Dr. Bishnu Pal
Professor & Dean Ecole Centrale School of Engineering & HOD, Physics
Dr. Bishnu Pal is a Physics Professor and Dean of the School of Engineering and Academics at Mahindra University. He had served the then Mahindra École Centrale (MU) right from its beginning in July 2014 till June 2017 as Professor of Physics in the School of Natural Sciences, and then for one year he was a Consulting Professor in Physics during 2017-18 at the Times Group’s Bennett University in Greater Noida. He rejoined MU in July 2018 as Dean Academics. Prior to these he was a Professor of Physics for over 24 years since 1990 at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, during which he served as the Chairperson of the Physics Department (September 2008-December 2011) and Head of the Computer Services Centre (September 2003-August 2006).Dr. Pal has been deeply involved in Guided Wave Optics and Photonics education since its nascent days in the mid-1975s. He played a key role in establishing and running the highly successful interdisciplinary M.Tech and research program on Optoelectronics & Optical Communication and a teaching cum research Laboratory in fiber Optics @ IIT Delhi in early 1980s. A spin-off from this has resulted in commercialization of a Fiber Optics Educational Kit besides several national and internationally sponsored mega research projects. Its alumni hold leadership positions in academia and industries around the world like Facebook, Cisco, IBM, JDSU, OFS, NASA, Tejas Networks, Infinera, Cienna, Delhi Metrorail, mega fiber manufacturer Sterlite Technologies (Aurangabad), AlcaLuc-Nokia (Formrly Bell Labs), etc. Optica (formerly OSA The Optical Society, USA), IEEE Photonics Society (IPS, USA) , and more recently SPIE The International Society for Optics and Photonics (USA), respectively honored him with the global awards namely, Esther Hoffman Beller medal given for ‘outstanding contributions to education in optical science and engineering’ during the centennial year of OSA in 2016, Distinguished Lectureship (DL) for 2005-07 given for ‘delivering lectures at various IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) chapters around the world and is designed to honor excellent speakers who have made technical contributions of high quality and to enhance the technical programs of the IPS chapters’, and SPIE Maria J. Yzuel Educator Award for ‘outstanding contributions to optics education by an SPIE instructor or an educator in the field’. EHB medal citation read ‘You are being recognized for over thirty-five years of guided wave photonics education, including the development of graduate students and continuing education teaching programs and laboratories in optoelectronics and optical communications at IIT-Delhi, inspiring a generation of academic and industrial scientists. SPIE Educator award citation read ‘four decades of sustained contributions in education, outreach, research, technical program committees of global flagship conferences, and editing of four popular publications in guided wave optics and photonics’. Grand old Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Arts (DKNVS, Norway founded in 1760) recognized Professor Pal with Honorary Foreign membership under its Technology Division within the class of Natural Sciences for significant contributions to optical fiber communications. At the invitation of the International Commission of Optics (ICO) he delivered a course of lectures on silicon photonics at the Winter College on Optics in 1998 at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste (Italy).
Dr. Pal has edited several books published by Elsevier/Academic Press, John Wiley, Intech, New Age, and Viva publishers. Select chapters from his books (including ones authored by him) and one of his published research papers in Electronics Letters (IEE) have been reprinted in standard reference books on optical communication. His e-book Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics (2010) published by IntechOpen has seen heavy downloads according to the publisher (over 148,100 to date and his own authored chapter over 9800). He has also contributed over 15 chapters – all by invitation in several books and monographs. He has extensively contributed to sponsored research and industrial consultancy, especially several international collaborative research projects that involved France, UK, USA, and Russia.
His research areas have been Guided Wave Photonics and Optical Communication that broadly encompasses application-specific specialty optical fibers e.g. for dispersion management, large mode area fibers and fibers for DWDM transmission; All-fiber components and devices as branching components for optical communication networks; designs of new generation microstructured optical fibers for supercontinuum light, metro optical networks, and mid-infrared photonics; optical fiber sensors; guided wave components based on silicon photonics; all-fiber THz generation and transmission, and Anderson type localization of light in disordered optical waveguide lattices.
Dr. Pal has worked as a guest scientist (1975-77) at ELAB at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) at Trondheim in Norway as Royal Norwegian CSIR (NTNF) Fellow and later as NTNF Visiting Professor in summer of 1988, CNRS laboratory LPMC at University of Nice in France as Senior Foreign Scientist of CNRS (France) for various periods (2007, 2010), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Boulder Colorado in USA as a Fulbright Scholar (1991), Heriot Watt University Edinburgh in UK as an Erasmus Mundus Scholar in Photonics (2007), City U Hong Kong (2002, 2003) and University of Malay (2012) at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia as Visiting Professor, and at the Fraunhofer Institute fur Physikalische Messtechnik (IPM) at Freiburg in Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (1982-83). He has been a founding member of Int. J. Optoelectronics (Taylor & Francis) and is currently a Member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of the journals: J. Opt. Comm. (Germany), J. Elect. Engg. & Tech. (Korea), Optoelectron. Letts. (Springer), J. Korean Opt. Soc. (Korea), Photonic Sensors (Springer), J of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (Taylor &Francis), and Kiran of the Indian Laser Society.
He has published and reported over 200 research papers and research reviews in peer reviewed international journals and conferences, delivered over 50 plenary/invited talks at international conferences in India and abroad, and has co-authored one each Indian and US patent. Dr. Pal is a Fellow of OSA–The Optical Society (USA), SPIE The International Society for Optics and Photonics (USA), IETE (India), Distinguished Fellow of Optical Society of India (OSI), and Senior Member of IEEE (USA). He has been a recipient of the Prof A. Selvarajan award (2017) at IISc Bangalore for outstanding contributions to Photonics education and research by IEEE Photonics Society Bangalore India chapter on the 1st International Day of Light, Homi Bhabha Award of UGC (India) for excellence in Applied Sciences for 2006, OSI (India) Life Time Achievement award (2010), Prof Y. T Thathachari Prestigious Research Award in Physical Science by Bhramara Trust Mysore for 2010, CEOT 2010 award of IETE (India) for contributions to Optoelectronic Devices in the broadest sense, Om Prakash Bhasin National award for distinguished contributions in Electronics and Information Technology 2013, Khosla National Research award of IIT Roorkee for Lifetime achievements, and was a co-recipient of the First Fiber Optic Person of the Year award in 1997 instituted by Lucent Technology and Voice & Data Magazine in India for significant contributions in all-fiber branching components required in optical fiber networks.
Dr. Pal was a Member of the Board of Directors (2009-2011) of OSA The Optical Society (USA), its International Council (2007-2009), and Long-Term Planning Group for publications (2011-2014). He was President of the Optical Society of India (2012–2015), Associate Vice President of IEEE Photonics Society’s Membership Council (2011-2015), and member of the International Jury for the Galileo Galilei Prize of the International Commission of Optics (2010-2014) and Sang Soo Lee Award jointly awarded by Optical Society of Korea (OSK) and Optica (USA) (2020-22). He has been on the Organizing/Technical Program Committees of over 50 reputed international conferences/workshops, and has guest edited over 10 special topical issues of several international journals.
- Ph.D. (Physics), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) (February 1975)
- M.Sc. (Physics), Jadavpur University, Kolkata (1970)
- B.Sc. (Physics Hons), Jadavpur University, Kolkata (1968)
- *Studied post-high school University education (1965-1975) as a National Science Talent Search Scholar of National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), Govt. of India (1965-75)
2018 – to date
- Professor of Physics and Dean of Engineering and Academics at MU/Mahindra University (2018 – to date)
- Professor of Physics at Bennett University, Greater Noida (2017-18)
- Professor of Physics at MU Hyderabad (2014-2017)
- Professor of Physics at IIT Delhi (1990-2014)
- Assistant Professor of Physics at IIT Delhi (1980-1990)
- SSO-I of Physics at IIT Delhi (1977-80)
Over 120 in international journals (listed below are those published from 2005)
- A. Roy, S. Dey, B. P. Pal, and S. Ghosh, “Suppression of excess noise in a chiral optical mode converter without an encircling exceptional point”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 41(11), 2534-2539 (2024)
- P. Biswas, S. Ghosh, and B. P. PAL, 2021, ‘Spectral response of a short optical pulse in a dispersion oscillating specialty fiber with higher order nonlinearities’, Asian J Phys., vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 21-30; Special issue on Plasma Physics, Optics and Photonics, Energy Studies and Education Management in honor of well-known physicist and educator Prof. M. S. Sodha.
- S. Karmakar, D. Kumar, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and D. Roy Chowdhury, ‘Magnetic wire: transverse magnetism in one-dimensional plasmonic system’, 2021, Opt. Lett. vol. 46 (6), pp. 1365 –1368 https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.414005
- S. Banerjee, C. S. Amith, D. Kumar, G. Damarla, A. K. Chaudhary, S. Goel, B. P. PAL, and D. Roy Chowdhury, 2019, ‘Ultra-thin subwavelength film sensing through the excitation of dark modes in THz metasurfaces’, Opt. Comm. vol. 453 (15th December), p.124366; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2019.124366
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2019, ‘Design of a silicon-on-calcium-fluoride-based ultra-compact and highly efficient polarization splitter for the mid-IR’, Opt. Engg. vol. 58(3), 037102 (9 pages), https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.58.3.037102
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2019, ‘Design of a promising silicon slot waveguide-based ultra-short low loss efficient polarization rotator for the mid-IR’, Optik - International J. for Light and Electro Optics, vol. 180, pp. 71-83.
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2018, ‘Design of a silicon on calcium fluoride-based compact and efficient polarization rotator for mid-IR’, OSA CONTINUUM, vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 1158-1171.
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2018, ‘Design of chip scale silicon rib slot waveguide for sub-ppm detection of N2 O gas at mid-IR band’, Sensors and Actuators B, vol. B255, pp. 3409-3416.
- Maidul Islam, S. Jagan Mohan Rao, Gagan Kumar, B. P. PAL, and Dibakar Roy Chowdhury, 2017, ‘Role of resonance modes on terahertz metamaterials based thin film sensors’, Scientific Reports, vol. 7: 7355 (8 pp) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-07720-9 .
- Biswas, B. P. PAL, A. Biswas, and Somnath Ghosh, 2017, ‘Toward self-similar propagation of optical pulses in a dispersion tailored, nonlinear, and segmented Bragg-Fiber at 2.8 micrometer’, IEEE Photon. J., vol. 9 (4), p. 7104412 (8 pp), DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2017.2731870.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, J. Sanghera, and B. Shaw, 2017, ‘Thermally controlled mid-IR bandgap engineering in all-glass chalcogenide microstructured fibers: A numerical study’, J. Opt. (IOP), vol. 19, 065603 (7 pp).
- Babita Kumari, A. Barh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2016, ‘Silicon-on-Nitride slot waveguide: A promising platform for mid-IR trace gas sensor’, Sensors and Actuators B, vol. B236, pp.759-764.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, G. P. Agrawal, and B. M. A. Rahman, 2016, ‘Design of a polymer-based hollow-core band-gap fiber for low-loss Terahertz transmission’, IEEE Photon Tech Letts., vol. 28, No. 15, August 1, pp. 1703-1706.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, G. P. Agrawal, B. M. A. Rahman, and B. P. PAL, 2015, ‘Plastic fiber design for THz generation through wavelength translation’, Opt. Letts., vol. 40, No. 9, 2107-2110.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2014, ‘A Tapered Chalcogenide Microstructured Optical Fiber for Mid-IR Parabolic Pulse Generation: Design and Performance Study’, IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quant. Electron. (Special issue on Fiber Lasers), vol. 20, 7500507 (7 pages); also, in arXiV:1311.6667.
- Somnath Ghosh, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and H. Ahmad, 2014, ‘Transverse localization of light in 1D disordered waveguide lattices in presence of a photonic bandgap’, Laser Physics (IOP), vol. 24, p. 045001 (8 pages).
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, J. Sanghera, L. B. Shaw, and I. D. Aggarwal, 2014, ‘Mid-IR fiber optic light source around 6 μm through parametric wavelength translation’, Laser Physics (IOP), vol. 24, p. 115401 (7 pages); also, in arXiv: 1405.2493.
- Ajanta Barh, B. M. A. Rahman, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Design and performance study of a compact SOI polarization rotator at 1.55 micrometer’, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Tech., vol. 31, pp. 3687-3693.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Generation of low divergent supercontinuum for mid-IR high power delivery through a large mode area photonic bandgap fiber’, Laser Physics (IOP), vol. 23, pp. 095105 (4 pages); also, arXiV:1208:3315).
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Ultra-large mode area microstructured core chalcogenide fiber design for mid-IR beam delivery’, Opt. Comm., vol. 311, pp. 129-133.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, I. D. Aggarwal, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Design of an efficient mid-IR light source using chalcogenide holey fibers: a numerical study’, J. OPT. (IOP), vol. 15, 035205 (7pp); also arXiv:1205.3283.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘An efficient broad-band mid-wave IR fiber optic light source: Design and performance simulation’, Opt. Exp., vol. 21, pp. 9547-9555.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Anderson localization of light in presence of a weak longitudinal modulation in refractive index in 1D disordered waveguide lattices’, Laser Phys. Letts., vol. 10, 085002 (4 pp); also, arXiv:1210.3168.
- Somnath Ghosh, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and H. Ahmad, 2013, ‘Role of photonic bandgap in transverse localization of light in disordered waveguide lattices’, arXiv: 1204.2620.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2012, ‘Design of an efficient mid-wave IR fiber optic light source’, arXiV:1208:3316.
- Somnath Ghosh, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and G.P. Agrawal, 2012, ‘Transverse localization of light and its dependence on the phase-front curvature of the input-beam in a disordered optical waveguide lattice’, J. Opt. (IOP, UK), vol. 14, pp. 075701- 075705.
- Somnath Ghosh, N. D. Psaila, R. R. Thomson, B.P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and A. K. Kar, 2012, ‘Ultrafast laser inscribed waveguide lattice in glass for direct observation of transverse localization of light’, App. Phys. Lett. vol. 100, 101102 (4 pp); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3691194
- Prerana, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, and B. D. Gupta, 2012, ‘Design, analysis, and realization of a turbidity sensor based on collection of scattered light by a fiber optic probe’, IEEE Sensors vol. 14 (Special Issue on Optical Fiber Sensors), pp. 40-52.
- H. Ahmad, M. Z. Zulkifli, F. D. Muhammad, M. H Jemangin, K. Dimyati, B. P. PAL, and S. W. Harun, 2012, Passively Q-switched 11 channels stable Brillouin erbium-doped fiber laser with graphene as the saturable absorber, IEEE Photonics J. vol. 4, pp. 2050-2056.
- S. J. Beeker, R. R. Thompson, B. P. PAL, and A. K. Kar, 2012, Ultrafast laser inscribed waveguide lattice in glass for direct observation of transverse localization of light Single stage ultrafast laser inscription of an optical waveguide evanescent field sensor, IEEE Sensors J., vol. 12, pp. 1263-1266.
- Somnath Ghosh, S. Dasgupta, F. Poletti, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and D. J. Richardson, 2011, Design of Bragg fiber with ultra-large mode area for mid-infrared applications, Opt. Exp., vol. 19, pp. 21296-21304.
- W. Blanc, V. Mauroy, L. Nguyen, Shivakiran Bhaktha B. N., P. Sebbah, B. P. PAL, and B. Dussardier, 2011, ‘Rare Earth Doped Transparent Glass Ceramic Optical Fibers Prepared by Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition’, J. Am. Ceramic Soc. (Rapid communication) vol. 94, pp. 2315- 2318.
- B. P. PAL, 2011, Commentary on 'Photonics in India', Nature Photonics, vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 440-446.
- Somnath Ghosh, B. P. PAL, and R. K. Varshney, 2011, ‘Role of optical nonlinearity on transverse localization of light in a disordered one-dimensional optical waveguide lattice’, Opt. Comm., vol. 275, pp. 2785-2789.
- Naveen Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2011, ‘Phasor notations based simple analytical method for intuitive designing of wavelength interleaver with flattop response’, JIETE, vol. 57, pp. 218-225.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and G. Monnom, 2010, ‘A Bragg-like Chirped Clad All-Solid Microstructured Optical Fiber with Ultra-wide Bandwidth for Short Pulse Delivery and Pulse Reshaping’, Opt. Quant. Electron., vol. 42, pp. 1-14.
- Somnath Ghosh, G. P. Agrawal, B. P. PAL, and R. K. Varshney, 2010, ‘Light localization in evanescently coupled disordered waveguide lattices: Dependence of the input beam profile’, Opt. Comm., vol. 284 pp. 201-206.
- B. Nagaraju, R. K. Varshney, G. P. Agrawal, and B. P. PAL, 2010, ‘Parabolic pulse generation in a dispersion-decreasing solid-core photonic bandgap Bragg fiber’, Opt. Comm., vol. 283, pp. 2525-2528.
- Prerana, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and B. Nagaraju, 2010, ‘Highly sensitive fiber optic temperature sensor based on a side-polished single-mode fiber coupled to a tapered multimode overlay waveguide’, J. Korean Opt. Soc., vol.14, pp. 340-352.
- B. Nagaraju, M. C. Paul, M. Pal, A. Pal, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, S. K. Bhadra, G. Monnom, and B. Dussardier, 2009, ‘Design and fabrication of an intrinsically gain flattened Erbium doped fiber amplifier’, Opt. Commn., vol. 282, pp. 2335-2338.
- R. K. Varshney, K. Saitoh, M. Koshiba, B. P. PAL, and R. K. Sinha, 2009, ‘Design of S-band concentric dual core photonic crystal fibers with ASE suppression’, IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Tech., vol. 27, (Special issue on Photonic Crystal Fibers), No. 11, pp. 1725-1733.
- B. Nagaraju, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘A Semi-numerical approach for Modeling of Side-polished Microstructured optical fiber-based devices’, App. Opt., vol. 48 (Feature issue on Guided Wave Optics), pp. G6- G11.
- H. T. Bookey, S. Dasgupta, N. Bezwada, B. P. PAL, A. Sysoliatin, J. McCarthy, M. Salganskii, V. Khopin, and A. K. Kar, 2009, ‘Experimental demonstration of spectral broadening in all-solid silica Bragg fiber’, Opt. Exp., vol. 17, No. 19, pp. 17130-17135.
- Prerana, M.R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2008, ‘Method to determine optical properties of turbid media’, Appl. Opt., vol. 47, No. 17, pp. 3216-3220.
- Wai Ying Chan, Kai Xin Chen, Hau Ping Chan, B. P. PAL and R. K. Varshney, 2008, ‘A flattop PLC polymer waveguide interleaver based on folded two-stage-cascaded Y-junction Mach Zehnder interferometers’, Opt. Commn., vol. 282, pp. 883-886.
- Naveen Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2008, ‘Flattop all-fiber wavelength interleaver for DWDM transmission: Design analysis, parameter optimization, fabrication and characterization recipe’, Opt. Commn., vol. 281, pp. 5156-5164.
- V. Karthik, S. S. Rao, M. R. Shenoy, Prerana and B. P. PAL, 2007, ‘Determination of optical properties of a turbid medium using fiber optic transmission experiment’, Asian J. Chem., vol. 18 (5), pp. 3344-3347.
- Sonali Dasgupta, B. P. PAL, and M. R. Shenoy, 2007, ‘Nonlinear spectral broadening in solid core Bragg fibers’, IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. (Special Issue on Modeling of Guided Wave Photonic Devices), vol. 25 (No. 9), pp. 2475-2484.
- R. K. Varshney, A. Singh, K. Pande, and B. P. PAL, 2007, ‘Side-polished fiber-based gain-flattening filter for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers’, Opt. Commn., vol. 271, pp. 441-444.
- Sonali Dasgupta, A. K. Ghatak, and B. P. PAL, 2007, ‘Analysis of Bragg reflection waveguides with finite claddings: An accurate matrix method formulation’, Opt. Commn., vol. 279, No. 1, pp. 83-88.
- R. K. Varshney, B. Nagarazu, A. Singh, B. P. PAL, and A. K. Kar, 2007, ‘Design and realization of an all-fiber broadband tunable gain equalization filter for DWDM signals’, Opt. Exp., vol. 15, No. 21, pp. 13519-13530.
- B. P. PAL, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, S. Dasgupta, and A. Ghatak, 2007, ‘Loss and dispersion tailoring in 1D photonic band gap Bragg reflection waveguides: finite chirped claddings as a design tool’, Opt. Quant. Electron., vol. 39, pp. 983-993 (Special issue on Microstructured Fibers and Waveguides).
- N. Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2006, 'An all-fiber interferometric technique for an accurate experimental estimation of the mode effective index of a single-mode fiber,' Opt. Eng., vol. 45(1), pp. 015001-4.
- N. Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, K. Thyagarajan, and B. P. PAL, 2006, 'Graphical representation of the supermode theory of a waveguide directional coupler', Fib. Int. Opt., vol. 25 (3), pp. 231.
- Qiang Wu, Pak L. Chu, H. P. Chan, and B. P. PAL, 2006, 'A Y-junction polymer optical waveguide interleaver,' Opt. Commn., vol. 267 (2), pp. 373-378.
- B. P. PAL, S. Dasgupta, M. R. Shenoy, and A. Sysoliatin, 2006, 'Supercontinuum generation in a Bragg fiber: Design and Analysis,' Optoelectron. Letts., vol. 2, pp. 342-344.
- B. P. PAL, S. Dasgupta, and M. R. Shenoy, 2005, 'Bragg fiber design for transparent metro networks,' Opt. Exp., vol. 13, pp. 621-626.
- Sonali Dasgupta, B. P. PAL, and M. R. Shenoy, 2005, 'Design of a dispersion compensating Bragg fiber with ultra-high figure of merit,' Opt. Letts., vol. 30, No. 15, pp. 1917 1919; reprinted in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Sc. and Tech. of AIP, July 25, 2005 issue.
- N. Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2005, 'An all-fiber interferometric technique for identification of the coupled and throughput ports of a fused fiber directional coupler,' Opt. Commn., vol. 251, pp. 301-307.
- R. Shenoy, N. Kumar, and B. P. PAL, 2005, 'Novel technique to tune the free spectral range of all-fiber wavelength interleavers,' Microwave and Opt. Tech. Letts., vol. 47(2), pp. 137-140.
- N. Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2005, 'Standard single-mode fiber-based loop mirror as a gain flattening filter,' IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol. 37(10), pp. 2056-2058.
- Quiang Wu, Pak L. Chu, H. P. Chan, and B. P. PAL, 2005, 'Polymer- based compact comb filter with flat top response,' IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol. 17(12), pp. 2619-2621.
Research reviews in refereed journals/monographs
- S. Banerjee, D. Roychowdhury, and B. P. PAL, 2020, ‘Resonance Phenomena in Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Terahertz Domain: A Review’ (Invited), Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1080/09205071.2020.1713227 , 24 pages.
- Dibakar Roy Chowdhury, Parama Pal, and B. P. PAL, 2020, ‘Thin film sensing with terahertz metamaterials’ (Invited), Asian J Phys., vol. 29 (10-12), pp. 891-905; Special issue on Information Optics in honor of Prof. Y. T. S. Yu.
- Babita Bakshi (nee Kumari), A. Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2019, ‘Guided wave photonics for light sources, sensors and passive components at mid-IR’ (Invited), Asian J Phys vol. 28(10-12), pp. 877-889; Special issue in honor of Prof. Kehar Singh.
- S. Karmakar, R. K. Varshney, D. Roychowdhury, and B. P. PAL, 2019, ‘Fano resonances in THz metamaterials’ (Invited), Asian J Phys vol. 28, Nos. 7-9, pp. 663-688; Special issue on Optics and Photonics in honor of Prof. Ajoy Ghatak.
- Ajanta Barh, B. P. PAL, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, and B. M. A. Rahman, 2016, ‘Specialty fibers for terahertz generation and transmission: a review’ (Invited), IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quant. Electron., vol. 22, No. 2, 8500215, 15 pages.
- B. P. PAL, 2014, ‘Optical fiber sensors: a versatile technology platform for sensing’ (Invited), J. Indian Institute of Science (Special issue on Fiber Optic Sensors), vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 283-309.
- K. Thyagarajan and B. P. PAL, 2007, ‘Modeling dispersion in optical fibers: applications to dispersion tailoring and dispersion compensation’ (Invited), J. Opt. Fib. Comm. Reports, Ed. Siddharth Ramachandran, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, vol. 4, pp. 173-213.
- B. P. PAL, 2004, ‘In-fiber gratings: evolution, optics, and applications in sensing’ (Invited Review), Asian J. Physics (Special issue on Fiber Optic Sensors), vol. 12, Nos. 2&3, pp. 263-274.
- B. P. PAL, 2002, ‘Progress in fiber optics: a 30-Year retrospective’ (Invited Review), Oyo Kogaku (Applied Optics in Japanese), vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 1-8.
- J-L. Auguste, R. Jindal, J-M. Blondy, M. Clapeau, J. Marcou, B. Dussardier, G. Monnom, K. Thyagarajan, and B. P. PAL, 2002, ‘Conception, realization, and characterization of a dispersion compensating fiber’ (Invited), Opt. Fib. Tech., vol. 8, pp. 89-105.
- B. P. PAL and G. R. Chakravarty, 1998, ‘All-fiber guided wave components: a state-of-the-art review’ (Invited), J. Advanced Sc. (Japan), vol. 10, No. 1, Special Issue on Fiber Optics, No. 1, pp. 1-39.
- B. P. PAL, 1993, ‘Guided-wave optics on silicon: physics, technology, and status’, Progress in Optics (Ed. Emil Wolf), Elsevier North-Holland, Amsterdam, vol. 32, pp. 1-59.
- B. D. Gupta and B. P. PAL, 1991, ‘Fiber optical sensors and instruments for bio-science’, IETE Tech. Rev., vol. 8, pp. 319 - 332; (awarded Gowri Memorial Award by IETE as the best paper of general interest published in IETE Journals in 1991).
- B. P. PAL, 1989, ‘Fundamentals of telecommunication optical fibers: principles of measurements’ (Invited), MAPAN - J. of Metrology Society, vol. 4, pp. 75 - 91.
- B. P. PAL, K. Thyagarajan, and A. Kumar, 1988, ‘Characterization of optical fibers for telecommunication and sensors Part I: Multimode fibers’, International J. Optoelectron., vol. 3, pp. 45 -71.
- K. Thyagarajan, B. P. PAL, and A. Kumar, 1988, ‘Characterization of optical Fibers for telecommunication and sensors Part II: Single-mode fibers’, International J. Optoelectron., vol. 3, pp. 153 - 175.
- B. P. PAL, 1986, ‘Fundamental characteristics of telecommunication optical fibers: a review’, IETE Tech. Rev., vol. 4, pp. 347 - 372.
- B. P. PAL, 1979, ‘Optical communication fiber waveguide fabrication: a review’, Fiber and Integrated Optics (USA), vol. 2, pp. 195 -252.
- I. C. Goyal, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and A. K. Ghatak, November 18 (2003), Design of a small residual dispersion fiber along with a matching DCF, No. US 6,650,812 B2.
- B. P. PAL, K. Pande, and K. Thyagarajan, 2003, "Broadband DWDM link (covering both C- and L- bands of EDFA) design" Indian Patent 593/DEL/2003.
List of books, monographs, book chapters published
- B. P. PAL (Ed), 2010, Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics, Free access e-book under the series Advances in Lasers and Electrooptics, Intech Publisher, London, pp. 689.
- B. P. PAL (Ed.), 2006,Guided Wave Optical Components and Devices: Basics, Technology, Applications, Academic Press/Elsevier, Burlington, 26 chapters (authored/coauthored 3 chapters out of a total of 26 chapters, most of which were contributed by experts from USA and Europe). Three chapters (two of which were authored/ coauthored by Professor Pal) from this book have been reprinted in the book containing a collection of select book chapters entitled Optical Communication Reference, Eds. C. DeCusatis and I. P. Kaminow, 2010, Academic Press.
- M. R. Shenoy, S. K. Khijawania, A. Ghatak, and B. P. PAL (Eds.), 2009, Reprint 2011, 2013 (second edition) Fiber Optics Through Experiments, Viva Books, New Delhi; (authored/coauthored 4 chapters out of a total of 23 chapters; this book describes a large number of experiments to characterize an optical fiber, which should help in elucidating its underlying Physics required for its applications in telecommunication and sensor systems).
- B. P. PAL (Ed.), 1992, Fundamentals of Fiber Optics in Telecommunication and Sensor Systems , John Wiley, New York and Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, pp. 778 (authored/coauthored 8 chapters out of a total of 29 chapters, most of which were contributed by experts from USA and Europe). Reprinted (Paperback) by New Age Publishers, New Delhi, in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2006, and 2008; 2nd edition 2014.
BOOK CHAPTERS contributed (all by invitation)
- Babita Bakshi (nee Kumari), R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2022, Photonics-based Guided Wave Gas Sensors and Components for the Mid-IR , in the book OPTICAL SENSORS: TECHNOLOGY, PHYSICS, RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, Ed. T Gangopadhay, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) (In press).
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, G. P. Agrawal, B. M. A. Rahman, and B. P. PAL, 2022, Specialty Optical Fibers for THz Generation, in the book NEWEST UPDATES IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE, Book Publisher International, London/Hooghly (In press).
- B. P. PAL and Parama Pal, 2016, Fiber Optic Sensors in the book LIGHT AND ITS MANY WONDERS, Eds. A. Ghatak, A. Pathak, and V. P. Sharma, Viva Books, New Delhi, pp. 284-307.
- B. P. PAL, 2014, Optical Waveguide Sensors in the book HANDBOOK OF OPTICAL SENSORS, Ed. Jose Luis Santos and F. Farahi, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 37-78.
- B. P. PAL, 2013, Evolution of Specialty Optical Fibers in the book "GUIDED WAVE OPTICS AND PHOTONICS", Eds. S. K. Bhadra and A. K. Ghatak, Taylor and Francis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 35-64.
- B. P. PAL, 2011, Materials for Optical Waveguides in the book "OPTICAL MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS", Ed. M. Wakaki, under the series Optical Science and Engineering (Ed. B. J. Thompson), CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 167-197.
- B. P. PAL, 2010, Application-specific Specialty Optical Fibers in the book "FRONTIERS IN GUIDED WAVE OPTICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS", under the series Advanced Electrooptics and Lasers, Intech Publishers, Vienna.
- B. P. PAL, 2004, Tailoring Optical Fiber Designs for Communication, in the book: 'GUIDED WAVE OPTICS', Ed. Anurag Sharma, Viva Books, New Delhi, pp. 1-36.
- M. R. Shenoy and B. P. PAL, 2004, Fused Fiber Coupler-based Components for Optical Fiber Communication ,' -ibid-, pp. 128-146.
- B. P. PAL, M. R. Shenoy, P. Roy Chaudhury, and Naveen Kumar, 2003, Fused Fiber Coupler Technology: A Versatile Platform for Fabrication of All-fiber Components in the book: 'RECENT TRENDS IN ENGINEERING OPTICS', Eds. K. Singh and V. K. Rastogi, Anita Publishers, New Delhi.
- A. K. Ghatak and B. P. PAL, 2002, Progress in Fiber Optics for Telecommunication in the ICO review book series 'TRENDS IN APPLIED OPTICS,' Ed. A. Guenther, SPIE, Washington, pp. 359-388.
- B. P. PAL, 2000, All-fiber Guided Wave Components in the book: 'ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS IN UNCONVENTIONAL STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS', Eds. A. Lakhtakia and O. N. Singh, John Wiley, New York, September 2000, pp. 359-432.
- B. P. PAL, 1995, Fiber Optic Sensors and In-line Components in the book: "OPTOELECTRONICS: RECENT PROGRESS", Eds. A. Selvarajan and K. Shenai, IETE Press Book, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, pp. 219 - 243.
- B. P. PAL, 1995, Optical Fibers: Design Issues in the book: "TRENDS IN FIBER OPTICS AND OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS", Eds. A. K. Ghatak, B. Culshaw, V. Nagarajan, and B. D. Khurana, Viva Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 64 - 78.
- B. P. PAL, 1995, Optical Transmission: Fiber Optics, in the book: "PERSPECTIVE IN OPTOELECTRONICS", Ed. S. S. Jha, World Scientific Publishers, pp. 189-298 (design of the cover jacket was based on a figure from this chapter).
- B. P. PAL, 1992, Optical Fiber Sensors: Principles and Applications, in the book: "Reviews in Contemporary Physics: LASER OPTICS", Eds. R. Kamal, K. P. Maheswari, and R. L. Sawhney, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, pp. 140 - 171.
- B. P. PAL, 1987, Chapter 1 Propagation Effects in Optical Fibers, in the book: "FIBER OPTICS AND INSTRUMENTATION" (in Russian), Ed. M. M. Butoussov, Mashinostroenie Publication House, Leningrad, pp. 18 - 80.
Peer reviewed international conference publications: Over 100
Listed below are from 2005
- A. Pradhan, B. P. Pal, S. Ghosh, and K. Pande, “Low-loss and Large Bandwidth Hollow Core Fibers for Transmission in the Telecom Wavelength Window” XLVII International OSI Symposium 2024, 23-25 October, Chandigarh, India.
- S. Sadhukhan, B. P. Pal, and S. Ghosh (Invited), “Exploring dynamics of light in photonic time crystals” -ibid-.
- S. Ghosh, A. Roy, B. P. Pal, and S. Ghosh, “First Observation of a Second-order Exceptional Point in a Gain-Loss Assisted Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber”, International conference Photonics 2024, 12-15 December 2024, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (Accepted).
- A. Roy, A. Biswas, B. P. Pal, and S. Ghosh, “Hosting Conjugate Exceptional Points in a Gain-Loss Assisted Optical Fiber”, -ibid- (Accepted).
- Arpita Pradhan, B. P. Pal, S. Ghosh, and K Pande, “Low-loss Hollow Core Fiber with Elliptic Cladding Tubes for Use in the Telecommunication Wavelength Band”, -ibid- (Accepted).
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2018, ‘A Highly Sensitive SOI Ridge Slot Waveguide Biosensor for Label-free Detection of DNA Hybridization’, 14th International conference Photonics 2018, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India, Dec 12-15.
- Jagan Mohan Rao, Maidul Islam, Gagan Kumar, B. P. PAL, and Dibakar Roy Chowdhury, 2018, ‘Single split gap resonator-based terahertz metamaterials for refractive index sensing’, Proc. SPIE 10531, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XI, 105311K (23 February 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2287320; Event: SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, CA.
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2017, ‘Design of a compact polarization rotator based on a silicon slot waveguide for application in mid IR’, IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP2017), MU Hyderabad, Dec. 18-19.
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2017, ‘Highly Efficient Polarization Splitter based on Silicon on Nitride Asymmetric Waveguide for Mid-IR’, International Conf. Advances on Optics and Photonics, Proc of XLI Conf of Opt Soc of India, pp. 44-47, Guru Jhambeswar Univ of Sc and Tech, Hisar, India, November 23-26.
- Somnath Ghosh, P. Biswas, A. Biswas, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2017, ‘Stable propagation of self-similar pulses through a chirped clad all-solid Bragg fiber in the mid-IR’, 5th Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications (WSOF2017), Limassol, Cyprus, Oct. 11-13.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2017, ‘Diffusive dynamics and signature of phase singularities in gain/loss assisted disordered optical waveguide lattices’, Frontiers in Optics FiO 2017, Washington, DC, Sept. 16-20.
- Piyali Biswas, Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, A. Biswas and B. P. PAL, 2017, ‘Parametric dependence of self-similar propagation of parabolic pulses in a dispersion oscillating fiber’, 24th Congress of the International Commission of Optics (ICO-24), Tokyo, Aug. 21-25.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and Bishnu P. Pal, 2017, ‘Controlling light beam dynamics in ordered and disordered waveguide lattices with gain and loss’, -ibid-.
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2016, ‘Novel silicon-on-nitride rib slot waveguide for low and flat dispersion at mid-IR wavelength regime: A parametric design’, International conference on Fiber optics and Photonics, PHOTONICS2016, IIT Kanpur, Dec. 5-8.
- Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2016, ‘Design of SOI rib slot waveguide with enhanced evanescent field for optical sensing’, Frontiers in Optics FiO 2016, Rochester, NY, Oct. 17-21.
- Piyali Biswas, S. Ghosh, A. Biswas, and B. P. PAL, 2016, ‘Self-similar propagation in dispersion managed and highly non-linear segmented bandgap fiber in the mid-IR’, Frontiers in Optics FiO 2016, Rochester, NY, Oct. 17-21.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2015, ‘Terahertz guidance through hollow core plastic photonic bandgap fibers: Sensitivity to structural parameters’, IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP2015), IISc Bangalore, Dec. 16-17.
- Somnath Ghosh and B. P. PAL, 2015, ‘Strong confinement of light in ultra-small volumes via proximity resonances: Interplay between noise and Q-factor’, International Conference on Optics and Photonics ICOP2015, Kolkata, Feb 20-22.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, J. Sanghera, and L. B. Shaw, 2015, ‘Temperature assisted band-gap engineering in all-solid chalcogenide holey fiber for mid-IR application’, -ibid-.
- Babita Kumari, A. Barh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2014, ‘Mid-IR Evanescent Field Gas Sensor Based on Silicon-on-Nitride Slot Waveguide’, - ibid-.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, G. P. Agrawal, and B. M. A. Rahman, 2014, ‘Band-gap fiber for Efficient THz Transmission’, PHOTONICS2014, IIT Kharagpur, Dec. 14-16.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, G. P. Agrawal, and B. M. A. Rahman, 2014, ‘Efficient Terahertz Generation in a Novel Microstructured-Core Double Clad Plastic Fiber’, -ibid-.
- Ajanta Barh, Babita Kumari, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2014, ‘SOI Slot Waveguide Based on-Chip Trace Gas Sensor in the Mid-IR’, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposium, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, September 17-20.
- Ajanta Barh, R. K. Varshney, J. Sanghera, L. B. Shaw, and B. P. PAL, 2014, ‘Band-gap Engineering in All-Solid Low Index Contrast Photonic Band-Gap Chalcogenide Fiber Design’, International Conference on Optoelectronics and Lasers (ICOL), Dehradun, India, March 5-8.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Design Tailored Efficient Broad-Band Fiber Optic Light Source for Mid-IR Molecular Spectroscopy’, OSA's 97th Annual Meeting Frontiers in Optics (FiO2013), Orlando, FL, October 6-10.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Generation of temporal parabolic pulse in a tapered chalcogenide based microstructured optical fiber for the Mid-IR: Design issues’, International conference on Materials for Advanced Technology (ICMAT'2013), SUNTEC, Singapore, June 30 - July 5.
- Ajanta Barh, B. M. A. Rahman, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘An Efficient polarization converter for mid-IR wavelength’, OSA Conference Advanced Photonics Congress 2013: Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nano-Photonics (IPR), Puerto Rico, July 14-19.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘All-fiber broadband mid-IR source through wavelength translation: Design and simulation’, IEEE Photonics Society Conference 2013 (IPC2013), Bellevue Washington, USA (Seattle Metro Area), September 8-12.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney and B. P. PAL, 2013, ‘Design tailoring of microstructured fibers for all-fiber mid-IR light sources through wavelength translation’, 3rd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their applications (WSOF2013), Sigtuna, Sweden, August 28-30.
- Somnath Ghosh, T. Naresh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2012, ‘A supercontinuum source for mid-IR applications using chalcogenide microstructured optical fiber’, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia (The 73rd Japan society of Applied Physics Autumn Meeting), Matsuyama, Japan, Sept. 11-14.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2012, ‘Extremely large mode-area single-moded microstructured optical fiber for Mid-IR high power delivery’, -ibid-.
- Somnath Ghosh, A. Barh, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, I. D. Aggarwal, and B. P. PAL, 2012, ‘Design of a microstructured optical fiber for efficient generation of new wavelength in mid-IR regime’, Frontiers in Optics FiO 2012, Rochester, NY, Oct. 14-18.
- Somnath Ghosh, N. Kumar, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2012, ‘Generation of low divergent high-power supercontinuum through a large mode area photonic bandgap fiber’, Fiber Optics and Photonics 2012 (PHOTONICS 2012), IIT Madras, Chennai, Dec. 10-12.
- Ajanta Barh, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2012, ‘Design of an efficient mid-wave IR fiber optic light source’, -ibid-.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2012, ‘Effect of a weak longitudinal modulation in refractive index on transverse localization of light in 1D disordered waveguide lattices’, Photonics Global Conference 2012 (PGC2012), Singapore, Dec. 14-16.
- Ajanta Barh, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and B. M. A. Rahman, 2012, ‘Design of a compact SOI polarization rotator for mid-IR application’, 5th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC2012), Kolkata, Dec. 17-19.
- M. Mehta, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2011, ‘Broadband dispersion compensating microstructured optical fibers: Design issues’, XXXV Optical Society of India Symposium International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Optics and Optoelectronics, Trivandrum, January 17-20.
- Somnath Ghosh, S. Dasgupta, D. J. Richardson, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2011, ‘A soft glass-based large mode area Bragg fiber for high power delivery for mid-IR applications’, Opt. Fib. Comm. (OFC'2011), Los Angeles, CA, March 6-10.
- Somnath Ghosh, N. D. Psaila, R. R. Thomson, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and A. K. Kar, 2011, ‘Transverse localization of light in laser inscribed disordered coupled waveguide lattices’, Frontiers in Optics FiO 2011, San Jose, California, Oct. 16-20.
- Prerana Dabral, M. R. Shenoy, B. P. Pal, and B. D. Gupta, 2010, ‘Analysis and realization of a fiber-optic turbidity sensor based on measurements of scattered light’, 4th European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors, September 7-10, Porto, Portugal.
- B. Nagaraju, S. Garg, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2010, ‘An inherently gain flattened EDFA design based on dual-core photonic crystal fiber’, International conference on MEMS & Optoelectronic Technologies, Narsapur, India, Jan. 22-23.
- Somnath Ghosh, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and G. P. Agrawal, 2010, ‘Transverse Localization of Light and Effect of Nonlinearity in a Disordered Coupled Optical Waveguide Lattice’, Nice Days of Waves in Complex Media (NDWCM-2010), June 7-9, Nice, France.
- Somnath Ghosh, B. P. PAL, G. P. Agrawal, and R. K. Varshney, 2010, ‘Role of nonlinearity and transverse localization of light in a disordered coupled optical waveguide lattice’, OSA Annual conference Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, USA, October 25-28.
- B. Nagaraju, S. Garg, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2010, ‘Dual-core photonic crystal fiber-based intrinsically gain-flattened EDFA’, Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers (WSOF'2010), Oxaca, Mexico, October 12-15.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2010, ‘Role of Photonic bandgap and transverse localization of light in a disordered coupled optical waveguide lattice’, X International Conference on Fiber Optics Photonics (PHOTONICS 2010), Guwahati, India, Dec. 12-15.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2010, ‘Parabolic pulse generation with highly reduced higher order dispersion effect in a tapered chirped-clad Bragg fiber’, -ibid-.
- Prerana, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and B. Nagaraju, 2010, ‘Side-polished fiber based high-sensitive temperature sensor’, -ibid-.
- Somnath Ghosh, R.K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘A Novel Bragg-like Chirped Clad Fiber: Design Issues’, International conference on Materials for Advanced Technology (ICMAT'2009), Singapore, June 28- July 3.
- Somnath Ghosh, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘Effect of phase front curvature on transverse localization of a light beam’, 14th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC'2009), Hong Kong, July 13-17.
- B. Nagaraju, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘Generation of parabolic pulse through all-solid dispersion decreasing Bragg fiber’, -ibid-.
- B. Nagaraju, P. Jaiswal, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘An inherently gain flattened EDFA design based on twin core fiber’, International Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP), Chandigarh, Oct. 30-Nov. 1.
- Prerana, M. R. Shenoy, B. D. Gupta, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘A fiber-optic turbidity sensor’, International Conf on Sensors and Related Networks (SENNET'009), Vellore Inst of Tech., Vellore, Dec. 7-10.
- Somnath Ghosh, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘Effect of phase front curvature on transverse localization of a light beam’, 14th Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC'2009), Hong Kong, July 13-17.
- B. Nagaraju, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2009, ‘Generation of parabolic pulse through all-solid dispersion decreasing Bragg fiber’, -ibid-.
- B. Nagaraju, M. C. Paul, M. Pal, A. Pal, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, S. K. Bhadra, G. Monnom, and B. Dussardier, 2008, ‘Design and realization of an inherently gain flattened Erbium doped fiber amplifier’, Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO'2008), San Jose, CA, May 4-9.
- H. Y. Chan, K. X. Chen, H. P. Chan, R. Kumar, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2008, ‘A Flat-top Pass-band Planar Optical Waveguide Interleaver Using Y- Junction Structure’, Optoelectronics and Communication Conference (OECC'2008), Sydney, Australia, July 7-10.
- B. Nagaraju, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, A. Singh, G. Monnom, B. Dussardier, 2008, ‘Design and realization of a side-polished single-mode fiber optic high-sensitive temperature sensor’, 2008, 6th International Conference on Photonics, Devices and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, August, 27-29.
- Henry T. Bookey, J. McCarthy, A. K. Kar, B. P. PAL, S. Dasgupta, E. Dianov, M. Likhachev, and A. A. Sysoliatin, 2008, ‘Nonlinear spectral broadening of femto second pulses in a Bragg fiber: experimental demonstration’, XI International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics PHOTONICS'2008, New Delhi, December 14-17.
- Somnath Ghosh, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, 2008, ‘Light localization in a 2D-disordered cylindrical medium for different input fields: a numerical study’, -ibid-.
- Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2008, ‘Design of high-negative dispersion all-solid Bragg-like fiber for dispersion compensation through chirped cladding’, -ibid-.
- B. Nagaraju, R. K. Varshney, and B. P. PAL, 2008, ‘Modeling of side-polished microstructured optical fiber-based devices’, -ibid-.
- B. Nagaraju, M. C. Pal, M. Pal, A Pal, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and S. K. Bhadra, 2008, ‘An inherently gain flattened L-band EDFA design for realization through MCVD technique’, -ibid-.
- M. R. Shenoy, Prerana, B. P. PAL, and G. K. Bhowmick, 2008, ‘A fiber-optic probe for telemetric measurements’, -ibid-.
- Naveen Kumar, M. R. Shenoy and B. P. PAL, ‘All-fiber Fourier interleave filter with box-like spectral response’, -ibid-. 2008
- R. K. Varshney, K. Saitoh, M. Koshiba, and B. P. PAL, 2008, ‘Erbium-doped, bend-insensitive, S-band photonic crystal fiber amplifiers’, -ibid- (Post-deadline paper).
- Sonali Dasgupta, Somnath Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and A. K. Ghatak, 2007, ‘Analysis of Chirped Bragg Reflection Waveguides with a finite cladding’, International Conf. on Advanced Materials and Technology (ICMAT'07) held at Singapore, July 1-6.
- M. R. Shenoy, Prerana, and B. P. PAL, 2007, ‘A novel technique for determination of optical properties of a turbid medium’, OSA Conference Frontiers in Optics 2007, held at San Jose, Oct. 16-20.
- M. R. Shenoy, S. K. Pandit, Prerana, and B. P. PAL, 2007, ‘A novel method to determine optical scattering properties of a liquid through a fiber optic probe in conjunction with a reflector’, Japan-Indo Workshop on Microwaves, Photonics, and Communication Systems at Ito Campus of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan on July 6.
- Prerana, V. Karthik, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2006, 'Optical Properties of a Homogenous Mixture of Two Turbid Media’, 8th International conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics, and Photonics (PHOTONICS'2006), Hyderabad, December 13-16.
- Sonali Dasgupta, A. Ghatak, and B. P. PAL, 2006, ‘Analysis of Bragg reflection waveguides with finite cladding’, -ibid-.
- A. Singh, R. K. Varshney, Kamna Pandey, B. P. PAL, and B. Nagarazu, 2006, ‘Side-polished fiber based tunable gain flattening filter for EDFA’, -ibid-.
- Naveen Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2006, ‘Design and fabrication recipe for realizing an all-fiber wavelength interleaver with flattop response: A new approach’, -ibid-.
- Naveen Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, 2005, ‘Novel design and fabrication recipe for realizing flat-top all-fiber wavelength interleaver’, Post-deadline paper, Conference on Advance Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL'2005), Yalta (UKRAINE), September 12-17.
- Sharad Nigam, B. P. PAL, M. R. Shenoy, 2005, ‘Fiber optic probe for near field microscopy and nanophotonics: A new hybrid fabrication technique’, International Conf. on Optoelectronics and Lasers (ICOL'2005), Dehradun (INDIA), Dec. 12-15.
- Prerana, Shilpi Goyal, M. R. Shenoy, B. D. Gupta, B. P. PAL and G. K. Bhowmick, 2005, ‘Design and Fabrication of Fiber Optic Probe for Analyzing Reflected and Scattered Light from Liquids’, -ibid-.
- Sonali Dasgupta, B. P. PAL, M. R. Shenoy, and A. Sysoliatin, 2005, ‘Dispersion-decreasing Bragg fiber for supercontinuum generation’, -ibid-.
- Prof Pal’s research involved analysis, innovative design and realization of a diverse spectrum of application-specific specialty optical fibers and fiber amplifiers, technology development of all-fiber branching components for optical networks having potential applications in optical telecommunication, fiber optic sensors, and more recently on mid-IR photonics including Silicon Photonics and THz photonics, and Anderson localization of light in disordered optical waveguides.
- Prof Pal has contributed to analysis, design, and realization of dispersion compensating fibers (DCF) that find extensive use in any long-distance optical communication system. His collaborative work with his French collaborators on this [J-L. Auguste, R. Jindal, J-M. Blondy, M. Clapeau, J. Marcou, B. Dussardier, G. Monnom, D. B. Ostrowsky, B. P. PAL, and K. Thyagarajan, -1800 ps/(nm.km) Chromatic Dispersion at 1.55 micrometer in a Dual Concentric Core Fiber, Electron. Letts., vol. 36, pp. 1689-1691 (2000)], which was the then a world record (received extensive citations over 125 times); the other related invited paper [J-L. Auguste, R. Jindal, J-M. Blondy, M. Clapeau, J. Marcou, B. Dussardier, G. Monnom, K. Thyagarajan, and B. P. PAL, Conception, Realization, and Characterization of a Dispersion Compensating Fiber, Opt. Fib. Tech. vol. 8, pp. 89-105 (2002)] has also received over 100 times citations. He is co-author of a US patent No. 6,650,812 B2, 2003 entitled Design of a small residual dispersion fiber along with a matching DCF on a related topic. Indo-French Science Council had rated his Indo-French collaborative project sponsored by IFCPAR/CEFIPRA on this topic as “Excellent”.
- His co-authored research paper entitled “Effect of refractive index dip on the zero total dispersion wavelengths in single-mode fibers” [B. P. PAL A. Kumar, and A. K. Ghatak, Electronics Letters, vol. 16, pp. 505-507, (1980)] got reprinted in the book: Progress in Optical Communication Vol. II, Ed. By PJB Clarricoats, IEE Press, Stevenage, UK (1982)]. This book contains a collection of select papers, which were considered to have contributed to the growth of Optical Communication in the early 1980s.
- In recent times, his research involved a significant effort on the contemporary field of microstructured optical fibers (MOF). Prediction made by his team for generation of supercontinuum light from a Bragg fiber kind of MOF in 2006 [B. P. PAL, S. Dasgupta, M. R. Shenoy, and A. Sysoliatin, Supercontinuum generation in a Bragg fiber: Design and Analysis, Optoelectron. Letts. vol. 2, pp. 342-344 (2006)] was demonstrated experimentally for the first time in his co-authored paper [H. T. Bookey, S. Dasgupta, N. Bezwada, B. P. PAL, A. Sysoliatin, J. McCarthy, M. Salganskii, V. Khopin, and A. K. Kar, Experimental demonstration of spectral broadening in all-solid silica Bragg fiber, Opt. Exp. vol. 17, No. 19, pp. 17130-17135 (2009)]. Super continuum light is well known to be an excellent source for carrying out optical coherence tomography (OCT) analysis of biological samples besides its potential use as a broadband source in high capacity DWDM fiber optical communication.
- Prof Pal’s team had designed an air-core dispersion compensating Bragg fiber [S. Dasgupta, B. P. PAL, and M. R. Shenoy, Design of a Dispersion Compensating BraggFiber with ultra- high Figure of merit, Opt. Letts., vol. 30, No. 15, pp. 1917-1919 (2005) that got reprinted in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Sc. and Tech. of AIP, July 25, 2005 issue], was cited by US Navy as one of the three references in a Call for Projects for high power Laser Delivery. To date this paper has received over 50 times citations. He had also designed an air-core Bragg fiber for potential applications in metro optical networks with a dispersion spectrum almost identical to that of silica-based conventional fiber earlier marketed by the Company AlcaLucent (France) with added benefit of ultra-low transmission loss [B. P. PAL, S. Dasgupta, and M. R. Shenoy, Bragg Fiber Design for Transparent Metro Networks, Opt. Exp., vol. 13, pp. 621-626 (2005)]; this paper was accepted by Opt. Exp. journal within a week of its submission in January 2005.
- Prof Pal’s team had proposed introduction of a certain amount of chirp in the periodic cladding of Bragg reflection waveguides and later in Bragg fibers for bandgap engineering to widen the bandgap of such fibers and waveguides and reported it for the first time at the mega conference ICMAT in Singapore in the summer of 2007 and subsequently published [B. P. PAL, S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, S. Dasgupta, and A. Ghatak, Loss and dispersion tailoring in 1D photonic band gap Bragg reflection waveguides: finite chirped claddings as a design tool, Opt. Quant. Electron. vol. 39, pp. 983-993, (2007); and later extended to fibers in collaboration with a French colleague [S. Ghosh, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, and G. Monnom, A Bragg-like Chirped clad all-solid microstructured optical fiber with ultra-wide bandwidth for short pulse delivery and pulse reshaping, Opt. Quant. Electron. vol. 42, pp. 1-14 (2010)].
- An inherent gain-flattened erbium doped fiber amplifier was designed and realized by Prof Pal with his Ph.D. student and co-researchers from CGCRI Kolkata and LPMC, University of Nice France having potential applications in metro optical networks [B. Nagaraju, M. C. Paul, M. Pal, A. Pal, R. K. Varshney, B. P. PAL, S. K. Bhadra, G. Monnom, and B. Dussardier, Design and fabrication of an intrinsically gain flattened Erbium doped fiber amplifier, Opt. Comm. vol. 282, pp. 2335-2338 (2009)].
- Pal was one of the few firsts to initiate research on fiber optic sensors in India. One of his co-authored papers on a tapered multimode fiber-based refractometer was reported as early as in 1984 [A. Kumar, T. V. B. Subrahmanyam, A. D. Sharma, K. Thyagarajan, B. P. PAL, and I. C. Goyal, A Novel Refractometer using a Tapered Optical Fiber, Electron. Lett. vol. 20, pp: 534-535 (1984)], which has until now received over 100 citations. In a relatively recent successfully concluded project sponsored by the Board of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS) of the Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Prof. Pal’s team had designed and developed an optrode for remote excitation and collection of weak fluorescence from a highly corrosive industrial/nuclear environment, which has been recognized by BARC as an indigenous important import substitution contribution.
- Under a Technology Development Mission mode project funded by Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Govt of India in late 1990s he led the team @ IIT Delhi to develop in-house the complete technology platform for flame-fusion of fibers to realize a wide variety of fused fiber coupler-based components for optical networks [B. P. PAL, P. Roy Chaudhuri, and M. R. Shenoy, Fabrication and Modeling of Fused Biconical Tapered Fiber coupler Components, Fib. Int. Opt., vol. 22, pp. 97-118 (2003)]. It was the 3rd most cited paper from that journal during the period 2003 – 2005. Till now it has received over 75 citations. Prof Pal had also led design methodology and in-house development of the technology for experimental realization of all-fiber wavelength interleaver type mux/ demux filters for DWDM systems based on unbalanced Mach Zhender interferometers through concatenation of fused fiber couplers [N. Kumar, M. R. Shenoy, and B. P. PAL, Flattop all-fiber wavelength interleaver for DWDM transmission: Design analysis, parameter optimization, fabrication and characterization recipe, Opt. Comm. vol. 281, pp. 5156-5164 (2008)]. Subsequently he had collaborated with Prof Pak Chu’s group at City U Hong Kong to extend these concepts, which led to realization of polymer-based integrated optical wavelength interleavers and comb filters [IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. vol. 17(12), pp. 2619-2621 (2005); Opt. Comm. vol. 267 (2), pp. 373-378 (2006); Opt. Comm. vol. 282, pp. 883-886 (2008)].
- He was Consultant-in-Charge (through FITT, IITD) for in-house fabrication and supply of a set of tailor-made side-polished half couplers to an US company “Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems”, Mountain View, Calif in the year 1998 from IIT Delhi. His team’s related work on realization of gain flattening wavelength filters for erbium-doped fiber amplifiers was awarded the very first Photonics 2004 endowment prize as the “Best device-oriented research paper from an Indian Laboratory” during the Indian Photonics community’s flagship Photonics 2006 conference held at Hyderabad. Experimental demonstration of a more advanced version of this work in terms of unaffected performance of such a filter even under add/drop of standard DWDM signal channels in a DWDM network was reported by his team [R. K. Varshney, B. Nagarazu, A. Singh, B. P. PAL, and A. K. Kar, 2007, Design and Realization of an All-Fiber Broadband Tunable Gain Equalization Filter for DWDM Signals, Opt. Exp. vol. 15, No. 21, pp. 13519-13530 (2007)].
- He had proposed & experimentally demonstrated (through collaboration with collaborators from Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh in UK under an UKIERI major project sponsored to him by the British Government) ultrafast laser inscribed disordered waveguides in glass as a new platform for studying statistical nature of the fundamental phenomenon of transverse localization of light in disordered waveguide lattices (similar to Anderson localization of electronic wave function) [S. Ghosh, N. D. Psaila, R. R. Thomson, B. P. PAL, R. K. Varshney, and A. K. Kar, 2012, Ultrafast laser inscribed waveguide lattice in glass for direct observation of transverse localization of light, Appl. Phys. Letts. vol. 100, 101102-101145 (2012)] and published several other related papers.
- In recent times he has extensively researched on a variety of chalcogenide and soft-glass based specialty optical fiber designs for realizing broadband and narrow band fiber-based light sources for Mid-IR photonics, and supercontinuum generation. His co-authored paper A. Barh, S. Ghosh, G. P. Agrawal, R. K. Varshney, I. D. Aggarwal, and B. P. PAL, Design of an efficient mid-IR light source using chalcogenide holey fibers: a numerical study, J. Opt. (IOP, UK), vol. 15 035205 (2013) was selected by the Editorial Board of that journal for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Highlights of 2013’ collection of articles.
- As the Principal Investigator he has significantly contributed to a strategic Indian Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) project on polarization maintaining fiber designs for subsequent fabrication by CSIR-CGCRI Kolkata, this design and realization has been judged by DRDO’s RCI Laboratory in Hyderabad as a breakthrough indigenous critical component development for their fiber optic gyro program.
- As the Chief Consultant for a consultancy project, Prof Pal and his team made important contributions to the design of fibers for “Fiber to the Home (FTTH)” applications for the mega-fiber manufacturer in India Sterlite Technologies Ltd Aurangabad.
- About his independently authored comprehensive review on “Guided wave optics on silicon: Physics, Technology, and Status“, which included his own research on ARROW waveguides for the prestigious series Progress in Optics, vol. XXXII (1993), Editor Prof. Emil Wolf wrote in his preface that Prof. Pal’s article is “a subject of considerable current interest and is likely to influence the design and fabrication of various optical components for future use in this field of technology”. As is now well-known Silicon Photonics being an intensely pursued research area including companies like Intel in USA. Prof Pal had guest edited a special issue on Guided Wave Optics on Silicon for the journal Proc. IEE (UK) Part J: Optoelectronics as early as in 1996.
- Prof. Pal has been adviser of 17 successful Ph.D. theses and over 75 Masters theses at IITD.
- He is co-inventor of the following products/processes that were developed in-house at IIT Delhi:
- Fiber optic liquid level controller
- Fiber-optic educational kit
- Fused Fiber Coupler process technology, and
- Side-polished fiber half coupler process technology.