Jean-Sebastien LANTZ
Visiting Faculty, Centre for Executive Education
Jean-Sébastien Lantz, is a visiting faculty in executive Education, at Mahindra University. He is a Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at Aix-Marseille Graduate school of Management, France, and Director of the International Finance Master Programme. He was also a Former venture capitalist.
Winner of the prestigious Turgot Prize in for his seminal book in Financial Economics (“La Valo”), Prof Lantz is recognised as a leader in his field, conducting research programs on behalf of global organisations and governments. He advises on the financing of complex technological projects, and provides valuation for licenses as well as intangible assets
He is best known for creating the unique PRIME method – Project, Investment, Management and Engineering – an innovative methodology which provides key decision makers and stakeholders with a process rationale for value creation forecasts and profitable growth. In essence, PRIME identifies the shift in business growth and, in an objective manner, models forecasting for the creation of growth aligned to the specific financial needs and methods of governance
The methodologies he has developed are widely reported and published in top ranked international scientific journals. They have been implemented for the evaluation of major projects in the telecoms, nuclear energy and biotechnology sectors, including in the complex modelling and financial evaluation of patents, licenses and other intangible assets.
Prof Lantz has adapted his methodologies to the specific needs of international companies such as AREVA, DANONE, L’OREAL, MAN, MICROSOFT NTC Thaïland, ORTEC, SKF amongst others. He has also worked with public institutions such as the European Commission, the French Conseil d’Analyse Economique, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Agence France Brevet and several clusters of technological innovation worldwide.
Prof Lantz has taught several executives in large international companies, at Business Schools such as ESSEC, HEC, WHU, Saïd Business school, Sorbonne University, and the Indian School of Business