Binay Kumar Pathak
Assistant Professor
Dr. Binay Kumar Pathak is Assistant Professor in Economics and Education at the Indira Mahindra School of Education (IMSE). He has been engaged in teaching and research for more than a decade. This includes stints as a researcher at reputed think-tanks and as an academic in university system. Dr. Pathak’s research interests revolve around issues of human security and development, Economics of Information, education policy, choice and decision making in education, financing and governance in education, higher education, Economics of Knowledge and research ecosystems.
- PhD (2018): Economics of Education, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies (ZHCES), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
Title of the thesis: – “Information Processing, Decision making and Choice in Higher Education: A Study of select institutions”
- M.Phil. (2009): Educational Studies (Major in Economics of Education), ZHCES, JNU, New Delhi.
Title of the dissertation: – “Information Asymmetry in Higher Education Market: A Case Study of two Engineering Colleges in West Bengal”
- M.A. (2006): Economics (specialization in Quantitative Economics), Department of Economics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- B.Sc. (2004): Honours in Economics, Bidhan Chandra College, Asansol; University of Burdwan, West Bengal.
- Assistant Professor in Economics and Education at the Indira Mahindra School of Education (IMSE) from 27th February 2023.
- Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Ram Nirikshan Atma Ram (R.N.A.R.) College, Samastipur (a constituent unit of Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga) from 25th August 2017 to 25th February 2023.
- Visiting Faculty at the Department of Civics and Politics, Mumbai University. Taught (online mode) a course on Economics for Public Policy for M.A. (Public Policy) programme (March-May 2021).
- Guest Faculty at the Centre for Canadian, U.S. and Latin American Studies, School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi. Taught Statistics as part of Research Methodology Course for M.Phil./PhD (Winter Semester of 2014-15 to 2016-17 sessions).
Administrative Experience:
- Member of various committees at R.N.A.R. College, Samastipur: Admission and Discipline (2018-2021), Time-Table and Vision 2030 (2018-2023), and IQAC (2019-2023).
- Executive Magistrate, Static Surveillance Team (SST), Mohiuddin Nagar Legislative constituency for the General Election (Bihar Legislative Assembly) 2020 (September-November 2020)
- Computer Based Test (CBT) Observer for the University Entrance Examination-2020 of Banaras Hindu University at Samastipur, Bihar.
- Counting Supervisor during the Bye Election for the Samastipur Lok Sabha constituency in 2019.
- Executive Magistrate, SST, Ujiyarpur Lok Sabha constituency for the General Election 2019 (March-April 2019).
- Head, Department of Economics at R.N.A.R. College, Samastipur from August 2017 to February 2023.
- Deshkal Society, New Delhi for a project sponsored by the UNESCO and the Government of Bihar on- “Social Diversity and Learning Achievement: The Status of Primary Education in Rural Bihar” during July-October 2014.
- India Development Foundation (IDF), Gurugram for a project sponsored by the (erstwhile) Planning Commission, Government of India on- “Poverty Mapping using Small Area Estimation method” during February-May 2010.
- Research and Development Initiative (RDI) Pvt. Ltd. on a gtz sponsored project-“Impact Assessment of Project: Economic development through E-Governance in India” during July 2009-Januray 2010.
- Member (Associate Editor), Editorial Board, SN Social Sciences (Springer Nature group) from September 2021.
Professional Academic Bodies:
- Member, Executive Committee, Comparative Education Society of India (CESI), a professional body of researchers of educational studies in India from January 2023.
- Co-Convenor, Research Interest Group (RIG) for Economics of Education at the Comparative Education Society of India (CESI) from December 2019.
Papers in Journals:
- Pathak B.K. (2022): “Economic Realities of Virtual Higher Education in a post-pandemic India”, Shiksha Vimarsha, A Special Issue on Digital Technologies and Education, September-December 2022, pp-35-44.
- Pathak B.K., Aishna Sharma and Saumen Chattopadhyay (2015): “Sanitation Practices and Policies in India: Exploring Determinants and their Interlinkages”, South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.5, Issue.6, pp-197-204.
- Pathak B.K. (2014): “Critical look at the Narayana Murthy Recommendations on Higher Education”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLIX, No. 3, pp-72-74.
- Pathak B.K. (2013): “Information Processing and Virtual faces of Higher Education Institutions: a study of select Indian Institutions”, Assam Economic Journal, Vol. XXV, pp-1-28.
- Sharma, Aishna, Vanessa Chishti and Binay K. Pathak (2021) “Teachers and Students as Political Actors in Indian Higher Education” In Chattopadhyay, Saumen, Simon Marginson, and N.V. Varghese (Eds) Changing Higher Education in India, Bloomsbury Publishing plc, London.
- Pathak, B.K. and Saumen Chattopadhyay (2017): “Actors and Processes of Social Science Research Environment: Unraveling the Interconnections”, In Chakravarty, K.K., Saumen Chattopadhyay, and N.P. Chaubey (Eds.) Emerging Interfaces of Social Science and Public Policy in India, Indian Academy of Social Sciences, Allahabad.
- Pathak, B.K. (2017): “Cost and Pricing of Higher Education: Emerging concerns for equity and affordability”, In Kumar S. and Fahimuddin (Eds.) Emerging Challenges of Globalization and Development. Rawat Publications, New Delhi.
- Carpentier, Vincent, Saumen Chattopadhyay and Binay K. Pathak (2011): “Globalisation, Funding and Access to Higher Education: Perspectives from India and the UK”, In Lall, Marie. and Geetha B. Nambissan. (Eds.). Education and Social Justice in the Era of Globalisation: Perspectives from India and the UK, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London/New Delhi.
- Pathak, B.K. (2022): Economic Implications of MOOCs in Higher Education: An Indian perspective | World Economics Association WEA Commentaries, 12(1), 7-9.
- Pathak, B. K. (2021): Public-Private Partnerships and its Implications on Security - NIICE NEPAL published on 8th February 2021.
- Team Member of a project sponsored by the British Council of India on “Changing Higher Education in India” with researchers from leading institutions in India and co-ordinated by CGHE, UCL-Institute of Education, London during 2017-18.
- Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) of a project sponsored by the Global Development Network on- “Doing Research- Assessing the Environment for Social Science Research in India and Bangladesh”, (with Saumen Chattopadhyay, PI from JNU, India and Tawheed Reza Noor, Co-PI from Unnayan Bhabna, Bangladesh) from 2nd January 2015 to 30th April 2016. The project report is available from http://www.gdn.int/sites/default/files/Doing%20Research%20in%20India%20-%20Final%20Report.pdf
- Research Associate (faculty position) with Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi (presently Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses) for a project sponsored by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) on- “Strategic Trends 2050” from 19th August 2011 to 31st October 2012.Working Papers authored for the Project:
- Demographics and Security: Trends and Drivers
- Water Security: Trends and Drivers
- Food Security: Trends and Drivers
- Globalisation-Economic and Financial: Trends and Drivers
- Research Associate with Centre for WTO Studies (Centre for Research in International Trade), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi from 1st June 2010 to 18th August 2011. Worked on the following projects related to copyrights-
- Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India sponsored project- “Copyrights and Related rights of Broadcasting Industry in India”.
- IIFT project- “Extent of Copyright piracy in India”.
- Project Associate with ZHCES, JNU, New Delhi for a major research project sponsored by the University Grants Commission on- “An Analysis of Changing Patterns of Financing of Higher Education in India: Implications for Policy” from 7th February 2008 to 31st December 2009.
- Team Member (as a research scholar at ZHCES, JNU) of a research collaboration between UCL- Institute of Education (then with the University of London) and JNU, New Delhi for UK-India Education project during 2007-2008.
- Research Associate with Research and Development Initiative (RDI) Pvt. Ltd. on a Ministry of IT sponsored project- “Summary assessment of E-governance projects in Rajasthan” during May-November 2007.