Manjula Rani Mallepalli
Dr. Mallepalli is currently a Professor at the School of Law, Mahindra University. She holds a Ph.D. from NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. Her doctoral research was in the field of International Trade Law, India and the Dispute Settlement System under WTO. Her Post-Graduation is in Law with specialization in Corporate Laws and Post-Graduate diplomas in Alternate Dispute Resolution and Business Management with (Marketing and Advertising as major). She is also an Associate member of Company Secretaries of India (ACS) ICSI. Has published research articles in various journals. She started her career as a practicing lawyer.
She was associated with School of Law, Bennett University. At NALSAR, she has taught various subjects to the law students and management graduates and has conducted sessions for the IRS officers at National Academy of Direct Taxes. She worked as Manager-Litigation at Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Bangalore. She taught business laws and other interdisciplinary subjects to the post graduate management students at Alliance University, Bangalore.
- Awarded Ph.D. (on the topic of “India and the WTO Dispute Settlement System: A Critical Analysis of Disputes Under GATS, TRIPS and Antidumping Agreements”) from NALSARUniversity of Law, Hyderabad
- ACS: Associate Company Secretary from Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
Corporate & Commercial Law
- Corporate & Commercial Law I: Contracts & Employment Law: an online non-credit course authorized by University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign
- Corporate & Commercial Law II: Business Forms, Financing & Governmental Regulation: an online non-credit course authorized by University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign
Strategic Management
- Strategic Management: an online non-credit course authorized by Copenhagen Business School
Strategy Formulation
- Strategy Formulation: an online non-credit course authorized by Copenhagen Business School
PG Diploma
- PG Diploma in Alternate Dispute Resolution from NALSAR University of Law & International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution; (distinction)
LL.M. in Corporate Laws
- LL.M. in Corporate Lawsfrom PG College of Law, Osmania University Hyderabad.
Post Graduate Diploma
- Post Graduate Diploma (PGDMBA – 2 Years) in Business Administration and Management (Marketing and Advertisingas major) ICBM, Hyderabad (Institute of Business Administration and Management, New Delhi); (Topper)
- LL.B. from AUUE College, affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad; (College Topper, OsmaniaUniversity distinction, 2nd Rank)
- B.Sc. from S N Vanitha Mahavidyalaya, affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad
July 2021 to Present
July 2021 to Present , Professor at the School of Law, MU
She has a varied work experience; in marketing had managed a team of workforce involving the field support, training, and development; had practiced law in Trial and Appellate Courts, Consumer Forum, Labour Tribunal, Tax Tribunal etc., been associated with senior lawyer;
She was an Assistant Company Secretary in a reputable organization handling the Legal and Corporate compliances.
As a Manager-Litigation in tax advisory services at PwC she has been instrumental in research and devising the litigation strategies for successful representation before the appropriate Tax Authorities.
She has been an educator in various educational institutions like Bennett University, Nalsar University of Law, Alliance University, PG College of Law etc., and has taught various subjects. Her varied educational qualifications and experience has contributed to a unique way of interdisciplinary teaching. Adept in handling interdisciplinary subjects like cyberlaws, international trade laws and corporate laws. She was designated as the subject expert for few courses; and was Area Coordinator for Corporate Governance at NALSAR. She had been part of various committees and in administrative roles throughout her teaching tenure.
Conferences and Seminars:
- Invited to be a Resource Person for a Technical Session in the National Conference on “Calibrating Corporate Governance in New Economy’ organized by HNLU Raipur in collaboration with Taxmann Publications.
- Invited to present a paper on the title 'TRIPS: Public Health and Pandemic' at the Seventh Annual International Mercantile Law Conference organized by the University of Free State, Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa(upcoming)
- Invited to present a paper on the 'Impact of Digital Technologies on World Trade and Regulatory Framework" at Fourth IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference(upcoming).
- Attended FDP on 'Right to Information: A Revolutionary Law' organized by Centre for advanced studies in labour welfare, (CASLW) Rajiv GandhiNational University of Law, Punjab
- Attended FDP conducted by Gujarat Maritime Universityand Gujarat Labour Law Academy on 'Maritime Laws and Seafarers'.
- Attended FDP on “Environmental Law and Policy” organized by “The Centre for Environmental Law, Policy and Research (CELPR), National Law University, Delhi
- Participated in the 6th International Conference on “Competition Law - Risk, Challenges and Way Forward held by ASSOCHAM Competition Law Council;
- Participated in the Congress ECUMENE 2021: Sustainable Finance for Climate Change, which was held in Moscowunder the auspices of the United Nations (online);
- Presented a paper on “TRIPS Agreement--Flexibilities and Complexities” at First IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference” (IPIRA) held at the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia.
- Presented a paper on “Shale and its Impact on Environment, Trade and Law” at 23rd International Forestry and Environment Symposium Towards Sustainable and Greener Future Organized by Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
- Presentation on ‘Corporate Governance – Theory and Practice in India’ has been adjudged as the best project presentation by the ICSI, Hyderabad during 11thMSOP Training
- Presentation on “Role of Judiciary in Arbitration: Interference or Involvement?” - in the National conference organized by National Law University, Raipur
- Presentation on the “Role of FDI in Indian Aviation sector”- in the international conference on “Regional Economic Cooperation in SAARC: Problems and Prospects for Investments”, organized by NALSAR University of Law
- Presented paper on “Legal and Regulatory Regime of CSR in India: Structure, Strength and Reforms” - in the National Symposium on “Excellence in Business Practices in 21st Century
- Attended the online conference: “St. Petersburg international legal forum 9 ½: rule of corona”.
- Delivered a talk on 'Law as a Career, its Scope and Opportunities' at Roots Junior College, Somajiguda Hyderabad.
- Editorial Review Committee member for “Rural Entrepreneurship Development in Liberalized Era” a book comprised of compilation of Articles contributed by the renowned authors promoted and published by “The Society for Advancement of Villagers Education and Rural Assistance” (SAVERA).
- Attended a lecture on “Legal Education in India - A Nostradamic Perspective” organized by HNLU Raipur.
- Attended global lawyers' colloquium on the theme “diversity in the legal profession & judiciary: what's the hope for the future?” organized by JGLS.
- As a session moderator has participated in a webinar on “COVID 19: Constitutional and Legal Conundrums” hosted by School of Law, Bennett University.
- Participated in the symposium organized by the center for transnational commercial law New Delhi, on “3 years of IBC: tracing its journey, challenges for building the road ahead” at NLU Delhi.
- Attended the global online conference on “combating covid-19: biotech to the rescue” organized by Bennett University.
- Attended a webinar by IPPO on “pandemics, patents and public interest” Attended global lawyers’ colloquium on "global lawyering and the corporate legal profession in a post-corona world" organized by Jindal Global Law School
- attended a webinar on "Protecting Civil Liberties during Emergencies: does covid-19 pose new threats to rights and freedoms?" organized by JGLS
- Attended global lawyers' colloquium on the theme “diversity in the legal profession & judiciary: what's the hope for the future?” organized by JGLS
- Attended a national webinar on 'getting ready for NAAC' organized by MIT world peace university.
- Participated in National seminar on "Green Biotechnology & its Impact on Indian Economy, at Bennett University
- Participated the National Conference on “Law, Development and Social Inclusion, at Bennett University
- Attended the National conference on the “Conundrum of Theory and Practice in Legal Education” at Bennett University
- Attended The - JGU Conference on "Developing World Class Universities in India: Role of Data Benchmarking" in New Delhi
- Participated Tax Conferences PwC in-house; and organized by CII, ASSOCHAM, FICCI, ICAI etc.,
- Participated in seminar on “America Invents Act 2011” organized by NLSIU, Bangalore
- Participated in the CSR-NGO South Regional Conference on the theme, “A key to inclusive business through CSR-NGO partnerships”, hosted by Alliance University, Bangalore
- Participated in the 13th Annual Global Information Technology Management Association World Conference (GITMA). GITMA is an international academic society focused on research in Information Systems and Technologies
- Attended National conference / workshop on “Liberalization and Privatization of Space activities in India: Emerging legal issues”, organized by NALSAR University of Law
- Attended Doctoral Consortium in marketing on the theme, “Research in Emerging Markets”, which was organized by Alliance University, Bangalore
- Participated in the HR Summit on the theme, “Changing Trends in Human Capital”— an event which was organized by The Centre for Industry Interaction, Alliance University, Bangalore
Her research interests include International Trade Laws, IPRs, Cyber Laws, Marketing Laws, Laws for Engineers and Corporate Laws.