Monali Sahu Pathange
Dr. Monali Sahu Pathange has completed her Ph.D. in English from the Department of Indian and World Literatures at The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad. She has an M.A. in English from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad with a specialization in English literature. She has been trained in English Language Teaching as part of her B.A. programme and PGCTE training at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. In addition to these qualifications, she has also audited courses on Postcolonial studies at Technical University, Dresden (Germany). She has presented multiple conference papers at International conferences in India and abroad (Lancaster university, University of New York in Prague and TU Dresden). Being from science background in her intermediate education, she is a rank holder in Mathematics Olympiad, Science Olympiad and Chemistry Olympiad. Apart from these academic engagements, she has an impassioned inclination towards painting and two of her paintings have featured as the cover pages of the International peer-reviewed e- journal Lokaratna (Vol XIV issue 1 and 2). She is also trained in Hindustani classical (vocal). She has been a member of the Junior Red Cross society and has received prizes for essay writing, extempore and painting competitions in various state level and National Red Cross camps [2005-06]. In addition to these, she has been a part of the Scouts and Guides organization and is a recipient of the prestigious Governor’s prize for outstanding performance in 2005.
- Ph.D. in English (2020) from the Department of Indian and World Literatures at The English and Foreign languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad
M.A. in English Literature
- M.A. in English Literature (80%, Grade: A+) from The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad.
- Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching of English(PGCTE) with an overall grade A from the English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad.
B.A. in English
- B.A. in English (Hons) with French as an elective (74%, grade: A) from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.
10+2 Science
- 10+2 Science from Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha.
- Matriculation from Board of Secondary Education, Odisha.
- Dr. Monali Sahu Pathange is presently working as a Lecturer at Mahindra University.
- She has taught a course titled “Communication Skills and Proficiency in English” to PGDMA students at the National Academy of Agricultural Research and Management (NAARM), Hyderabad.
- She has taught students of English Language Proficiency course at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad as part of the PGCTE programme.
- She has assisted her supervisor in a few teaching activities at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad {for BA (English) and M.A. students}.
- She was selected as a teacher by the Make A Difference (MAD) organization.
- Sahu, Monali and P V, Amith Kumar. “How Liminal is the Liminal Space(?): Understanding Interpenetrative Spaces in the Fictional Works of Ben Okri and Salman Rushdie”. Lokaratna: An E- Journal for Language, Culture, Literature and Indigenous Knowledge. Volume XVII, Issue II, June 2024. pp. 79-97. ISSN: 2347-6427.
- Sahu, Monali and Amith kumar P V. “ ‘Locating the Unlocatable’: The Voyage on the ‘Mytho-Political’ Borderland in Ben Okri’s Songs of Enchantment”. IUP Journal of English Studies, June 2023, pp. 27-40, ISSN 0973-3728.
- Designated as the journal cover artist for Lokaratna: : An E- Journal for Language, Culture, Literature and Knowledge in collaboration with World Oral Literature Project, Cambridge University.
- Sahu, Monali and Amith Kumar P V. “Reading the ‘Hybrid’ Mother: Representation of Divinity and Grotesqueness in the Mother Figure of Ben Okri’s Abiku Trilogy”. Lokaratna: An International e-Journal for Language, Culture, Literature and Indigenous Knowledge, XIV, No.2, December 2021, pp. 115-134. ISSN No. 2347-6427.
- Sahu, Monali. "Between Colonial Ancestry and Postcolonial Identification: Locating ‘Filiation’ and ‘Affiliation’ in Ben Okri’s The Famished Road". Gnosis: An International Refereed Journal of English Literature and Language, Vol. 5, No. 1, October 2018, pp. 76-87. ISSN No. 2391-0131.
- Sahu, Monali. “Objects of Enchantment: Mind and Matter Correlation in the Fictional Writings of Ben Okri and Salman Rushdie”. Daath Voyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol.2, No.3, September, 2017, pp. 78-88. ISSN No. 2455-7544.
- Sahu, Monali. “Reflections from a Broken Mirror: Locating Lacanian Subject in Ben Okri’s The Famished Road.” International Journal of English language, Literature in Humanities”, 5, No.9, September, 2017, pp. 138-147. ISSN No. 2321-7065.
Invited talks
- Delivered a talk titled, “Indian Macbeths of the Silver Screen: Pomp, Pageantry and Power in the Cinematic Adaptations” in the two day national seminar on "William Shakespeare: Interpretations, Adaptations and Appropriation" (24th and 25th April, 2023) organized by the Department of English, School of Humanities and Languages, Central University of Karnataka.
- Presented a research paper titled, “The Vulnerability of Hunger: Body Politics and Mythopoesis in Amruta Patil’s Aranyaka” in a three-day International conference on “Graphic Narratives and Comic Studies as a World Literary Phenomena” organized by the Department of Indian and World Literatures from 12th to 14th February, 2025 at The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.
- Chaired a panel on “Comics and Graphic Narratives as World Literature” in the three-day International conference on “Graphic Narratives and Comic Studies as a World Literary Phenomena” organized by the Department of Indian and World Literatures from 12th to 14th February, 2025 at The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.
- Chaired a session in the International Conference on Navigating Inequalities, Development and Sustainability in the Global South (ICNIDS) 2024, organized by School of Social Sciences and Humanities at VIT-AP University in collaboration with Ryukoku University (Japan), American University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Asian Studies Center–University of Valladolid (CEA), University of Alicante (Spain) and Casa De la India (Spain) on 13th September, 2024.
- Presented a research paper titled, “The Curvature and the Caricature of the Indian Web Comics: Reading the Tension Between the Image and the Text in Bakarmax Comics and Royal Existentials” at the panel organised by the ICLA (International Comparative Literature Association) Research Committee on Comparative Comic Studies and World Literature in the XVII Biennial International conference by Comparative Literature Association of India (CLAI) (10-12th September, 2024) in collaboration with University of Delhi.
- “‘The Globalectical Imagination’ and Okri’s The Famished Roadtrilogy: Reading the aesthetics of ‘here’ and ‘there’ in shifting centers”, at XXII International Conference on “Global South Cultural Production and Dialogue” organized by Forum on Contemporary Theory on 21st December, 2019.
- “Objects of Enchantments: Mind and Matter Correlation in the Fictional Writings of Ben Okri and Salman Rushdie”, at the International (Annual) Conference organized by Forum on Contemporary Theory on 19thDecember, 2016.
- “Deciphering the Postcolonial Trauma: Unraveling traumatized neurosis in Salman Rushdie’s Shalimar the Clown and Ben Okri’s Songs of Enchantment” at the International Conference on Commonwealth Literature, organized by OUCIP and ISCS on 28thNovember 2015.
- “Captivating the elusive self of the ‘spirit child’: A psychoanalytical investigation into Ben Okri’s The Famished Road” at the International Students’ researcher’s Conference, organized by University of New York in Prague and Empire State College on 15thMay, 2015.
Her areas of research include English Literature with specialization in modern and contemporary literature, South Asian Fiction, Literatures from the Global South, Indian Writings in English, Postcolonial Poetics and Ecocriticism.