Paromita Das Gupta
Assistant Professor
Dr. Paromita Das Gupta is an Assistant Professor at the School of Law, Mahindra University, Hyderabad. She completed her Ph.D. in History in 2017 from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich. Her doctoral dissertation titled “Politics of Exclusion: Everyday Experiences of the Baboos in Colonial Bengal, c. 1876–1912” has been appreciated and accepted by a globally acclaimed academic publisher. Das Gupta specializes in South Asian studies, history of science, technology & medicine, intellectual history, and microhistory.
Dr. Das Gupta has travelled across Europe and North America for archival research and also presented papers in academic conferences and seminars as a doctoral student. She has engaged with scholars across various disciplines throughout her academic career which helped her to create a strong academic network.
Ph.D, Department of History, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich — 2010–2017
Thesis title: Politics of Exclusion: Everyday Experiences of the Baboos in Colonial Bengal, c. 1876–1912
M.A in Modern History, University of Calcutta, India, 2004–2006
B.A in History (with Political Science & Economics as additional subjects), Loreto College, University of Calcutta, India, 2001–2004
International Understanding for Human Unity-UNESCO supported course in collaboration with Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata
Sept 2021 - Present
- Assistant Professor Professor School of Law MU (Sept 2021 – Present)
- Manager – Content Operations at vSplash Techlabs Private Limited (Hyderabad)—one of the world’s largest digital marketing partners, working with iconic digital media companies around the globe—March 2020–September 2021
- Quality Assurance Analyst at Deloitte (Hyderabad), Learning Design Services—December 2018–January 2020
- Editorial Coordinator at Apex CoVantage (Hyderabad) for Pre-press clients—Taylor & Francis, ABC-Clio, Michigan University Press, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group—May 2018–November 2018
- Consulting Editor at Hogarth Worldwide for Apple Inc—October 2017–April 2018
- Assistant Editor at Orient Blackswan Private Ltd., Hyderabad, Social Science Division, July 2008– June 2010
Additional Experience
Additional Experience
- Academic writing and editing workshop—conducted a session titled “Tricks of the Trade,” at University of Hyderabad, Department of History, for PhD and MPhil students on November 27, 2019
- Academic writing and editing workshop—conducted a session titled “Tricks of the Trade,” at University of Hyderabad, Department of History, for PhD and MPhil students on November 27, 2019
- Consulting Editor for Colonial History, War and Peace at The Kootneetisince September 2019 https://thekootneeti.in/
- Presenter and resource person: Documentary (educational) film titled, “State and Administration of the Gupta Dynasty,” produced by EMMRC in collaboration with St Xavier’s College, Kolkata, 2007
- Teaching Assistant/substitute Lecturer (History & Political Science) at Loreto College, Kolkata, from January – March 2007. Taught various aspects of world history to undergraduate students from Honours and General stream of studies
- Worked as a volunteer & project leader for Women’s Interlink Foundation’s Nabadisha project (New Alipore) in association with Kolkata Police. The project aims at training and coaching street and working children in Kolkata under 15 at selected police stations.
Thesis publication in progress
International Conferences & Workshops
Grants & Awards
- Ph.D/Full-time research grant provided by the Swiss National Foundation (SNF) for cluster project on “Assimilation, Mimicry & Resistance” at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich.
- Asrubala Dasgupta – All Round Performance Award – 2004 – for all round performance in BA Honours, Loreto College, Kolkata
Research Interests
- South Asian Studies
- Global Intellectual History
- Socio-Cultural History of Colonial Empires
- Microhistory
- History of Science, Technology & Medicine