Dr. Pramod Mantravadi
Professor & Head
Centre for Executive Education
Dr Pramod Mantravadi has overall experience of 32 years in industry and academics. He is currently Professor and Head – Centre for Executive Education at Mahindra University.
He was previously, Director – Executive Education at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, for 13 years. He was also a member of the Management Group of ISB. He played a key role in growing the Executive Education at ISB, to market leadership position among B-schools in India.
He had also worked earlier with ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad as Associate Professor of Finance, and as a visiting faculty at NALSAR University and NICMAR.
He was also an independent consultant in the area of Executive Education, advising Business Schools and other start-up firms in Executive Education India.
Prior to joining academics, he had worked in the Indian industry for 10 years, in various functional areas at senior management positions. He had also worked in USA for two years, as Project Manager and e-business Consultant in the software industry.
- Ph.D (Finance), BITS, PILANI, Feb 2008
- CFA, ICFAI Hyderabad, 1994
- PGDM (Finance & Marketing) – IIM Calcutta, 1987-89
- B.E. (Mech Engg) – University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 1983-87
- 21, ICFAI Business School: (2019)
2017 - 19
- Independent Consultant in Executive Education: (2017 – 19)
2004 - 16
- Indian School of Business: (2004 – 16)
2001 - 04
- ICFAI Business School: (2001 – 04)
1999 – 01
- QuadSoft Inc, USA: (1999 – 01)
1998 – 99
- ICFAI Business School: (1998 – 99)
1996 – 97
- Core Healthcare: (1996 – 97)
1994 – 96
- ITC Bhadrachalam: (1994 – 96)
Journal Publications
- Does Time-Period of Occurrence, or Firm-Relatedness, Impact Operating Performance of Acquiring Firms Differently? Evidence from Mergers in the New Millennium in Indian Industry, Open Journal of Business and Management, December, 2020
- Does Merger Type or Industry Affect Operating Performance of Acquiring Firms? A Long-Term Merger Performance Study in India,Theoretical Economics Letters, June 2020
- Type of Merger and Impact on Operating Performance: The Indian Experience, Dr Pramod Mantravadi & Dr A. Vidyadhar Reddy, Economic & Political Weekly, September 27, 2008
- Post-Merger Performance of Acquiring Firms from Different Industries in India, DrPramod Mantravadi & Dr A. Vidyadhar Reddy, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, No. 22, 2008
- Relative Size in Mergers and Operating Performance: Indian Experience, DrPramod Mantravadi & Dr A. Vidyadhar Reddy, Economic and Political Weekly, September 29, 2007
- Mergers and Operating Performance: Indian Experience, Dr Pramod Mantravadi & Dr A. Vidyadhar Reddy, The Icfai Journal of Mergers & Acquisitions, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 52-66, December 2007
Edited Books:
- Value at Risk: concepts and cases, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2004
- e- Healthcare: concepts and Cases, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2004
- Competitive Intelligence- Concepts and Cases,ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2003
- E-Finance - Vol. II,ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, June 2003
- E-Procurement - Concepts and Cases,ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2003
- E-business - Organizing For Success, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2002
- ERP- Concepts and Cases, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, December 2002
- IT-Enabled Services - Vol. Iand Vol. II, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2002
- Project Management ( Volumes I to V,ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2002
- Case Studies in e-tailing: Volume I and Volume II, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2002
- IT Infrastructure – Case Studies, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2002
- Software and Services- Case Studies, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2002
- Automobile Industry: Case Studies, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2002
- Corporate Restructuring: Concepts and Cases, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2001
- E-marketing: Emerging Trends, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2001
- E-Finance - Vol. I, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University August, 2001
- Case Studies on Consumer Durables companies, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2001
Magazine Articles
- Online Trade Finance: Future Prospects, (Co-authored with Aparna Bellur), published in “Global Exports: An Overview”, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2009
- E-Tailing: Issues and Perspectives, (Co-authored with Nitin Mehrotra), published in "Web Marketing : Trends and Cases”, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2006
- E-Procurement: Issues and Trends, published in 'Enterprise Software - An Introduction'”, ICFAI Books, ICFAI University, 2005
- Impact of Internet Technologies on the Banking and Financial Services Industry, published in “Sister Nivedita Journal of Management”, October 2003
- Cross Border E-commerce: Emerging trends and challenges, (Co-authored with Nagendra V Choudhry), published in “E-Commerce Magazine”, January 2002
- Online Trading in India: Emerging Trends(Co-authored with Nitin Mehrotra), published in “Portfolio Organiser”, August 2002
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