P. Kumaresan
Visiting Professor
Head- Marketing, People Supply Chain (RMG) & Corporate Services
Kumaresan (Kums) is trained as a Product designer with Architecture, Technology background. He has over 10 years of industry experience in the eld of Industrial Design, Product Research and Devlopment, and Design Pedagogy.
He has worked on various elds namely Bamboo & cane craft, Consumer appliances, Transportation, Interactive devices, Indian language data input systems and new product development with an inventive approach.
2001-2003 – M.Des – Master of Design, Industrial Design Centre (IDC), IIT Bombay, Mumbai
1996-2001 – B.Arch.- Bachelor of Architecture, School of Architecture and Planning (SAP), Anna University, Chennai
2009 – Certification course in AVR Microcontroller Programming
2005 – Solidworks Professional Tutor Certication