Gopinath GR
Associate Professor
Dr. Gopinath G R is an Associate Professor in the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department at Mahindra University École Centrale School of Engineering. Prior to joining MU, he worked as a Senior Student Research associate at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.
- 2018: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Specialization: Power Electronics & Drives Advisor: Prof. S P Das Topic: Application of Nonlinear Kalman filters for speed and position sensorless control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives.
- 2007: Master of Technology in Electrical Engineering from BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore. Specialization: Power Electronics Advisor: Prof. L Venkatesha Project title: Bond graph modeling of power electronic circuits Industrial training @Honeywell Technology Solns. Lab Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
- 2005: Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from UBDT College of Engineering, Davangere. Project title: Effect of pollution on porcelain line insulators Project guide: D Sathyanarayana
- 2000: Pre-University Education from DRM Science College, Davangere.
- 1998: Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (SSLC) from Lourdes Boys High School, Davangere.
- He is an Associate Professor in the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department at Mahindra University École Centrale School of Engineering
Professional Experience:
Professional Experience:
2017 - 2018
- 1/4/2017 to Jan 2018: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
2007 - 2010
- 28/12/2007 to 1/1/2010: IBM India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore – System Engineer (Software)
Certified with IBM Bravo award for presenting the best poster “Little Emperor Problem” in the Healthcare Sharenet, Bangalore on 15/9/2008.
- 10/2006 to 12/2006: Honeywell Technology Solns. Lab Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for industrial training
Senior Student Research associate
- Worked in project: “Design and development of control and protection for hybrid renewable integration”. Work carried out as part of the project:
- Design and simulation of 3-phase Active front end converter with unity power factor and DC link voltage control.
- 3-ph grid integration of solar PV: DSOGI-PLL, control in synchronous DQ domain
Jan 2010 to Dec 2016: Tutor for the following laboratory courses
- Introduction to Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Machines & Energy Conversion
- Microcontrollers and digital circuits
Tutor for the following theoretical courses
- Introduction to Electrical Engineering
(Application No. 201911017519)
Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) drive with online stator resistance and load torque estimation.
Summary of the invention: Adaptive Extended Kalman filter (EKF) based speed and position sensorless control of PMSM is carried out, with joint estimation of load torque and stator resistance. Estimation of load torque is shown to accommodate an increased bandwidth of speed control loop, thereby improving the transient response to step changes in load. A modified speed PI controller is used to decrease the peak overshoot in speed for step changes in reference speed at light load, and to allow full load starting of the PMSM drive. Estimation of stator resistance improves speed reference tracking, for variation in stator resistance with continuous loading of the machine. The novelty lies in using a simple adaptive technique for EKF, to improve the accuracy of resistance estimation for variable loading of the machine.
- Sensorless Electric Drives
- DSP and FPGA based implementation of advanced Kalman filters
- Control of power electronic converters
- Power Converters for renewable energy integration
- Wind energy systems.