Bipin Singh
Assistant Professor
Bipin finished his Ph.D. in Bioinformatics from IIIT-Hyderabad. During his Ph.D., he worked on elucidating the molecular mechanisms of mutation-induced thermostability in industrially important bacterial lipases through molecular simulations. His broad area of specialization is computational drug discovery and structural bioinformatics. He received a highly competitive GPU hardware grant from NVIDIA corporation, USA in 2017 for his research work. He was also part of the project team winning the consolation prize in the highly competitive National Drug Discovery Hackathon for COVID-19 launched by MHRD and Govt. of India in 2020. He is currently working on elucidating the molecular basis of the activity of bioactive peptides for infectious and neglected tropical diseases, along with his team of Ph.D. research scholars and external collaborators.
Ph.D. Bioinformatics (2009-2017) IIIT-Hyderabad, Telangana
M.Sc. Bioinformatics (2006-2008) University of Allahabad, U.P.
B.Sc. Chemistry, Botany, Zoology (2003-2006) University of Allahabad, U.P.
Assistant Professor (06/2023 – Present) Centre for Life Sciences Mahindra University, Hyderabad, Telangana
Assistant Professor (10/2021 – 06/2023) Department of Biotechnology Bennett University, Greater Noida, U.P.
Assistant Professor (08/2017 – 10/2021) Department of Applied Sciences
BML Munjal University, Gurugram, Haryana
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bipin-Singh-11
Journal Publications
- Nemati, M., Singh, B., Mir, R.A. et al. (2022) Plant-derived extracellular vesicles: a novel nanomedicine approach with advantages and challenges. Cell Commun Signal 20(1), 1-16.
- Maitra, A., & Singh, B. (2022). Interpreting force response patterns of a mechanically driven crystallographic phase transition. Phys Rev Mater, 6(4), 043404.
- Singh, B., & Barman, S. (2022). Rapid and precise discrimination between pure and adulterated commercial Indian Honey brands using FTIR spectroscopy and principal component analysis. Current Nutrition & Food Science, 18 (9), 780-784.
- Farhi, A., and Singh, B. (2016). Calculation of molecular free energies in classical potentials. N. J. Phys., 18 023039.
- Farhi, A., and Singh, B. (2016). A novel method to calculate relative free energy of solvation and binding of similar molecules. Comp. Phys. Commun., 212, 132–145.
- Singh, B., Bulusu, G., and Mitra, A. (2016) Effects of point mutations on the thermostability of B. subtilis lipase: Investigating Nonadditivity. J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des., 30(10), 899-916.
Conference Publications
Book Chapters
- Aditi Sen De: Inspiring Many Lives. Vigyan Vidushi, Vigyan Prasar, DST, GoI.
- Meena Mahajan: Intriguing, Curious but Logical. Vigyan Vidushi, Vigyan Prasar, DST, GoI.
- Computational Drug Discovery
- Computational Protein & Enzyme Engineering
- AI and ML for Bioinformatics
- Biological Networks
- NGS Data Analysis for Targeted Therapy