Jayasri Dontabhaktuni
Associate Professor, Physics
Dr. Jayasri Dontabhaktuni is an Associate Professor in Department of Physics at Mahindra University. She is involved in teaching Classical and Quantum mechanics, Electromagnetic theory, Quantum Computing (elective), Nano thermodynamics for undergraduates and numerical methods for post-graduate students.
Dr. Dontabhaktuni pursued her Ph.D. in Physics from University of Hyderabad, India. She went to pursue her post-doctoral studies with prestigious Marie-Curie fellowship at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia during 2009-2011. She got selected for DST FASTTRACK young scientist award in 2012 and Dr. D. S. Kothari fellowship in 2013 before joining Mahindra Ecole Centrale as Assistant Professor in Physics in 2014.
Her current research interests primarily include Quantum Algorithms, Soft photonics, dielectric metasurfaces, quantum technologies specifically using light-matter interactions with nanostructures and Inverse design of materials. She has been working on primarily design and application of novel devices using numerical simulations. In Quantum computing her main interests include hybrid quantum machine learning for robotics and health care applications, generative methods for inverse design of materials, optimization methods, etc.
She has conducted various training programs on Quantum Computing, acted as resource person in FDP’s and workshops. She has conducted training on Quantum Computing to corporate engineers and other industry professionals apart from academia.
She published in more than 20 international peer-reviewed journals with some prestigious journals like PNAS, Scientific Reports, Softmatter, etc and filed patents.
- Ph.D. (Physics), University of Hyderabad, India, 2009.
- M. Tech. (Computational Techniques in Physics), University of Hyderabad, India, 2004.
- M. Sc. (Physics), Acharya Nagarjuna University, India, 2002.
- B. Sc. (Physics), Nagarjuna University, 2000.
- April 2014- Present, Associate Professor, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University
- D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Researcher CMSD, University of Hyderabad
- Marie Curie Experienced Researcher FMF, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Publication in peer-reviewed Journals
- Jayesh Sadasivan, Sivarama Krishnan and Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, ‘Lattice constant independent omni-directional polarization detection in Tellurium based dielectric metasurfaces’, New Journal of Physics (2023) (under review).
- Sakhare, P.A., Atmakuri, M. and Dontabhaktuni, J. Tailoring the resonant modes in liquid crystal based all-dielectric metasurfaces. Sci. Rep. 13, 6780 (2023) IF: 5. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-33693-z
- Sakhare, P. A., & Dontabhaktuni, J. (2022). Ultra Fast Switching of DFLC Based Dynamic Metasurfaces. Frontiers in Physics, 207 IF: 3.7.
- S. Amanaganti, M. Ravnik and J. Dontabhaktuni, ’Collective photonic response of high refractive index metasurfaces’, Sci. Rep, 10, 15599 (2020) IF:5
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik and Slobodan Zumer, ’Quasi-Crystalline colloidal tilings in thin nematic films’, Crystals - Special Issue ”Structure and Properties of Quasicrystalline Materials”, 8(7), 275 (2018) IF:2.5.
- SaiPraneeth Madduri, Miha Ravnik and Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, ‘Self-organized 3D Quasicrystalline structures in thin nematic films’, Softmatter (2018) (under review).
- M V Rasna, K. P. Zuhail, U V Ramudu, R Chandrasekhar, J Dontabhaktuni, S Dhara, 'Orientation, interaction and laser assisted self-assembly of organic single-crystal micro-sheets in a nematic liquid crystal', Softmatter, 11, 7674-7679 (2015). http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/sm/c5sm01991e#!divAbstract
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik and Slobodan Zumer, ‘ Designing colloidal quasi-crystals in nematic liquid crystals’, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 111, 2464 (2014). (https://www.pnas.org/content/111/7/2464.short)
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Regina Jose, K. P. N. Murthy and V. S. S. Sastry,’ Effect of phase shift between geometrical and chemical patterning in nematic liquid crystal cells: A Monte Carlo Study’, J. Comp. Mater. Sci., 92, 238-243, (2014).
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik and Slobodan Zumer, ' Shape tuning the colloidal assemblies in nematic liquid crystals', Softmatter, 8 1657-1663 (2012).
- D. Jayasri, T. Sairam, K. P. N. Murthy and V. S. S. Sastry, 'Liquid crystal films on curved surfaces: A multi-canonical Monte Carlo study', Physica A, 390 4549-4554 (2011).
- Regina Jose, D. Jayasri, Surajit Dhara, K. P. N. Murthy and V. S. S. Sastry, 'Effect of external field on the nematic to isotropic transition: An entropic sampling study', Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 545 168 (2011).
- D. Jayasri, V. S. S. Sastry and K. P. N. Murthy, ‘Phase transitions in liquid crystal elastomers - A Monte Carlo study employing non-Boltzmann sampling', Physica A, 388, 385-391 (2009).
- D. Jayasri, V. S. S. Sastry and K. P. N. Murthy, 'Effect of cross-link density on the nematic-isotropic phase transition in liquid crystal elastomers', J. Comp. Mater. Sci. 44, 185-189 (2008).
- D. Jayasri, V. S. S. Sastry and K. P. N. Murthy, 'Wang-Landau Monte Carlo simulation of isotropic-nematic in liquid crystals', Phys. Rev. E. 72, 036702 (2005).
Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Bada, S., Warrier, S. R., & Dontabhaktuni, J. (2023). Detection of brain cancer using quantum-classical CNN-based method. Proc.SPIE, 12446, 1244616. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.265013.
- Sadasivan, J., Krishnan, S. R., & Dontabhaktuni, J. (2021). Resonance characteristics of sub-wavelength high-refractive index dielectric metasurfaces as a function of lattice constant. Proc.SPIE, 11795, 117952N. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.259958.
- S. Amanaganti and J. Dontabhaktuni, ‘High RI dielectric rings in liquid crystals as tunable metasurfaces’, Metamaterials XII 11025, 110250J (2019).
- S. Amanaganti, D. R. Chowdhury, M. Ravnik and J. Dontabhaktuni, ’Electromagnetic response of dielectric nanostructures in liquid crystals’, Proc. SPIE 9004, Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies XIII, 105551F, SanFrancisco, USA (2018).
- Miha Ravnik, Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Cancula and Slobodan Zumer, ‘Nematic tilings as photonic materials’, Proc. SPIE 9004, Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies IX, 90040C (2014).
- D. Jayasri, T. Sairam, V. S. S. Sastry and K. P. N. Murthy, 'Surface anchoring in thin nematic films: A non-Boltzmann Monte Carlo simulation', Proceedings of the 52nd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Mysore, 191-192 (2007).
- 'Monte Carlo studies of liquid crystalline systems', LAP Lambert Academic publishers, Germany, 2011.
- Selected for Dr. D. S. Kothari post-doctoral fellowship by UGC, India (2013)
- Selected for Marie-Curie ITN 'HIERARCHY' project as experienced researcher (Aug 2009-2011).
- Awarded DST Fast track young scientist award (2011).
Panel Discussions
- Panelist in ‘Funneling the quantum research eco-system’, Tech Mahindra, 14th April 2023 (online).
- Panelist in ‘Pathways to pursuing Quantum for all’, QETCI, 23rd January 2023 (online).
Invited Talks
- ‘Hybrid Quantum Machine Learning methods-use cases in image classification’, Analog Devices on the occasion of Innovation Day, ADBI, Bangalore, 23rd June 2023.
- ‘Quantum Machine learning methods – uses cases in image processing’, 19th May 2023.
- ‘Soft Photonics – Liquid crystal based metasurfaces’, HydSoft, IIT Hyderabad, 13th May 2023. ‘Hybrid Quantum machine learning methods- Use cases in image classification’, SSSIHL, Jan 2023.
- Quantum Machine learning methods – uses cases in image processing’, IIIT Bangalore, 19th May 2023; Silicon Valley quantum computing group meetup, USA, 10th June (online).
- ‘Design of reconfigurable all-dielectric metasurfaces’, IIIT Hyderabad, June 2022.
- ‘Quantum computing algorithms for image classification’, Collaboration discussion, Tech Mahindra, Pune, May 2022.
- ‘Collective response of dielectric metasurfaces’, SSSIHL, Puttaparthi, 2021.
- ‘Quantum Computing’, Tech Talk Series, Mahindra Research Valley (MRV), 8th June 2020 (online).
- ‘High refractive index dielectric structures in liquid crystals as tunable metasurfaces’, LMIN 2019, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, 15th-17th July 2019.
- ‘High refractive index dielectric rings in liquid crystals’, Wednesday Colloquium, Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, 29th May 2019.
- ’Simulations in Softmatter’,International confer- ence on computer simulations in natural sciences, Presidency College, Madras, 4th-6th April 2018.
- ‘Colloidal interactions in nematics’ at Soft matter young investigator’s meet, Pondicherry December 2015.
- ‘Tuning the colloidal interactions in nematic liquid crystals’ at National conference on current trends in soft matter held at CUTN, Tiruvarur on 19-20th March 2015 (Acted as a session chair).
- ‘Two-dimensional tilings of nematic colloids’ at CMBS-13, held in Jan 11-14th, 2013 at BHU, Varanasi, India.
- ‘Computer simulations of liquid crystals – An overview’ at colloquium on Oct 2010, at CMSD, University of Hyderabad, Hydrerabad.
Selected Conference Presentations
- S. Bada, S. R. Warrier and J. Dontabhaktuni, ’Detection of brian cancer using Quantum-classical CNN based method’, QIP, Ghent, Belgium, Feb 2023; SPIE Quantum West USA 2023.
- S. Warrier, S. Bada, R. Achanta, S. Uppapalli and J. Dontabhaktuni, ‘Motion-blur detection in underwater images using classical-quantum CNN based methods’, QIP, Ghent, Belgium 2023.
- S. Amanaganti and J. Dontabhaktuni, ‘High refractive index dielectric rings in liquid crystals as tunable metasurfaces’, SPIE Opto+OptoElectronics 2019, 1-4th April 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
- S. Madduri, A. Bregar, M. Ravnik and J. Dontabhaktuni, ’Self-organized 3D quasicrystals in nematic liquid crystals’, International Liquid Crystal Conference 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- S. Amanaganti, M. Ravnik, D. R. Chowdhury and J. Dontabhaktuni, ‘Electromagnetic response of dielectric nanostructures in liquid crystals’, SPIE Photonics West OPTO (Emerging liquid crystal technologies XIII), San Fransisco, California, US (Jan 2018).
- SaiPraneeth Madduri, Miha Ravnik and Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, ‘Self-organized 3D Quasicrystalline structures in thin nematic films’, COMPFLU-2017, IIT Madras, India (2017).
- S. Amanaganti, D. R. Chowdhury, M. Ravnik and J. Dontabhaktuni, ’Electromagnetic response of dielectric structures in liquid crystals’, COMPFLU-2017, IIT Madras, India (2017).
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, ‘Liquid Crystals in restricted geometries-A Monte Carlo study’, LACAM 2016, Mahindra Ecole Centrale, India.
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, ‘Two-dimensional tilings of nematic colloidal platelets’, ILCC -2014, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik and Slobodan Zumer, ‘Shape tuning the colloidal assemblies in nematic liquid crystals', poster presentation by a co-author in ILCC, 2012 held in August, at Mainz, Germany.
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik and Slobodan Zumer, ‘Tuning the self-assembly of polygonal colloidal platelets in nematic liquid crystals: A numerical simulation study’, ECLC, Maribor, Slovenia, 2011.
- Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik and Slobodan Zumer, ' Simulation of faceted colloidal particles in nematic liquid crystals', 23rd ILCC, Krakow, Poland, (2010).
Quantum Algorithms, Soft photonics, dielectric metasurfaces, quantum technologies, light-matter interactions with nanostructures and Inverse design of materials.
External Grants: SERB EMR grant EMR/2017/004045 (2018-2021).
- Resource Person for FDP on ‘Quantum Computing hands-on implementation’, ACE college 2020; workshop on ‘Quantum Computing’, GITAM University 2023.
- Guest Lecture on ‘Simulation techniques in Science and Engineering – An overview’ at School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad (2012).
- ‘Shape controlled colloidal particles in nematic liquid crystals’, Marie Curie project ‘HIERARCHY’ meetings, Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2011); University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2011); MPI for Dynamics and Self-organisation, Gottingen, Germany (2011); Nijmegen, Netherlands (2009).