Malti Suri
Assistant Professor
Dr. Malti Suri is doctorate from NALSAR University of Law , Hyderabad in “Emerging Jurisprudence of Internet Governance: Special emphasis on Online Dispute Resolution”. She has worked as a Subject Matter Expert in a U.S based ODR solution provider company, MODRIA. While working there, she played a pivotal role (Project Head) in establishing India’s first ODR center in National Law School Bangalore. During her doctorate, she worked as a full-time Research Scholar in Center for Internet Governance (GIGA) in NALSAR University of Law. Additionally, she also worked as Assistant Professor in ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttrakhand.
- Ph.D. From NALSAR, Hyderabad on “Emerging Jurisprudence of Internet Governance: Special emphasis on Online Dispute Resolution”
- LL.M. (International Trade and Business Laws), NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, 2008-2010
B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)
- B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), School of Legal Studies (Regional Campus, Guru Nanak Dev University) Amritsar, Punjab.
Field Experience
Field Experience
- Worked in MODRIA, an Online Dispute Resolution Service Provider company as a Subject Matter Expert (Online Dispute Resolution).
- Worked as a Project Head (for MODRIA) for The Online Consumer Mediation Center (OCMC) National Law School of India University Banglore.
Professional Experience
Professional Experience
- Currently working as Assistant Professor in Mahindra University-
- Worked as Assistant Professor in ICFAI University, Dehradun
- Worked as a Guest Faculty in NALSAR University of Law for a special course on “Intersection of Technology and Dispute Resolution”.
Research Experience
Research Experience
- Worked as Research Fellow in Institute of Global Internet Governance and Advocacy (GIGA) at NALSAR University of Laws, Hyderabad.
- Malti Suri, “Technology Assisted Dispute Resolution Systems” Mahindra University Journal of Law & Technology Volume 1 Issue 1
- Malti Suri, “Privacy in the age of cloud”, Satinderjit Singh ed., Cyber Crime and Security Threats in Digital World, K.G Graphics, Amritsar, 2013, ISBN No. 97881926893
- “Finding similar judgments under common law systems”, In: Madaan, A., Kikuchi, S., Bhalla, S. (eds) Databases in Networked Information Systems. DNIS 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7813. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Monograph on cloud computing “Cloud: Is it free from Lighting?” accessed on thegiga.in
- Monograph on Online Dispute Resolution “ODR for Dummies” accessed on www.thegiga.in
Paper Presentation
Paper Presentation
- Presented paper on “Most Favoured Nations Treatment in SAARC: An Analysis”, in One day National Workshop on SAARC Trade Relations: Legal Issues and Challenges, NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, 2010
- Presented Paper on “Privacy in the age of cloud”, in NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CYBER CRIME & SECURITY THREATS IN DIGITAL WORLD 2012 being held in "Gujranwala Guru Nanak Institute of Management and Technology" Punjab
Participation in Seminars, Conferences.
- CYBERWEEK 2012 - Moderated a session on “ODR and Digital Divide: Justice for Few” in CYBERWEEK 2012 organized by the Werner Institute for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution, Creighton University, California United States - October 29 - November 2, 2012.
- 3 Day workshop held on “SOCIAL JUSTICE IN INTERMEDIATED WORLD” jointly organized by IT for Change and Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities from Jan31st 2014 to Feb 2, 2014, at Manipal university, Manipal.
- Second National WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS during May 8-10, 2014.
Assisted in the organization and participated in:
- The “WORKSHOP ON AGENDA SETTING FOR GIGA” on April 23, 2012, at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
- First National Seminar on “INTERNET LAW AND GOVERNANCE: AN INSIGHT FOR JUDICIARIES” on March10, 2012.
- First International Conference in association with Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEIT) of Government of India on the theme "REVISITING INTERNET GOVERNANCE- LESSONS LEARNT AND ROAD AHEAD" at NALSAR University of Law, Justice City Campus, Shameerpet on April 5 & 6 of 2012.
- Participated in National Judicial Academy South Zone Regional Workshop on Planning and management for timely Justice organized by Andhra Judicial Academy dated 6th to 8th February 2009.
- Participated in International Consumer law Conference held on 24th, 25th, 26th September 2009. Organized by NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
- Participated and volunteered in Aerospace Law Meet, 2009 held on 28-29 March 2009 in NALSAR University of law, Hyderabad.
- Participated in Conference on International Law Association Regional Conference on International Trade Law & Legal Aspects of Trans Border Investment on 19th and 20th September 2009 in New Delhi.
- Participated in 4th South Asia Conference on Trade and development, 2008 organized by Centre for Trade and Development, New Delhi.
- Organized legal aid program in village at Jalandhar (Punjab), 2008
Areas of research include Alternate Dispute Resolutions, Online Dispute Resolution, Family law and Consumer Laws.