Murtaza Bohra
Dr. Murtaza Bohra is a Professor in the Physics Department at École Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University . His research primarily focuses on low dimension magnetism and transport properties of ultra-thin films, nano particles and their heterostructures for spintronics. His research interest also involves multiferroric and photovoltaic properties of single and double perovskites oxides (bulk and thin films). Strain engineered and magnetic exchange biased based devices are of current interest.
- Ph.D. (Ferrimagnetic oxides thin films) Dept. of Physics, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai, India. Awarded Doctorate on August 8, 2008
- National-Level Joint CSIR-UGC Test (NET) for Lectureship – 2001, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering in Physics (GATE)-2002 with all India rank, AIR-98 and Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) – 2002.
- B. Ed. Science from University of Jammu, Jammu, India in 2001
- M.Sc. Physics from M. L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India in 1999
June 2014- Present
- 2023 – Present, Professor, École Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University
- Associate professor at Mahindra University, Hyderabad from 1st August 2018 to 31st July 2023.
- Controller of Examinations, Mahindra University, since January 2019
- Head of Timetable Team, Mahindra University, since Jun 2019
- Assistant professor at Mahindra University, Hyderabad from 17th Jun 2014 to 31st July 2018.
- Postdoctoral fellow at Nanoparticles By Design Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan (March 2012 – May 2014); research involved
- Tuning of Curie temperature for NiCr alloy for hyperthermia applications
- Nanoclusters based magnetic exchange bias devices Co/CoO, Co/NiMn or FeMn)
- Postdoctoral fellow at National Sun Yat-Sen University Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Oct 2009 – Feb 2012); research involved Multiferroic: BiFeO3/SrRuO3/SrTiO3 heterostructure
- Project Scientist at IIT-Kanpur on an Indo-French project (April 25, 2009 to Sept. 25, 2009); research involved Perovskite based FET devices
- Project Scientist at IIT-Kanpur on an Indo-French project (April 25, 2009 to Sept. 25, 2009); research involved Perovskite based FET devices
- Postdoctoral Fellow at École des Mines de Nancy France (April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009) on Growth of complex metallic alloy thin films
- Physics Lecturer at Junior college, Udaipur, from 1st Jan 2001 to 25th Jun 2002.
Visiting Professor at various labs abroad
Visiting Professor at various labs abroad
- Nanoparticles Design Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 1919-1 Tancha Onna-Son, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan (during Dec 2014, July 2017, Jun 2019)
- CNRS-Centre d’Elaboration de Materiaux et d’Etudes Structurales (CEMES), 29 rue Jeanne Marvig, 31055 Cedex 4 Toulouse, France (during May-July 2018, Jun-July 2022)
- Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, 804, Taiwan (during Jun 2017)
International Journals
- Murtaza Bohra, Stefanos Giaremis, Abisegapriyan KS, Stella Mathioudaki, Joseph Kioseoglou, Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Coupling in Gas-Phase Synthesized M(Fe, Co, Ni)-Cr Nanoparticles for Next-Generation Magnetic Applications, accepted in Advanced Science, 2403708 (2024).
- Nitesh Singh, Anil Annadi, Ayush Rastogi, Naresh Kumar, Baidyanath Sahu, BiswanathBhoi,Murtaza Bohra, FMR Study of ZnFe2O4 Thin Films in varied Growth Environments, IEEE Trans. Mag., online, August 09, (2024).
- RK Thanneeru, M Bohra, A Annadi, High performance metal halide Cu-Ag-I-Cl alloys for photodegradation, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,194, 112202 (2024).
- Murtaza Bohra, Rémi Arras, Vidyadhar Singh, Nitesh Singh, Anil Annadi, Evropi Toulkeridou, Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, Hsiung Chou, Cationic Disorder: Governing the Spin-Insulatronic Properties of Nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 Thin Films, Materials Today Communications, 38,108333 (2024)
- Murtaza Bohra, Vidya Alman, Mohd Ataullah Khan, Vidyadhar Singh, Evropi Toulkeridou, Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, Analytical modeling of magnetocaloric effect in dense nanoparticle systems, Nano Select, e2300196 (2024)
- Murtaza Bohra, Nitesh Singh, Sai Vittal Battula, Vidyadhar Sing, Anil Annadi, Evropi Toulkeridou, Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, Broadening of Magnetocaloric Effect at Elevated Temperatures in Nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 thin films, Results in Physics, 57, 107382 (2024)
- Murtaza Bohra, Nitesh Singh, and Anil Annadi, Sai Vittal Battula, Vidyadhar Singh, Leveraging of both positive and negative magnetocaloric effects in ZnFe2O4 layers, Materials Research Bulletin, 169, 112547 (2024)
- Nitesh Singh, Naresh Kumar, Dharohar Sahadot, Anil Annadi, Vidyadhar Singh, Murtaza Bohra, Smart nanocomposite SrFe12O19 /a or g-Fe2O3 thin films with adaptive magnetic properties, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 589, 171549 (2024)
- Alman, V.; Annadi, A.; Murapaka, C.; Haldar, A.; Pradhan, J. Singh, V.; Bohra, M. Thickness-Driven Magnetic Behavior in Ni-Cr Nanocrystalline Thin Films: Implications for Spintronics and Magnetic Cooling. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 12, 10394 (2023)
- Alman, V.; Ramakrishna, V. V.; Battula, S.V.; Sahu, B.N.; Annadi, A.; Singh, V.; Bohra, M. Exploration of Room-Temperature Magnetocaloric Effect in Nanogranular Ni–Cr Thin Films. MRS Communications 13, 117, (2023)
- Alman, V.; Annadi, A.; Khan M.A.; Singh, V.; Bohra, M. Coexistence of Normal and Inverse Magnetocaloric Effect in Inhomogeneous Ni95Cr5 Physica Scripta, 98,095907 (2023)
- Murtaza Bohra, Sai Vittal Battula, Vidya Alman, Anil Annadi and Vidyadhar Singh, Deducing uniaxial anisotropy for various NiCr nanostructures, Applied Nanoscience,13, 3205 (2023)
- Murtaza Bohra, Dharohar Sahadot, Prakhar Gupta, Anil Annadi, Vidyadhar Singh, Jean-François Bobo, Determination of normal and inverse magnetocaloric effect in iron oxide thin films, Applied Physics A, 129, 721 (2023)
- Murtaza Bohra, Sai Vittal Battula, Nitesh Singh, B. N. Sahu, Anil Annadi and Vidyadhar Singh, Competing Magnetic Interactions in Inverted Zn-Ferrite Thin Films, Magnetism, 2 (2), 168 (2022)
- Murtaza Bohra, Wet H2Reduction: A Robust Way of Converting α-Fe2O3 into Fe3O4 at the Nanoscale, Journal of Electronic Materials 51, 2709 (2022)
- Bohra, Rémi Arras, Jean- Francois Bobo, Vidyadhar Singh, Naresh Kumar, Hsiung Chou, Multiple spintronic functionalities into single zinc-ferrous ferrite thin films, Murtaza Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 895, 162425 (2022)
- Multiple spintronic functionalities into single zinc-ferrous ferrite thin films, Murtaza Bohra, R. Arras, J.F. Bobo, V. Singh, N. Kumar, and H. Chou Journal of Alloys and Compounds /Elsevier Publications 895(2021)162425. [http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.162425]. [ impact factor: 5.3]
- Design of various Ni-Cr nanostructures and deducing their magnetic anisotropy, Murtaza Bohra, S.V. Battula, V. Alman, A. Annadi, V. Singh, Applied Nanoscience/ Springer (2021). [https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-021-01998-y]. [ impact factor: 3.5]
- Nanostructured ZnFe2O4: An Exotic Energy Material,
Murtaza Bohra ; Vidya Alman, Rémi Arras, Nanomaterials 11, no. 5: 1286. (2021) [impact factor: 5] - On the potentiality of a cluster-beam source to produce free-standing one-dimensional and two-dimensional FeAg nanostructures: mechanisms underlying their shape genesis,
M. Benelmekki, V. Singh, KW Baughman, Murtaza Bohra, J-H Kim, Material Today Chemistry, 19, 100405 (2021) [impact factor: 8.2] - Murtaza Bohra; Vidya Alman, Rémi Arras, Nanostructured ZnFe2O4: An Exotic Energy Material, Nanomaterials 11, no. 5: 1286. (2021)
- Benelmekki, V. Singh, KW Baughman, Murtaza Bohra, J-H Kim, On the potentiality of a cluster-beam source to produce free-standing one-dimensional and two-dimensional FeAg nanostructures: mechanisms underlying their shape genesis Material Today Chemistry, 19, 100405 (2021)
- Aggregation vs Surface Segregation: Antagonism over the Magnetic Behavior of NiCr Nanoparticles,
Murtaza Bohra , V. Alman, A. Showry, V. Singh, Rosa E. Diaz, M. Sowwan, and Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, ACS Omega 5 (51), 32883 (2020) [ impact factor: 3] - Versatile Gold-Polymer Nanointerfaces Probed by GISAXS,
Murtaza Bohra, Arun Showry, Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, and Vidyadhar Singh, Material Today Chemistry, 17, 100297 (2020) [ impact factor: 8.2] - Growth, structure and thermal stability of quasicrystalline Al-Pd-Mn-Ga thin films,
Murtaza Bohra , TM Pavan, Vincent Fournée, RK Mandal, Applied Surface Science, 505, 144494(2020) (IF=6.7)
- Anomalous electric transport across Verwey transition innanocrystalline Fe3O4 thin films,Murtaza Bohra, D.R. Chowdhury, V. Singh and J. F. Bobo, Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 013901(2019)
- A Short Review on Verwey Transition in Nanostructured Fe3O 4 Materials, Murtaza Bohra, Nishit Agrawal, and Vidyadhar Singh, Journal of Nanomaterials, Article ID 8457383, 18 pages (2019)
- Tuning the onset of ferromagnetism in heterogeneous bimetallic nanoparticles by gas phase doping
Murtaza Bohra , Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos,Vidyadhar Singh, Junlei Zhao, Evropi Toulkeridou, Stephan Steinhauer, Joseph Kioseoglou, Jean-François Bobo, Kai Nordlund, Flyura Djurabekova and Mukhles Sowwan, Physics Review Material, 1, 066001 (2017) - Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Multifunctional Magnetic Nanostructures, V. Singh, R. Madugundo, A. Annadi, B. Bhoi, K. D.Chandrasekhar, Murtaza Bohra, Journal of Nanomaterials, Article ID 2638715, 2 pages (2017)
- Origin of abnormal structural transformation in a(BiPb)FeO3/SrRuO3/SrTiO3 hetero-structure probed by Rutherford backscattering,
Murtaza Bohra , Kartikeya Negi, Varun Karthik Y. S., Hsiung Chou, X. Wang, and W. K. Chu, Nature Publishing Group’s Scientific reports, 7(1), 4501 (2017) (IF = 5.5) - Large magnetocaloric effect at Verwey point in nanocrystalline Fe 3O4 thin films
Murtaza Bohra , S.C. Sahoo, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 699, 1118 (2017) (IF = 3.2)
- Control of Surface Segregation in Bimetallic NiCr Nanoalloys Immersed in Ag Matrix Murtaza Bohra, Vidyadhar Singh, Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos, Evropi Toulkeridou, Rosa E Diaz, Jean-François Bobo, Mukhles Sowwan, Nature Publishing Group’s Scientific reports, 6, 19153 (2016) (IF = 5.5)
- Characterizing the phase purity of nanocrystalline Fe3O 4 thin films using Verwey transition
Murtaza Bohra , K Eswar Prasad, Ravi Bollina, SC Sahoo, Naresh Kumar, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 418, 137 (2016) (IF = 2)
- Surface Segregation in Chromium-Doped NiCr Alloy Nanoparticles and Its Effect on Their Magnetic Behavior M Bohra , P Grammatikopoulos, RE Diaz, V Singh, J Zhao, JF Bobo, Chemistry of Materials 27 (9), 3216 (2015) (IF =9.4)
- Nanocrystalline zinc ferrite films studied by magneto-optical spectroscopyE Lišková-Jakubisová, Š Višňovský, P Široký, D Hrabovský, J Pištora, M Bohra, Journal of Applied Physics 117 (17), 17B726 (2015) (IF = 2.2)
- Smart Composite Nanosheets with Adaptive Optical Properties JH Kim, M Bohra, V Singh, C Cassidy, M Sowwan, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (16), 13339 (2014) (IF = 6.7)
- A facile single-step synthesis of ternary multicore magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles M Benelmekki, M Bohra, JH Kim, RE Diaz, J Vernieres, Nanoscale 6 (7), 3532 (2014) (IF = 7.4)
- Influence of packaging on the surface oxidation and magnetic properties of cobalt nanocrystals M Bohra , V Singh, M Sowwan, JF Bobo, CJ Chung, B Clemens , Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (30), 305002 (2014) (IF = 2.7)
- In-situ Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Annealing Studies of Ni1-xCrx Nanocluster and Correlation with Magnetic Properties RE Diaz, M Bohra, V Singh, M Sowwan,Microscopy and Microanalysis 20 (S3), 1664 (2014)
- Assembly of tantalum porous films with graded oxidation profile from size-selected nanoparticlesV Singh, P Grammatikopoulos, C Cassidy, M Benelmekki, M Bohra, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 16 (5),1-10 (2014) (IF = 2.27)
- Low Temperature Magnetization Studies of Nanocrystalline Zn-Ferrite Thin Films M Bohra , S Prasad, N Venkataramani, SC Sahoo, N Kumar, R Krishnan,Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 49 (7), 4249 (2013) (IF = 1.2)
- The ferroelectricity of Bi0.9Pb0.1FeO3 films grown on atomic flat SrRuO3/SrTiO3 substrates H Chou, KC Liu, CT Wu, CP Wu, M Bohra, A Pyatakov, YC Chen, CC Yu, Journal of Applied Physics 113 (17), 17D914 (2013) (IF = 2.2)
- High symmetric SrRuO3(001) thin films: Perfectly lattice-matched electrodes for multiferroic BiFeO3, M Bohra , CP Wu, HJ Yeh, H Chou, Journal of Applied Physics 113 (17), 17D913 (2013)
- Surface morphology of films grown by size-selected Ta nanoparticles V Singh, C Cassidy, M Bohra, A Galea, Z Hawash, M Sowwan, Advanced Materials Research 647, 732 (2013)
- Structural, tribological and resistivity studies of Ga substituted (Al 71−xGax) Pd21 Mn8 icosahedral and other intermetallic phases M Bohra , MC de Weerd, V Fournee, RK Mandal, NK Mukhopadhyay,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 551, 274 (2013) (IF = 2.99)
- Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline CoFe2O4 /ZnFe2O4 Bilayers SC Sahoo, N Venkataramani, S Prasad, M Bohra, R Krishnan, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism 25 (8), 2653 (2012) (IF = 2)
- Strain relaxation in atomic flat SrRuO3/SrTiO3 layers grown by off-Axis RF-sputtering M Bohra , HJ Yeh, CP Wu, H Chou, Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 48 (11), 4566 (2012)
- Strain relaxation in Bi0.9Pb0.1FeO3 /SrRuO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures M Bohra , CP Wu, HJ Yeh, H Chou, Journal of Applied Physics 111 (7), 07D904 (2012)
- Structural expansion and suppression of spiral spin state in Pb-doped BiFeO3 (00l) epitaxial thin films , M Bohra, CP Wu, HJ Yeh, H Chou, WC Chen, JW Lin, JG Lin,Journal of Applied Physics 111 (7), 07D917 (2012) (IF = 2.2)
- Thickness dependent anomalous magnetic behavior in pulsed-laser deposited cobalt ferrite thin film , SC Sahoo, N Venkataramani, S Prasad, M Bohra, R Krishnan, Applied Physics A 106 (4), 931 (2012) (IF = 1.7)
- Role of Ru vacancies in the magnetism of strain relaxed SrRuO 3 films on SrTiO3 substrates M Bohra , CP Wu, HJ Yeh, YH Cheng, CC Peng, H Chou,Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7), 07D728 (2011) (IF = 2.2)
- Substrate temperature dependent anomalous magnetic behavior in thin film SC Sahoo, N Venkataramani, S Prasad, M Bohra, R Krishnan,Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 47 (2), 337 (2011) (IF = 2.2)
- Narrow ferromagnetic resonance linewidth polycrystalline Zn-ferrite thin films M Bohra , S Prasad, N Venkataramani, N Kumar, SC Sahoo, R Krishnan,Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 47 (2), 345 (2011) (IF = 1.2)
- In-plane magnetization with high coercivity in terbium iron garnet thin films deposited on Pt/Si substrate by PLD , N Kumar, R Bhargava, S Kumar, AK Chawla, R Chandra, M Bohra, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (13), 1727 (2010) (IF=2)
- Pulse laser deposited nanocrystalline cobalt ferrite thin filmsSC Sahoo, N Venkataramani, S Prasad, M Bohra, R Krishnan, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 10 (5), 3112 (2010) (IF = 1.5)
- Stability of nonthermodynamic equilibrium cation distribution frozen during pulsed laser deposition of Co-ferrite thin films , SC Sahoo, N Venkataramani, S Prasad, M Bohra, R Krishnan, Applied Physics A 98 (4), 889 (2010) (IF = 1.7)
- Magnetic properties of magnetite thin films close to the Verwey transition M Bohra , S Prasad, N Venketaramani, N Kumar, SC Sahoo, R Krishnan, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 321 (22), 3738 (2009) (IF = 2)
- The influence of substrate temperature and annealing on the properties of pulsed laser-deposited YIG films on fused quartz substrate N Kumar, S Prasad, DS Misra, N Venkataramani, M Bohra, R Krishnan, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (18), 2233 (2008) (IF = 2)
- RF Sputter Deposited Nanocrystalline (110) Magnetite Thin Film from α-Fe2O3 Target M Bohra , N Venkataramani, S Prasad, N Kumar, DS Misra, SC Sahoo, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 7 (6), 2055 (2007) (IF = 1.5)
- Study of pulsed laser deposited magnetite thin film M Bohra , N Venkataramani, S Prasad, N Kumar, DS Misra, SC Sahoo, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2), 2242 (2007) (IF = 2)
- Large room temperature magnetization in nanocrystalline zinc ferrite thin films M Bohra , S Prasad, N Kumar, DS Misra, SC Sahoo, N Venkataramani,Applied Physics Letters 88 (26), 2506 (2006) (IF = 3.7)
National Journals
- Magnetic properties of pulsed laser deposited cobalt ferrite thin films
Subasa C. Sahoo, N. Venkataramani, Shiva Prasad, MurtazaBohra and R. Krishnan Solid State Physics (India), 53,677 (2008)
- Growth of cobalt ferrite thin film by pulsed laser ablation
S. Sahoo, Murtaza Bohra, Shiva Prasad, Naresh Kumar, N. Venkataramani, D. S. Misra and R. Krishnan, Solid State Physics (India), 51,477 (2006)
- Sputter deposition of Fe3O4 thin films using α-Fe 2O3 target
MurtazaBohra , Naresh Kumar, D. S. Misra, N. Venkataramani, Shiva Prasad and R.Krishnan, Solid State Physics (India), 50, 481(2005)
- Deposition of Fe3O4 thin films at low temperature by using pulsed laser deposition
MurtazaBohra , Naresh Kumar, D. S. Misra, N. Venkataramani, Shiva Prasad and R.Krishnan, Solid State Physics (India), 49, 518 (2004) - Oriented strontium ferrite thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition
Naresh Kumar, Murtaza Bohra, D. S. Misra, A. K. Nigam, N.Venkataramani, Shiva Prasad and R. Krishnan, Solid State Physics (India), 49,516 (2004)
International conferences
- Oral presentation on “Deducing uniaxial anisotropy for various NiCr nanostructures” was delivered during, ICONN 2021 conference; on February 3rd, 2021 in Session 6C as a contributory lecture CL104. Same research work has also accepted in INTERMAG 2021, April 26th to 30th, 2021.
- Invited talk on Unusual magnetic behaviour in Ni-Cr Nanoparticles inAdvances inCluster Beam Deposition workshop, held at Okinawa Institute of Technology, Okinawa, Japan in between 20/10/2019 to 25/10/2019
- Opportunity for Single/Double Perovskite based Solar cell, Presented at International Conference on Energy Materials and Interfaces in between 29/07/2019 to 01/08/2019 at Newcastle University, UK
- International Conference on Energy Materials and Interfaces , which will be held in between 29/07/2019 to 01/08/2019 at Newcastle University, UK. Abstract title: Opportunity for Single/Double Perovskite based Solar cell
- Growth, structure and thermal stability of quasicrystalline Al-Pd-Mn-Ga thin films 3rdInternational Conference on Applied Surface Science held at Pisa Congress Palace, Pisa, Italy from the 17-20 June 2019.
- Gold-polymer nanostructured interfaces probed by grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering, 9thInternational Colloids Conference 2019 held at Barcelona, Spain during 16 - 19 June 2019.
- Exploration of BiFeO3 thin films based solar cell, Materials & Technologies for Energy Conversion and Storage (M-TECS 2018) held at BARC, Mumbai, September 26-29, 2018.
- Investigation of nanostructured SrRuO3 thin electrode material, International Conference on Nano for Energy and Water (NEW) and Indo-French Workshop on Water Networking from Feb. 22-24, (2017) UPES-Dehradun, India
- Bimetallic Ni-Cr nanoalloys: efficient drug delivery material, Materials Research Society of India Symposium (MRSI). Advanced Materials for Healthcare, Clean Energy and Sustainability 28 th Annual General Meeting of MRSI, IIT Bombay, Feb. 13-15, (2017) (Jointly organized by IIT Bombay, BARC, TIFR, University of Mumbai and MRSI Mumbai Chapter)
- Murtaza Bohra , Varun Karthik Y. S., G. Haveesh, Tarun Y. S. N., D. Roy Chowdhury, and K. Eswar Prasad, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1728, 020551 (2016).
- Magnetic Metamaterials: A comparative study of resonator geometry and metal conductivityS Rangu, K Sreekar, RR Annapureddy, K Basak,Murtaza Bohra, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 759 (1), 012044 (2016).
- Wet H2 reduced nanocrystalline Fe3O4 thin films probed by Verwey transition, International conference on magnetism and magnetic materials (ICMAGMA) at VIT, Vellore, India on 1st Dec (2015)
- Comparative study of magnetite (Fe3O4) thin films grown by pulsed laser ablation and sputtering,
- Ellipsometry and magnetooptical Kerr effect study of nanocrystalline zinc ferrite thin films,
a. E Lišková-Jakubisová, Š Višňovský, P Široký, D Hrabovský, J Pištora, M Bohra, Conference Proceedings: 2015 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC). DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCom.2015.7150657.
- Multi-Functional Nanocluster Design by Coupling Physical Vapor Deposition and in-situ Polymeric Surface Interfacing, J-H Kim , M. Bohra, V. Singh, C. Cassidy, M. Sowwan, Conference Proceedings, International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC) 2013.
- Strain relaxation in BiFeO3/SrRuO3 /(001)SrTiO3 heterostructure &
Structural expansion and suppressing of spiral spin state in Pb-doped BiFeO 3(00l) epitaxial thin films, 56th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (MMM) at Arizona, USA on 31st Oct (2011)
- Role of Ru-vacancies in the magnetism of strain relaxed SrRuO 3 films on SrTiO3, 55th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (MMM) at Georgia, Atlanta, USA on 14 Nov (2010)
- Verwey transition in Fe3O4 thin films: effect of substrate temperature, Statistical Physics and Low Dimensional Systems 2008, 21-23rd May (2008), Nancy, France
- Study of pulsed laser deposited magnetite thin film, 17th International Conference on Magnetism, (ICM–2006) August 20-25th (2006), Kyoto (Japan)
- Influence of RF power on sputter deposited Fe3O4 films, 19th International Conference on Magnetism, (ICMF–2006) August 14-18 th (2006), Sendai (Japan)
- RF sputter deposited Fe3O4 thin films, 6th International Symposium on Physics of Magnetic Materials, (ISPMM–2005) September 14-16th (2005), Singapore
- Controllable and reversible pH-responsive rollable 2D nanostructures, United States Application US 2017/0066178A1, Publication date 9th March 2017
- Jeong-hwan Kim, Murtaza BOHRA, Vidya Dhar SINGH, Antony Douglas GALEA, Panagiotis GRAMMATIKOPOULOS, Mukhles Ibrahim SOWWAN
Book Chapters
- “Magnetic Spinels: A magnetic Compton scattering study” in Spinel Materials, (Elsevier), Authors: H.S. Mund, Murtaza Bohra, and Tamish Jain (2023).
- “Nanostructured Magnetite Thin Films: an avenue for Spintronics” in “Frontier of Nanoscience’ (Elsevier), Authors: Murtaza Bohra and Nishit Agrawal (2018).
Current ResearchInterests
- Spintronic and Solar cell-PV
- Ferromagneticresonance
- Electric transport and magneto resistance of single layer and multilayers structures.
- Stress analysisby reciprocal space mapping
- Magnetic nanoclusters, core-shell structure and thin film devices
Ongoing research project
S. No | Title | Cost in Lakh | Duration | Role as PI/Co-PI | Agency |
1 | Exploiting the Zn-ferrite thin films material as an assortment of spintronics devices. | ~ 12 lakh | 2019-2022 | PI | International division of DST, India |
2 | Developing perovskite solar cell using multiferroic Bi1-xMxFeO3 (M=Pb, Ca, La) thin films | ~ 20 lakh | 2021-2023 | PI | Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA) |
News in Science daily
Our research work entitled “Fine-tuning nanoparticles for the medical industry” has appeared in prestigious Science daily on October 2, 2014