Om Prasad
Assistant Professor
Dr. Omprasad is a historian of science and education. His PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University was on the trade union movement of scientists represented by the Association of Scientific Workers of India. His MPhil research was in the history of education and examined the beginnings of mining engineering education in colonial India. After his PhD he worked as a Post-Doc Fellow in a research project investigating the triangular relationship between State, Science and Civil Society in India from the 1970s-2010. He is currently co-editing a volume on Educational and Scientific Imaginaries in India. His research interests include social movements of science and scientists, dynamics of science society relationship, history of knowledge and the changing nature of the university.
- PhD, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2019
- M.A, Modern History, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2011
- B.A, History, Loyola College, Chennai, 2008
2022- Present
- Assistant Professor at the Indira Mahindra School of Education at Mahindra University: (2022- Present)
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Gujrat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad (2020-2022)
- Dhruv Raina, Omprasad, Nayani Sarma. ‘Writing the History of Technology in South Asia: From the Colonial Age to the Digital Age’ in Liliane Hilaire-Pérez et. al. (eds) The Global History Of Techniques (19th To 21st Centuries), Brepols, 2022.
- Omprasad. 2014. ‘ATOMIC STATE: Big Science in Twentieth Century India by Jahnavi Phalkey, Seminar, 654, February (Book Review)
Currently, Dr. Omprasad is involved in the preparation of a co-edited volume on the imaginaries of technical and scientific education in India. Building on the research carried out during his PhD and post-doctoral stint he is in the process of preparing journal articles for publication.
Media Articles:
- “Why Have Govt’s S&T Policy Meetings Skipped Social Science, Humanities Scholars?”, The Wire, July 14 2020, https://science.thewire.in/politics/government/stip-2020-consultative-process-social-scientists/
Conferences and Workshops:
- “From ‘State Science’ to ‘Peoples Science’: Science Movements in Post-colonial India (1947-1980) in Panel on ‘International History and Radical Science Movements’ at the 10th Conference of European Society for History of Science 7th-10th September at Brussels, Belgium. (Paper Accepted but did not Participate)
- Presented Paper “Science and Solidarity: The Vigyan Karmee and the Quest for an ‘Afro-Asian Science’” at Conference titled ‘Revolutionary Papers: Counter Institutions, Politics, and Culture in Periodicals of the Global South’ held at University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa from 28th April 2022 – 30th April 2022. https://revolutionarypapers.org/event/revolutionary-papers-counter-institutions-politics-and-culture-in-periodicals-of-the-global-south/
- Participated in Winter School on Global History, jointly organized by Max Weber Stiftung, German Historical Institute and Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies on 16-21 February, 2020 at New Delhi.
- Presented Paper titled ‘Mining Education Programs In Colonial India: Towards the Emergence of A Discipline’ at Workshop on History of Science and Technology Education held at Jawaharlal Nehru University on 2-3 March, 2017.