Chintaman Santosh Bari
Assistant Professor
Dr. Chintaman Bari is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of Mahindra University, Hyderabad. He has completed his PhD in Civil Engineering from Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat. His topic for Ph.D. was focused on traffic engineering aspects at toll plazas in India and the study was part of Indo-German collaborative research between SVNIT and TU Munich under the DST-DAAD scheme. Dr. Bari completed his master’s degree from G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur. He was awarded the Gold Medal for being the institute topper along with the Best Thesis Award in M. Tech Transportation. He also got a research grant for attending a conference from the 4th ISFO committee and DST, India. Dr. Bari have received more than five best paper awards at national and international conferences.
Dr. Bari has published several papers on various aspects of toll plazas and transportation systems in India. His research covers topics such as the willingness of drivers to shift to electronic toll collection systems, toll rate policies, emission modeling, service headway analysis, and capacity analysis of toll lanes. Candidates used various statistical tools, MCDM methods, and microsimulation approaches to analyze and improve the performance of toll plazas under mixed traffic conditions. He has published a total of 24 papers in internationally referred journals (SCI/Scopus/SCIE/WOS), 35 in international conferences, 4 conference proceedings, and 5 book chapters. He also serves as a reviewer for journals such as Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Hazardous and Radioactive Substances, ASCE, Transportation Letters, etc., and conferences that include Transportation Research Board (TRB), Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), etc.
Ph. D.
- Ph. D. from Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (NIRF: 65 -2023) – 2023
M. Tech Transportation
- M. Tech Transportation from G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur (NIRF: 161 – 2023)/Rastrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University – 2019
B.E. Civil
- B.E. Civil from Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre Nashik/ Savitribai Phule Pune University – 2016-17
H.S.C. (Sci.)
- H.S.C. (Sci.) from Pune University (Nashik Board) – 2012-13
- S.S.C. from Pune University (Nashik Board) – 2010-11
12-08-2024 to till now
- Assistant Professor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad (12-08-2024 to till now)
11-07-2024 to 31-07-2024
- Adjunct Faculty, COEP Technological University, Pune (11-07-2024 to 31-07-2024)
14-08-2023 to 30-06-2024
- Adjunct Faculty, COEP Technological University, Pune (14-08-2023 to 30-06-2024)
4-07-2023 to 9-08-2023
- Assistant Professor, Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nashik (4-07-2023 to 9-08-2023)
12-02-2023 to 31-05-2023
- Assistant Professor, Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nashik (12-02-2023 to 31-05-2023)
- Chintaman Bari, Adurthi Murali, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Which Pricing Policy Road Users’ Accept? A Case Study from India”, Current Science 125, 1360-1368 (SCI Listed) (IF – 1.00)
- Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya and Satish Chandra, “Drivers’ Willingness to Shift Towards Electronic Toll Collection System in India”, Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) (Scopus Listed), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101046 (IF -2.5)
- Yogeshwar V Navandar, DA Patel, Ashish Dhamaniya, S Velmurugan, and Chintaman Bari, “Users Perception Based Service Quality Analysis at Toll Plazas Using Structural Equation Modeling”, Case Studies on Transport Policy 13 (2023) (Scopus Listed), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101053 (IF -2.5)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Toll Rate Policies of India: A Review, Comparison, and Inferences”, Transportation Research Record (In Press) (SCI Listed) https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231184238 (IF -1.9)
- Chintaman Bari, Ajay Gangwal, Ziauddin Rahimi, L. Srikanth, Bijendra Singh, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Emission modeling at toll plaza under mixed traffic condition using simulation”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195 (803), (SCI Listed) 1007/s10661-023-11409-0 (IF -3.1)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Level of Service Thresholds for Electronic Toll Collection Lanes at Toll Plazas”, India Highways 51 (6), 17-28 (2023)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Development of Toll Equivalency Factors for FASTag Lanes Under Mixed Traffic Conditions”, Transportation Research Record 2677 (5), 829-845 (2023) (SCI Listed) https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221137588 (IF -1.9)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Estimation of System-Delay-Based Toll Equivalency Factors at Toll Plazas using Simulation”, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 12 (3), 822-835 (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijtst.2022.08.002 (Cite Score - 6.7)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Reliable Capacity of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) lanes”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport (In Press) (SCI Listed) https://doi.org/10.1680/jtran.22.00053 (IF - 0.9)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Service Headway Distribution Analysis of FASTag lanes under Mixed Traffic Conditions”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 604 127904 (2022) (SCI Listed) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2022.127904 (IF -3.3)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, Ashish Dhamaniya, and Yogeshwar Navandar, “Traffic Operations at Mainline Toll-Plazas”, Current Science, 123 (6), 754-766 (2022) (SCI Listed) doi: 10.18520/cs/v123/i6/754-766 (IF – 1.00)
- Chintaman Bari, Rohit Chopde, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Lane Choice Behavior at Toll Plaza under Mixed Traffic Conditions using TODIM Method: A Case Study,” Transportation in Developing Economics 8 (26), 1-14 (2022) (WOS Listed, ESCI) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40890-022-00163-6 (IF – 1.7)
- Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya and Satish Chandra, “An analytical hierarchy process-based assessment of factors affecting service performance of tollbooth operators”, Current Science 122(11), 1327-1341 (2022) (SCI Listed) 18520/cs/v122/i11/1327-1341 (IF – 1.00)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, Ashish Dhamaniya and Yogeshwar Navandar, “A Novel Approach for Design of Merging and Diverging Length at Toll Plazas - A Case Study, Transportation Research Record 2676(3), 17-37, (2022), (SCI Listed), https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981211049105 (IF -1.9)
- Yogeshwar Navandar, Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya and D. A. Patel, “Capacity Analysis of Manually Operated Tollbooths under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions,” Journal of Indian Roads Congress (2022), 81 (3), 36-45.
- Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Reduction in Entry Capacity of Roundabout Under the Influence of Pedestrians in Mixed Traffic Conditions,” Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina 22, D201-D214 (2022) (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.26552/com.C.2022.4.D201-D214 (IF -0.92)
- Chintaman Santosh Bari, Tanmayee V Gunjal, Ashish Dhamaniya, “A Simulation Approach for Evaluating Congestion and Its Mitigation Measures on Urban Arterials Operating with Mixed Traffic Conditions,” Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina 3, D126-D140 (2022), (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.26552/com.C.2022.3.D126-D140 (IF -0.92)
- Hareshkumar Golakiya, Ritvik Chauhan, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Pedestrian safety analysis at urban midblock section under mixed traffic conditions using time to collision as surrogate safety measure,” Current Science 123 (22) 1117-1128 (2022) (SCI Listed) doi: 10.18520/cs/v123/i9/1117-1128 (IF – 1.00)
- Ashish Dhamaniya, Chintaman Bari, and Manish Patkar, “Capacity Analysis of Urban Arterial Midblock Sections Under Mixed Traffic Conditions.” International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 20, 409–421 (2022) (Scopus Listed), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13177-022-00298-1 (IF – 2.1)
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Delay Modelling at Manually Operated Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions.” International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 11 (1), 17-31 (2022) (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijtst.2020.10.001 (Cite Score - 6.7)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra, Ashish Dhamaniya, Shriniwas Arkatkar and Yogeshwar Navandar, “Service Time Variability at Manual Operated Tollbooths Under Mixed Traffic Environment: Towards Level-Of-Service Thresholds”, Transport Policy, 106, 11-24, (2021) (SCI Listed) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.03.018 (IF – 6.8)
- Chintaman Bari, Rohit Chopade, Shubhangi Kachwa, Yogeshwar V. Navandar, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Impact of COVID-19 on Educational Trips- An Indian Case Study”, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 13 (5-6), 375-387, (2021) (SCI Listed) https://doi.org/10.1080/19427867.2021.1896064. (IF – 2.8)
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Analysis of Vehicle Specific Acceleration and Deceleration Characteristics at Toll Plazas in India”, Transportation in Developing Economics, 7 (1), 1-19, (2021), (WOS Listed, ESCI) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40890-021-00115-6 (IF – 1.7)
- Yogeshwar Navandar, Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya, Shriniwas Arkatkar and D. A. Patel, “Analysis of the Determinants of Service Headway Variability at Tollbooths Under Mixed Traffic Scenario in Emerging Countries.”, Current Science, 121 (1), 148-160, (2021) (SCI Listed) doi: 10.18520/cs/v121/i1/148-160 (IF – 1.00)
- Yogeshwar Navandar, Chintaman Bari, and P. Gaikwad “Failure Factors – A Comparative Study of Private and Government Construction Firms.” Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Emerald, 29(6), 2495-2513 (2021), (Scopus Listed). https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-03-2020-0184 (IF – 4.5)
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Vehicular Emission Modelling at Toll Plaza using Performance Box Data.” Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste, ASCE. 24 (4), 05020003, (2020) (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000550 (IF – 2.7)
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Service Time Variation Analysis at Manually Operated Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions in India”. Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 13, 331-350 (2019)
- Yogeshwar Navandar, Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya and D. A. Patel, “Analysis of Level of Service for Manually Operated Tollbooths under Mixed Traffic Scenario.” Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), 13, 1648-1663 (2019)
Conference Proceedings
- Adurthi Naga Murali, Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “A Study on User Acceptable Road Pricing Policy for Toll Roads: A case of Eethakota, India,” Transportation Research Procedia, 62, 656-663 (2022) (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2022.02.081
- Himanshu Swami, Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Developing Policy Framework of Dynamic Toll Pricing in India”. Transportation Research Procedia, 52, 605-612 (2021) (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2021.01.072
- Chintaman Bari, Akash Kumawat, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Effectiveness of FASTag System for Toll Payment in India”, IEEE-Xplore, 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS)-IEEE, (2021) (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.1109/MT-ITS49943.2021.9529291
- Chintaman Bari, Utakarsh Gupta, Satish Chandra, Constantinos Antoniou, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Examining Effect of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) System on Queue Delay Using Microsimulation Approach at Toll Plaza-A Case Study of Ghoti Toll Plaza, India,” IEEE-Xplore, 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS)-IEEE, (2021) (Scopus Listed) https://doi.org/10.1109/MT-ITS49943.2021.9529325
Book Chapter
- Chintaman Bari, Parth Jhaveri, Satyendra Kumar Sharma, Shubham Gupta, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Use of Toll Transaction Data for Travel Time Prediction on National Highways Under Mixed Traffic Conditions.” In: Dhamaniya, A., Chand, S., Ghosh, I. (eds) Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering. RATE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 377. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4464-4_36 (2024)
- Rajesh Chouhan, Abhi Shah, Rushabh Dalal, Jash Modi, Ashish Dhamaniya, Chintaman Bari, “Comparative Safety Assessment of Vehicle–Pedestrian Interactions at Urban Arterial and Highway Using UAV Data”. In: Dhamaniya, A., Chand, S., Ghosh, I. (eds) Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering. RATE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 377. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4464-4_14 (2024)
- Rohit Chopade, Chintaman Bari, and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Which Factors Affect Lane Choice Behavior at Toll Plaza? An Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) Approach” In: Anjaneyulu, M.V.L.R., Harikrishna, M., Arkatkar, S.S., Veeraragavan, A. (eds) Recent Advances in Transportation Systems Engineering and Management. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 261. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2273-2_60 (2022)
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar V Navandar, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Analyzing Traffic Performance of Toll Plazas Using Performance Box: A Case Study”, In: Anjaneyulu, M.V.L.R., Harikrishna, M., Arkatkar, S.S., Veeraragavan, A. (eds) Recent Advances in Transportation Systems Engineering and Management. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 261. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2273-2_2 (2022)
- Sreechitra, Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar V Navandar, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Public Transport User’s Satisfaction Level in India.” In: Shah, J., Arkatkar, S.S., Jadhav, P. (eds) Intelligent Infrastructure in Transportation and Management. Studies in Infrastructure and Control. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6936-1_7 (2022)
- Chintaman Bari and B. V. Khode, “PM10 Dispersion Modelling at Unsignalised Intersection Using Caline4—A Case Study”. In: Gupta L.M., Ray M.R., Labhasetwar P.K. (eds) Advances in Civil Engineering and Infrastructural Development. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 87. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6463-5_51 (2021)
- Chintaman Bari and B. V. Khode, “PM10 Dispersion Modelling at Unsignalised Intersection Using Caline4—A Case Study”. In: Gupta L.M., Ray M.R., Labhasetwar P.K. (eds) Advances in Civil Engineering and Infrastructural Development. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 87. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6463-5_51 (2021)
- Akshay Gulghane and Chintaman Bari “Comparative Analysis of ECC by Partial Replacement of Cement with Slag Sand”. In: Kolhe, Labhasetwar P., Suryawanshi H. (eds) Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore (2019)
International Conference
- Hrishikesh Deshpande, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Analyzing Effect of Age, Gender and Phones on Time and Movement Anticipation of Young Drivers”, 10th International Conference on Transportation System Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2024), 19-20th July 2024, VNIT Nagpur, India (Accepted for presentation and Publication)
- Yashh Jadhav and Chintaman Bari, “Analyzing User Perceptions on Pavement Condition of Indian Urban Roads” 10th International Conference on Transportation System Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2024), 19-20th July 2024, VNIT Nagpur, India (Accepted for presentation and Publication)
- Tanmayee Deshpande, Deep Ghadia, Ayush Kaul, Onkar Shinde, Radha Shinde and Chintaman Bari, “Evaluating Temporal Variation in User's Perception for Metro system in Developing Nation,” 10th International Conference on Transportation System Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2024), 19-20th July 2024, VNIT Nagpur, India (Accepted for presentation and Publication)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Establishment of Warrants for Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) Operations in India”, 4th International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations, 26-30 June 2023 at Vienna, Austria.
- Chintaman Bari, Shubham Gupta and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Conceptual Framework for Distance-Based Dynamic Toll Pricing for Mixed Traffic Conditions”, 4th International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations, June 26-30, 2023, at Vienna, Austria.
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Toll Rate Policies of India: A Review, Comparison, and Inferences,” 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 8-12, 2023
- Satish Chandra, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Reliability Concept for Capacity Estimation of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) lanes,” 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 8-12, 2023
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Calibration of the Traffic Microsimulation model for Toll Plaza Operating under Mixed Traffic Conditions: A Detailed Framework and Application,” 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 8-12, 2023
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Capacity and Level of Service Analysis of FASTag Lanes”, 14th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), 19-21 December 2022
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Effect of Boom Barrier on Capacity of FASTag Lanes”, 2ndInternational Conference on Transportation Infrastructure Projects: Conception to Execution, 14-17 September 2022, IIT Roorkee, India (Awarded as Best Paper)
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Determining the Toll Lane Capacity as a Function of Breakdown Probability,” 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 9–13, 2022
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Estimation of System-Delay-Based Toll Equivalency Factors using Simulation,” 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 9–13, 2022
- Rohit Chopde, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Modelling Toll Lane Choice Behaviour at Toll Plazas Operating with Mixed Traffic Conditions.” 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 9–13, 2022
- Hareshkumar Golakiya, Ashish Dhamaniya and Chintaman Bari, “Vehicular Delay Model at Urban Midblock Crosswalks Due to Crossing Pedestrian under Mixed Traffic Conditions.” 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 9–13, 2022
- Rohit Chopde, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Lane Choice Behavior at Toll Plaza under Mixed Traffic Conditions using TODIM Method: A Case Study,” 6th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2021), Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), Tamil Nadu, India, 14-17 December 2021
- Chintaman Bari, Satish Chandra and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Calibration of the Micro-Simulation model for Toll Plaza under Mixed Traffic Environment.” 6th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2021), Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), Tamil Nadu, India, 14-17 December 2021
- Chintaman Bari, Akash Kumawat, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Effectiveness of FASTag System for Toll Payment in India”, 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS)-IEEE, 16-17 June 2021 (Online)
- Chintaman Bari, Utakarsh Gupta, Satish Chandra, Constantinos Antoniou, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Examining Effect of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) System on Queue Delay Using Microsimulation Approach at Toll Plaza-A Case Study of Ghoti Toll Plaza, India,” IEEE-Xplore, 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS)-IEEE, 16-17 June 2021 (Online)
- MD Arif, Shekhar Raman, Sumit Singh, Mahendra Choudhary, Chintaman Bari and Yogeshwar Navandar, “Socio-economic Evaluation of Users Delay at Manually Operated Tollbooths–A Case Study of Ghoti Toll Plaza” The 14th EASTS International Virtual Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, September 12-14, 2021
- Adurthi Naga Murali, Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “A Study on User Acceptable Road Pricing Policy for Toll Roads: A case of Eethakota, India,” The 24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2021), 8th-10th of September 2021
- Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Capacity Analysis of FASTag Lanes under Mixed Traffic Conditions: A Micro-Simulation Approach,” 1st International Virtual Conference on Emerging Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering (ERICE 2021), 15th May 2021 (Awarded as Best Paper)
- Reshma Patel, Chintaman Bari, Pinakin Patel and Yogeshwar V. Navandar, “Service Time at Toll Plaza: The Influence Factors on Electronic Toll Collection (ETC),” 1st International Virtual Conference on Emerging Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering (ERICE 2021), 15th May 2021
- Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Reduction in Entry Capacity of Roundabout Under the Influence of Pedestrians in Mixed Traffic Conditions,” 8th Online International Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, Kozhikode, India, August 26-27, 2021.
- Rohit Chopde, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Which Factors Affect Lane Choice Behavior at Toll Plaza? An Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) Approach,” 8th Online International Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, Kozhikode, India, August 26-27, 2021.
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Analyzing Traffic Performance of Toll Plazas using Performance Box: A Case Study,” 8th Online International Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, Kozhikode, India, August 26-27, 2021.
- Chintaman Bari, Akash Kumawat and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Analysis of Geometric Design Elements at Toll Plazas Under Mixed Traffic Environment,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (RACESD), February 13-14, 2021 (Awarded as Best paper)
- Chintaman Bari, Akash Kumawat and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Examining Zone of Influence at Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (RACESD), February 13-14, 2021
- Utakarsh Gupta, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Optimizing Toll Plaza Operations using Microsimulation Approach: A Case Study of Ghoti Toll Plaza in India.” 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C, U.S.A, January, 2021
- Utakarsh Gupta, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Impact Assessment of Emissions Due to Provision of Toll Plazas on Highways -An Indian Experience.” 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C, U.S.A, January, 2021
- Utakarsh Gupta, Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Microsimulation Approach for Toll Plaza Operations-A Case Study” 13th International (Online) Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), 10 and 11 December, 2020
- Chintaman Bari, Akash Kumawat, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Identifying Zone of Influence using Driving Cycles at Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions,” 13th International (Online) Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), 10 and 11 December, 2020
- Chintaman Bari, and Ashish “Evaluation of Factors Affecting Performance of Tollbooth Operators using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)- An Indian Experience”, 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2020, Paphos, Cyprus, 16-18 September 2020.
- Himanshu Swami, Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Developing Policy Framework of Dynamic Toll Pricing in India”, 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2020, Paphos, Cyprus, 16-18 September 2020.
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya “Analysis of Vehicle Specific Acceleration and Deceleration Characteristics at Toll Plazas in India”. 5th International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), NIT Bhopal (India), December 18-21, 2019.
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish “Emission Modelling at Manually Operated Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions”. 5th International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG), NIT Bhopal (India), December 18-21, 2019.
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya “Service Time Variation Analysis at Manually Operated Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions in India”. 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Colombo (Sri Lanka), September 09-11, 2019
- Yogeshwar Navandar, Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya and D. A. Patel, “Analysis of Level of Service for Manually Operated Tollbooths under Mixed Traffic Scenario.” 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Colombo (Sri Lanka), September 09-11, 2019.
- Hareshkumar Golakiya, Chintaman Bari, Ashish Dhamaniya, “Study on Acceleration and Deceleration Characteristics of Vehicles Influenced by Crossing Pedestrians at Urban Midblock Sections.” 13th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), Colombo (Sri Lanka), September 09-11, 2019.
National Conferences
- Chintaman Bari, Vineet Jain, Akash Kumawat and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Examination of Geometric Design Elements at Toll Plazas Under Mixed Traffic Environment,” 9th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2023) (Hybrid Mode), NIT Warangal, October 12-14, 2023.
- Jash Modi, Chintaman Bari, Rushabh Dalal, Path Jhaveri, Satyendra Kumar Sharma and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Evaluating Pedestrian’s Perception Toward Use of Foot Over Bridge: A Questionnaire Based Approach,” 9th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2023) (Hybrid Mode), NIT Warangal, October 12-14, 2023.
- Chintaman Bari, Parth Jhaveri, Satyendra Kumar Sharma, Shubham Gupta and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Use of Toll Transaction Data for Travel Time Prediction on National Highways under Mixed Traffic Conditions,” 4th National Conference on Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering (RATE), Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India 11-12 November 2022
- Rajesh Chouhan, Abhi Shah, Rushabh Dalal, Jash Modi, Ashish Dhamaniyaand Chintaman Bari, “Comparative Safety Assessment of Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions at Urban Arterial and Highway,” 4th National Conference on Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering (RATE), Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India 11-12 November 2022
- Chintaman Bari and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Capacity Analysis of Toll Plazas in India,” 7th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management. KSTCE-NATPAC and College of Engineering Trivandrum, India. December 29-30, 2020
- Vipul Nagawase, Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar, Ashish Dhamaniya and B. V. Khode “Waiting Time Analysis at Manually Operated Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions in India”. 2nd ASCE India Conference on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies” (CRSIDE2020), Kolkata (India) March 2-4, 2020.
- Akash Mate, Tushar Gangurde, Katkade Amol, Yogeshwar Navandar and Chintaman Bari “Development of Road Safety Model for Nashik City”. 2nd ASCE India Conference on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies” (CRSIDE2020), Kolkata (India) March 2-4, 2020.
- Akash Mate, Tushar Gangurde, Katkade Amol, Yogeshwar Navandar and Chintaman Bari, “Development of Road Accident Prediction Model for Nashik City.” Urban Mobility and India Conference and Expo (UMI-2019), Lucknow, 15-17th November 2019
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya, “Vehicular emission modelling at toll plazas under mixed traffic conditions.” Urban Mobility and India Conference and Expo (UMI-2019), Lucknow, 15-17th November 2019
- Chintaman Bari, Yogeshwar Navandar and Ashish Dhamaniya “Acceleration and Deceleration Characteristics of Light and Heavy Commercial Vehicles at manually Operated Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions.” Sixth Colloquium on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM-2019), SVNIT, Surat, during 14 and 15th June 2019. (Awarded as best paper)
Human Factors, Road Safety, Traffic Engineering, Geometric Design, Environmental Analysis, Toll Rate Policies, Users Perception, Multi Criteria Decision Making
Achievements :
- Selected for Research Opportunity Week Programme (ROW) at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.
- Best Paper Award for paper entitled, “Establishment of Warrants for Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) Operations in Inda” in 4th International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations, 26-30 June 2023 in Vienna, Austria. (2nd Prize Award) Awarded with Travel Grant of 3300 Euros and cash prize of 750 Euros.
- Best Paper Award for paper entitled, “Effect of Boom Barrier on Capacity of FASTag Lanes” in 2ndInternational Conference on Transportation Infrastructure Projects: Conception to Execution, 14-17 September 2022, IIT Roorkee, India.
- Visiting Research Scholar for 45days at Technical University of Munich (TUM) under DST-DAAD scheme for the research project entitled, “Warrants for Automation of Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions” (DST/INT/DAAD/P14/2020) handled by Dr. Ashish Dhamaniya, Associate Professor, SVNIT, Surat (Indian PI) and Dr. Constantinos Antoniou, TUM School of Engineering and Design, TUM, Munich.
- Received funding from Department of Science and Technology under International Travel Scheme (ITS) for attending 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 9–13, 2022 (Grant Number: – ITS/2021/000181)
- Best Reviewer Award for reviewing papers in the Conference of Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for Sustainability-2021, N.M.A.M. Institute of Technology, NITTE, Karkala, India, November 19-20, 2021
- Best Paper Award for paper entitled, “Capacity Analysis of FASTag Lanes under Mixed Traffic Conditions: A Micro-Simulation Approach,” in 1st International Virtual Conference on Emerging Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering (ERICE 2021), 15th May 2021, Dr. S. & S. S. Ghandhy College of Engineering & Technology, Surat.
- Invited for the research talk by PTV VISSIM Student Chapter.
- Best Paper Award for paper entitled, “Analysis of Geometric Design Elements at Toll Plazas Under Mixed Traffic Environment,” International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (RACESD), February 13-14, 2021., MANIT Bhopal
- Gold Medallist for College Topper in M. Tech Transportation (Year-2019)
- Silver Medallist for Department Topper in M. Tech Transportation (Year-2019)
- Best Thesis Award for thesis entitled “Delay and Emission Modelling at manually Operated Toll Plazas under Mixed Traffic Conditions” in M. Tech Transportation (Year-2019)
- Best Paper Award for paper entitled “Acceleration and Deceleration Characteristics of Light and Heavy Commercial Vehicles at Manually Operated Toll Plazas” in the 6th Colloquium on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM), 14-15 June 2019., SVNIT Surat