rd IIR Intl congress of refrigeration, Purdue, 2014, paper 1146
  • Xiaoting Dong, Francesco Papini, Bhaskar T, “Dynamic analysis tool for the design of tubular linear permanent magnet machines”, IEEE paper, 9th International multi-conference on systems, signal and devices, 2012, pp1-5
  • Chetan T and Bhaskar T, “Ejector Analysis for Domestic Refrigerator”, 23rd IIR Intl congress of refrigeration, Aug 21-26, 2011, Prague, paper 906Bhaskar T, Sherif Mohamed, Srinivas M, Subhrajit D, “Hermetic Compressor System Level Modeling: Integrated Approach” 23rd IIR Intl congress of refrigeration, Aug 21-26, 2011, Prague, Paper 874
  • Krishna L, Satyanarayana S, Bhaskar T, “Experimental characterization of diesel spray from high pressure injector”, 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion conference, Hyderabad, India, 2010
  • Manoj G, Bhaskar T, Primus RJ, John B, “SFC Benefit with Split Injection In Two-Stroke Diesel Engine” Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2009 Spring Technical Conference, ICES2009, May 3-6, 2009, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
  • Anuradha G, Manoj G, Subhrajit D, Bhaskar T, Ankit S, “Cooling Enhancement of Radiators Using Dimples and Delta Winglets” Proceedings of HT2009, 2009 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 19-23, 2009, San Francisco, California USA, HT2009-88110
  • Doug G, Shawn G, Primus RJ and Bhaskar T, “Investigation of Injection pressure effects on Medium speed diesel engine Emissions”, Paper Number ICEF2003-727, ASME 2003 Fall Conference on IC Engine, September 7-10, 2003, pp 195-200Manoj G, Bhaskar T and Primus RJ, “Integration of System and Detailed CFD Models for IC Engine Applications”, Paper Number ICEF2003-748, ASME 2003 Fall Conference on IC Engine, September 7-10, 2003, pp 237-244
  • Bhaskar T, Alvarez JC, Simon AJ, “Water Addition in Diesel Engine Intake for NOx Reduction: Comparison of Modeling and Experiments” Paper Number ICEF2003-749, ASME 2003 Fall Conference on IC Engine, September 7-10, 2003, pp 245-250
  • Pramod S. Mehta and Bhaskar T, “Prediction of Combustion and In-cylinder Emissions in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Multi-Process Models”, Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines (COMODIA), Japan 2001
  • Bhaskar T and Pramod S Mehta, “A Multi-Zone Diesel Combustion Model Using Eddy Dissipation Concept”, Proceedings Fourth International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines (COMODIA), Tokyo, July 20 -23, 1998, pp 135-140
  • Bhaskar T and Pramod S Mehta, “Prediction of Turbulence in a Motored DI Diesel Engine Using a Quasi-Dimensional k-? Model” Proceedings ASME 1997 Spring Engine Technology Conference, Advanced Engine Simulation, Vol 1, April 27-30, 1997, Fort Collins, CO, USA, pp 45-50
  • Bhaskar T, Nagalingam B. and Gopalakrishnan K.V., “The Effect of Two Ignition Improvers on the Performance of Jatropha Oil in a Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine”, Proceedings 4th International Conference on Small Engines and their Fuels, Thailand, September 21-24, 1993, pp 14-19
  • Bhaskar T, Nagalingam B and Gopalakrishnan K.V., “The Use of Vegetable Oil Esters and Its Blends with Alcohol in a Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine”, Proceedings 26th ISATA Conference, Aachen, Germany, September 1993.
  • Bhaskar T, Ramesh Babu P., Nagalingam B. and Gopalakrishnan K.V., “Use of Different Pilot Fuels for Methanol Inducted Dual Fuel Operation in a Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine”, Proceedings X International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels, Colorado Springs, USA, November 1993, pp 1010-1019

National Conference: 7

  • Ravichandra JS, Bhaskar T, Shyam Sundar P, Obulesu C, “Dual fuel combustion CFD”, GE India MCAT Conference, Dec 11-12, 2014, JFWTC, Bangalore
  • Bhaskar T. and Pramod S Mehta, “A Multi-Process Soot Model for Multi-Zone Spray Combustion Model”, Proceedings XVI National Conference on I.C. Engine and Combustion, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, January 20-22, 2000
  • Bhaskar T. and Pramod S Mehta, “Premixed Phase Combustion in Direct Injection Diesel Engine” Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Automobile Engineering, MIT Chennai, December 16-18, 1998
  • Bhaskar T. and Pramod S Mehta, “Quasi-Dimensional Approach to Turbulence Prediction in Diesel Engine” Proceedings XV National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion, Chennai, December 17-19, 1997, pp 485-490
  • Bhaskar T. and Pramod S Mehta, “A Critical Appraisal of Soot Modelling Approaches for Diesel Engine”, Proceedings XIV National Conference on I.C. Engine and Combustion, IAT Pune, December 8-10, 1995, 137-143
  • Bhaskar T., Nagalingam B. and Gopalakrishnan K.V., “The Use of Vegetable oil Ester in a Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine”, Proceedings of Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers Conference, IIT, Delhi, March 1993.
  • Bhaskar T., Nagalingam B. and Gopalakrishnan K.V., “The Use of Jatropha Oil and its Blends with Diesel in a Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine”, Proceedings XII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, IIP, Dehradun, September 1992, pp 73-79

Technical Article in Magazines

  • “Designing a course on Cutting Edge Mobility Technology”, Shankar Venugopal, Bhaskar Tamma, SAE Mobility Engineering (English Quarterly), Vol 8, Issue 3, July-Sept 2021
  • Engine Friction Reduction – Latest Trends – Newsletter, R&D, M&M, Jan 2001
  • Vegetable oils for Diesel Engines – Newsletter, R&D, M&M, Nov 2000 Technologies for Future Heavy-Duty Engine – Newsletter, R&D, M&M, Dec 2000
  • Low Sulphur Diesel, DEPTH: Annual Magazine of the Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA), IIT Madras, 1996, pp 21-23

Patents: 19

  • Gubba S, Bhaskar T, Victor M S, Adam E K, Thomas M L, Roy J P, John Dowell, Kevin Bailey, Kevin Mcelhaney, “Engine mixing structures”, Filed Application US Patent App. 16/800,992, 2020
  • Primus Roy James, Klingbeil Adam Edgar, Bhagoji Dattatraya Somnath, Mcelhaney Kevin Scott, Tamma Bhaskar, Jupudi Ravichandra Srinivasa, Bailey Kevin Paul, Piston Crown for A Combustion System and An Associated Method Thereof, Pub number US2021025351A1, App no. 17/071,721, Filed 2020-10-15. continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/252,641
  • Primus Roy James, Klingbeil Adam Edgar, Bhagoji Dattatraya Somnath, Mcelhaney Kevin Scott, Tamma Bhaskar, Jupudi Ravichandra Srinivasa, Bailey Kevin Paul, Piston Crown For A Combustion System And An Associated Method Thereof, Filed 20-Jan-2019, App no., 16/252,641, US2020232416A1, Grant number US10837401B2
  • Klingbeil Adam E, Lavertu Thomas M, Gubba Sreenivasa Rao, Salazar Victor, McElhaney Kevin S, Dowell John Patrick (Jack), Primus Roy J, B Tamma, Bailey Kevin P “Engine Mixing structures”,U.S. patent number 11,008,932 [Application Number 16/059,730]
  • continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/059730, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/616,702, filed 12 Jan. 2018, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/623,194, filed 29 Jan 2018,
  • Srinivasan Bala P, Bhattacharya Prajina, Savio Sebastian Kathayanatt, Angadi Shruti, K Anand, Dey Subhrajit, B Tamma, “Friction reduction in linear compressor by surface texturing”, 2014
  • A Bhakta, B Tamma, “Compressor “, USA patent office, US 9,932,975, Filed 2015
  • SS Kathayanatt, S Dey, B Tamma, A Bhakta, S Dhar, P Mantri, “Linear oscillation system having a suspension system and a method for assembling the same”, USA patent office, US Patent 9,752,809, Filed 2015
  • George Sheri, B Tamma, Prabhu Rahul (Rahul), “System and Methods for Power Assembly diagnostics”, Filed 2012
  • SO Soni, B Tamma, CE Seeley,” System and method for compression of fluids”, US Patent App. 2013/0133347 A1, Filed 2012
  • PR Subramaniam, B Venkatesham, CS Tulapurkar, RG Devi, H Mistry, B Tamma, Mallampalli Srinivas “Compact discharge device for the refrigeration compressor of an appliance”, US Patent App. 2012/0279245, Filed 2011
  • Gallagher Shawn M, Primus Roy J, B Tamma, Topinka Jennifer A, Mischler J Robert (Robert), Boddu Rajani,” System and Method for Controlling the Fuel Injection Event in an Internal Combustion Engine”, USA patent office, US 8,527,183 B2, Filed 2009
  • B Tamma, K Liu,” Combustion method, system, and article”, USA Patent office, US 8,006,653, Filed 2008
  • MP Gokhale, B Tamma, CKR Boyapati, “Locomotive Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation System and Method”, US Patent Office, US 2009/0249783 A1, Filed 2008
  • WD Glenn, RJ Primus, B Tamma, M Vanetta, “Diesel combustion system with re-entrant piston bowl”, USA Patent office, US 7,431,012, Filed 2007
  • SM Gallagher, R Primus, B Tamma, J Topinka, “System and method for controlling the fuel injection event in an internal combustion engine”, US 7,630,823, 2007
  • B Tamma, Jennifer Topinka, Roy J Primus, Richard John McGowan, “System and method of operating a turbo-charged Engine”, USA Patent office, US 7,360,522 B, Filed 2006
  • B Tamma, MK Cueman, RJ Primus, “System and method for operating a turbo-charged engine”, USA Patent office, US 7,296,555, Filed 2005
  • SS Soliman, RJ Primus, B Tamma, JL Male, AH Furman, JC Alvarez,” Method and system for emission control of a compression ignition locomotive engine”, USA patent office, US 8,266,891, Filed 2004
In Progress
  • Bhaskar T, Krishna L, Satyanarayana S, “Experimental Measurement and CFD validation of Spray and wall Impingement model for large bore Medium Speed Diesel Engines”, SAE Technical paper, (Communicated)
Invited talks
  • 2020 July 29: “Electric Vehicles: Emissions & Thermal Management” Bhaskar Tamma and Manish Agrawal, EFDP – Sustainable Mobility in Indian Context, Organized by VNR VJIET Hyderabad
  • 2019 Nov 25: “Impact of Energy Source on Electric Emission Vehicles” Organized by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, JNTUH, two weeks Refresher Course on “Advances in Thermal Engineering” from 18-11-2019 to 30-11-2019
  • 2019 Nov 25:”Fuel Economy Improvements in IC Engines to meet future Regulations” Organized by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, JNTUH, two weeks Refresher Course on “Advances in Thermal Engineering” from 18-11-2019 to 30-11-2019

Workshops conducted/ attended

  • Conducted One-day Workshop on “Model Based Systems Engineering” at Mahindra University, May 13th, 2023
  • Co-organizer of One-day Workshop on “Battery thermal Management” at Mahindra University, Feb 03, 2024

Webinars on Mechanical UG and Mechatronics UG programs

  • Sept 15’21 Webinar on Mechanical & Mechatronics :
  • Mar 7’21 Webinar on Mechatronics:

Linkedin posts

  • Battery thermal management
  • Technologies: Advanced fuel injection, Alternate fuels, Multi-mode combustion
  • Performance and Emission improvement of IC engines
  • Modelling 3D CFD (KIVA and ConvergeCFD), Phenomenological multi-zone modelling for Diesel sprays & SI flames
  • Refrigerator Linear compressor development


  • GE Global Research awards: 28 (7 Silver Awards, 18 Bronze awards, 4 publication and patent awards)
  • Certifications:
    • GE Analytics Engineer
    • GE FastWorks
    • GE Black Belt Design for Six Sigma-DFSS
    • TRIZ Level 2
  • Member: SAE, Combustion InstituteTechnologies: Advanced fuel injection, Alternate fuels, Multi-mode combustion, Refrigerator Linear compressor
  • Reviewer for SAE, ASME, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering


Ph.D : 1 completed, 1 ongoing

  1. Nagaraju Napa, “Investigation of Lithium-ion Battery Module Thermal Management and its Impact on Ageing”, May 2024. Currently working at Ola Battery Innovation Center, Bengaluru


  1. MU Student startup EXtrive Innovations