Jyothi Basu
Assistant Professor
Dr. Yerramadha Jyothi Basu is presently working as an Assistant Professor in Indira Mahindra School of Education. She has completed her PhD from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Prior to joining Mahindra University, she worked as a Principal and Assistant Professor in various institutions with an experience of 12+ years. She had presented papers at various conferences & seminars at national & international level and also worked for State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) live lessons in Satellite Television Channel (T-SAT Government of Telangana).
Ph.D in Education (Osmania University)
M.Phil in Education (Osmania University)
M.Ed (Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam,Tirupati)
M.A, B.Ed, B.Sc.
2021- Present
- Assistant Professor at the Indira Mahindra School of Education at Mahindra University: (2021- Present)
- Principal, St.Mary’s College of Education, Hyderabad
- Principal, Lalitha College of Education, Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor, Malla Reddy College of Education, Hyderabad
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor +5 Years as Assistant Professor in college of education at various institutions.
Seminars & Conferences:
Human resource development
Presented paper in national conference
Role of media in women
Problems and issues
Relooking into the system
Quality teacher education
rural disaster resilience
Gandhiji’s Nai-Talim
Government of Telangana satellite educational
Interested areas:
- Pedagogy
- Teacher Education and Organizational Climate