Paromita Bose
Associate Professor & HOD, Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Paromita Bose is an Associate Professor of English at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, École Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University. She holds a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Hyderabad.
Dr. Paromita’s interests include Indian Writing, (the nineteenth and the twentieth century, in particular), Women’s Writing, Cultural Studies, and Urban Studies.
- 2015: Ph.D., English– University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
- 2009: M. Phil., English– University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
- 2007: M.A. English– University of Delhi, Delhi, India
- 2005: B.A. English (Hons.) – University of Delhi, Delhi, India
June 2025 to Present
- June 2025 to Present, Associate Professor & HOD, Humanities and Social Sciences at Mahindra University
2014 - 2010
- Project Fellow, UGC-DSA, Department of English, University of Hyderabad (2010-2014)
- Content Editor, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad (Feb 2009- July 2009)
- Paromita Bose. “Narrating Lives: The Devadasi and Her Art.” Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics. Vol. 45, NO. 3. Autumn 2022 (23-32). Vishvanatha Kaviraja Institute, India
- Paromita Bose. "Told but Not Told": The Blurring of Determining Lines, in Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go." Ed. Shraddha A. Singh. Speculation and Detection: Explorations in Genre Fiction, Worldview. 2022.
- Paromita Bose. “Lost in Translation: The 'Nonsense' works of Sukumar Ray.” Negotiations, An International Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. Department of English, North Bengal University. Vol. 4. March 2021 (51-68).
- Paromita Bose, “Learning and Unlearning in English Classroom”, Think Pieces Series No. 18. Education. SouthAsia (https://educationsouthasia.web.ox.ac.uk/thinkpiece18); 2021
- Paromita Bose, "Negotiating the Stage and the World: The Life Writings of Binodini Dasi." Samyukta: A Journal of Gender and Culture. Volume 6. No. 1; 2021
- "Writing Self, Writing for Others", Influence of English on Indian Women Writers: Voices from the Regional Languages," Ed. K Suneetha Rani, Sage Publications. 2017
- Paromita Bose "Bedanabala- Mahasweta Devi" Mahasweta Devi- Collected Works. Ed. Nandini Bhattacharya and Naveen Kishore. Seagull, Kolkata. (Submitted) 2017
- Paromita Bose "Devadasi Reform in Colonial South India: The case of Radhika Santwanam", Transcultural Negotiations of Gender: Studies in (Be)longing. Heidelberg Studies on Transcultural Research, Springer. September 2015. ISBN: 978-81- 322-2436- 5 (Print) 978-81-322- 2437-2 (Online)
- Paromita BoseSultana’s Dream: “Ladyland” amidst Nationalist “Tradition” and Colonial “Modernity” Journal of Indian Writing in English. Volume 7, No. 15. September 2014.
- Paromita Bose “Sports and/in Young Adult Fiction: A case in Bengali Literature” in Wizcraft Journal of Language and Literature. Vol. I, Issue II. January, 2013.
- Paromita Bose “Mahasweta Devi”. Entry in Sachidananda Mohanty and Sunita Mishra (eds). A Handbook of Indian Theatre. Margao: CinnamonTeal, 2011. [A Handbook of Indian Theatre was prepared under the ASIHSS Programme of the Department of English, University of Hyderabad.]
- Paromita Bose “Habib Tanvir”. Entry in Sachidananda Mohanty and Sunita Mishra (eds). A Handbook of Indian Theatre. Margao: CinnamonTeal, 2011. [A Handbook of Indian Theatre was prepared under the ASIHSS Programme of the Department of English, University of Hyderabad.]
Conference Presentations
- “Travelling through Shenzhen, Pyongyang and Burma: The Graphic Novels, by Guy Delisle.” Final Sinophone Conference: Conceptualization, Methodology and Research on Sinophone Borderlands and the Interactions on the Edges. Department of Asian Studies. Palacký University. Czech Republic. November 2022
- "Caste Politics in the Cultural Realm: Drawing and Reading Discrimination" International Teaching Week, Ethics and Culture in Media Communication. Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology. Palacký University. Czech Republic. November 2022
- “New Age Spirituality – The Indian Scenario.” Workshop on Digital Religion- Online Spirituality. Department of Communication Studies. Palacký University. Czech Republic. November 2022
- “The text and the Image: Discussions on Caste Politics in an Indian classroom - The case of Bhimayana and A Gardener in the Wasteland.” 13th ACS International CrossRoads in Cultural Studies Conference. ACS and University of Lisbon. November 2022.
- Paromita Bose. “I am the battered woman, but he is the one who is playing the role of the victim”: Reading Meena Kandasamy’s When I Hit You, as a ‘terrifying and triumphant’ narrative. International Conference on "Cartographies of Gender Based Violence: Literary Reflections from South Asia and Beyond. IIT Patna and Shastri Indo Canadian Institute. 12-13 March 2022.
- “From Amar Chitra Katha's Babasaheb Ambedkar (He Dared to Fight) to Bhimayana (Experiences of Untouchability)- Narrating Lives" at "Decolonising the Panel; Deconstructing the Gutter": International Conference on Postcolonial Studies in Comics and Graphic Narratives in South Asia. IIT Patna and Postcolonial Studies Association, UK. 25-26th September, 2021. (WebEx)
- “Caste Politics in the Cultural Realm: Drawing and Reading Discrimination”. International Symposium, “Research in the Arts, The Arts in Research” Cultural Literacy in Europe (CLE) organised and hosted by University of Lodz, Poland over Zoom (May 2020).
- "Sport and/in Young Adult Fiction: The Case of Bengali Literature" at the National Seminar ‘The game’s afoot…’ Sport, Literature and Culture, Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi, 2020.
- “Changing Cityscapes: Real City, Mythic Hero", at the International Conference, "Crossroads in Cultural Studies"Association for Culture Studies (ACS) hosted by University of Sydney and University of Western Sydney, 2016.
- “Cultural Conflicts: Comparative Analysis of Counter Texts, Mircea Eliade’s Bengal Nightsand Maitreyi Devi’s It Does Not Die” at the National Seminar on Comparative Literature in India: Contemporary Issues, Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad. March 2015.
- "Devadasi Reform in Colonial South India: The case of Radhika Santwanam" at the International Conference on Gender Studies and Expanding Horizons of Inter/Trans- Culturality, CES and CSPILAS, JNU, New Delhi. 2013.
- "The Child in Tagore" at the National Seminar on Rabindranath Tagore- In His Time and Ours, Centre for Comparative Literature, UoH, Hyderabad, 2012.
- "Writing Self, Performing Self" at the International Conference on Text, Culture and Performance: Postcolonial Issues, IACLALS. 2012.
- "Writing Self, Writing for Others" at the National Seminar on Women and English in India, Department of English, UoH, 2012.
- "The Performative Aspect of the Body" at the National Conference for Research Scholars on Theatre Studies, Department of English (Under ASIHSS), UoH, 2008.
- "Women and Crime Fiction/ Detective Fiction" at the Student Seminar on Popular Culture, Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi, 2006.
- “Perspective and the Politics of Perspective” at the Student Seminar, Department of English, University of Delhi, 2005.
- “Urbanity and Modernity in Tagore’s Home and the World”at a Student Seminar organised by Katha, University of Delhi, 2005.
Invited Talks
- “The Modernist Mental Life.” Department of English. RLA College, University of Delhi. March 2022.
- “Devadasi Reform in Colonial South India: The Case of Radhika Santwanam”, St Xaviers College, Ahmedabad. January 2021. (Google Meet)
- "How to Write: Academic Writing". St Francis College, Hyderabad and American Corner (US Consulate); Three Day Workshop on Indo US Relations. November 2020 (Zoom)
- "What is Freedom? Reading Anton Chekhov’s The Bet and Malcom X in context". TATA Steel Foundation, Jamshedpur. August 2020 (MS Teams)
- "Raphael: The Florentine Period", Department of English, RLA College, University of Delhi, July 2020 (Google Meet)
- "Raphael: The Roman Years", Department of English, RLA College, University of Delhi, July 2020 (Google Meet)
- "Michelangelo: Master Sculptor", Department of English, RLA College, University of Delhi, July 2020 (Google Meet)
- "Michelangelo: Painter and Architect", Department of English, RLA College, University of Delhi, July 2020 (Google Meet)
- "Critical Issues in Fiction", B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad. September 2019
- “Mahasweta Devi” Department of English and Culture Studies, University of Burdwan, September, 2016
Areas of Interest:
- Indian Writing in English
- Women’s Writing
- Social History of Dance in India
- Cultural Studies
- Urban Studies