Amit Kumar Jha
Assistant Professor
Dr. Amit Kumar Jha always believed in the importance of good teaching. Students are the intellectual lifeline of any institution and it’s our duty as stewards of higher education to enable students to succeed regardless of the career path they choose. To this end, he believed that good teaching and research are complementary in two ways. First, success in both areas requires clear thinking, collaboration, and the ability to simplify complicated concepts. Second, in terms of growth as an academic, teaching provides an opportunity to learn from students and give back to the community. He firmly believes in the importance of teaching to ability and his philosophy in teaching is that no student should be left behind. His goal is to help students think independently, analytically, and creatively about how to solve specific problems and engage with central questions in modern society. These skills will be crucial for students to succeed in their classes and beyond, regardless of their career path.
2022 (May)
- Ph.D. awarded from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi (2022 May)
2015 (October)
- Registered for Ph.D. Programme from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi; Ph.D. Dissertation Topic: An Economic Analysis of Copyright Piracy Supervisor- Prof. Sunil Kanwar (2015 October)
2012 (June)
- NET (2012 June)
- M.Phil.: Delhi School of Economics (2010 )
M.Phil Dissertation Topic: Migration, Social capital and Wellbeing: An Exploratory Study of Delhi Slums.
Supervisor- Prof. Sunil Kanwar
Co-supervisor-Prof. Arup Mitra
- M.A. (Economics) Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi. (2007)
- B.A. Economics (Hons) Kirorimal College, Delhi. (2005)
- 12th (Science) St Michael’s High School, Patna, Bihar. (2000)
- 10th St. Michael’s High School, Patna, Bihar. (1998)
- Faculty at the School of Law, Mahindra University. ( 03/07/2023 – Continuing)
- Visiting faculty at the Bennett university. (06/02/2023- 30/6/2023)
- Adhoc Assistant Professor in Sri Venkateshwara college, University of Delhi (10/08/2018 – 20/01/2023)
- Guest faculty at Kirorimal College, University of Delhi (August, 2017- April, 2018)
- Guest faculty at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi (October, 2017 – April, 2018)
- Guest faculty at Bhagni Nivedita College, University of Delhi (30th August, 2016 – 26th April, 2017)
- Faculty at NCWEB center, University of Delhi from (7th August, 2016 to 27nd April, 2018)
- Adhoc Assistant Professor in Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi (12/02/2015 – 22/05/2015)
Scopus Indexed Journals
- The Missing Piece: A Copyright Index, World Economics 25 (1), 31-44, 2024 ABDC INDEXED
- Jha, A.K. and Rajan p. ‘Copyright piracy and Education’ International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 13 (2), 149-178, 2023 ABDC indexed.
- Jha, A.K. and Rajan p. ‘Software Piracy and Software Protection’ with Journal of World Intellectual Property, Wiley. Article DOI :10.1111/jwip.12218,Vol. 25, issues 2, pg no: 251-270, July 2022.
- Jha, A.K. and Rajan p. "Movie Piracy: Displacement and its impact on Legitimate Sales in India" Article DOI: 10.1111/jwip.12190”, Journal of World Intellectual Property, Wiley. Vol. 24, issues 3-4, pg no: 237-252, July 2021.
- Mitra, Arup and Jha, A.K. “Innovation and Employment: A Firm Level Analysis of Indian Industries”, Eurasian Business Review, vol. 5, issue 1, pp 45-71, Springer. Jan. 2015. ABDC indexed.
- Jha, A. K. and Kumar, N. “Migration, Mobility and Role of Informal Channels: Does Ethnicity matters? Evidence from Delhi Slums”, Indian Economic Review, Vol XLIX, No.2, PP.245-260, 2014. ABDC indexed.
Article Accepted
- ‘Copyright piracy and Education’ with International Journal of Intellectual Property Management. ABDC indexed.
- Jha, A.K. "Understanding Piracy at the University Level”, International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Volume:05, Issue:11 "November 2020"
- Jha, A. K. and Kumar,N. “Predicting the Volatility of Stock Market and measuring its Interactions with Macroeconomic Variables: Indian Evidence, Case study of NIFTY and SENSEX”, International Journal of Science: Basic and Applied Research, Vol 13 No.1, PP. 371-393, 2014
- Jha, A. K. and Kumar,N. “Ethnicity, Mobility and Role of Informal Channels: Evidence from Delhi Slums”, Journal of sociological Research, Vol 5 No.1, PP. 92-112, 2014
Chapter/s in Books
- “Innovation and Employment: A Firm Level Analysis of Indian Industries”, published in the edited book “Technology: Corporate and Social Dimensions ” by N. S. Siddharthan and K. Narayan, Springer, 2016
- Presented paper “ IP Disputes and its Impact on Firm Performance: A Multi-Country Comparison of Mobile Handset Markets Using DID Method ” at 4th Development Economics Conference, 2024 at the University of Lincoln, U.K.
- Research analyst with Prof. Moneer Alam at the Population Research Centre of Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. (26th August, 2013 – 20th November, 2013). This work focused on the consumption pattern of elderly using NSS 50th, 55th, 61st, 68th rounds.
- Research Analyst with Prof. Arup Mitra on a project titled “Innovation and employment” funded by IDRC grant at Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. (19th February 2013– 18th August, 2013). This work dealt with firm level analysis of manufacturing industry.