Saladi SV Subbarao
Associate Professor
Dr. Saladi S.V. Subbarao is an associate professor in the Civil Engineering Department at École Centrale School of Engineering at Mahindra University, Hyderabad. He did his B.Tech. from JNTU Kakinada, M.Tech. and Ph.D. from IIT Bombay. For his master’s thesis, he worked on developing a multimodal route system for assessment of a new transit system in GIS platform. He received his doctoral degree from the Civil Engineering department for his work on activity–based travel demand analysis in the context of developing countries. His core areas of expertise include travel behavior and choice modelling, Transit oriented development (TOD), analysis of public transportation systems and shared mobility, and GIS applications in transportation. Saladi has over 9 years of teaching experience.
Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 2014
M.Tech. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 2007 (CPI: 9.56)
B.Tech. J.N.T.U. College of Engineering, Kakinada 2005 (78.44%)
Associate Professor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad (August-2021 to Present)
May-2017 to July-2021
Assistant Professor, Mahindra Ecole Centrale (Now Mahindra University), Hyderabad (May-2017 to July-2021)
May-2014 to May-2017
Associate Professor, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu (May-2014 to May-2017)
June-2013 to May-2014
Assistant Professor (selection grade), VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu (June-2013 to May-2014)
July-05 to June-07 and July-08 to June-13
Teaching Assistant, IIT Bombay (July-05 to June-07 and July-08 to June-13)
May-01 to June-01
Site Engineer, Andhra Pradesh (May-01 to June-01)
Nov-07 to June-08
Lecturer in Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh (Nov-07 to June-08)
International Journals
- Raghuram Kadali, Sriram Mangu, Subbarao, SSV., Jen-Jia Lin, (2025) “Evaluation of Transit-Oriented Development based on 9D’s approach in developing countries context”, Transport Policy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2025.01.010
- Anam Hyder, Subbarao, SSV (2024) “Navigating Safety: Pedestrian Safety Perceptions at uncontrolled crosswalks in Hyderabad, India”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 10(11), Springer Nature, 26th December 2024
- Jen-Jia Lin, Tzu-Yun Lin, Raghuram Kadali, Subbarao SSV (2024) “Association of transit-oriented development with transit use: Effects of gentrification and spatial autocorrelation”, Transport Policy, Vol. 158, 42-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2024.09.004
- Biswarup Das, Kadali B.R.,, Subbarao, SSV, Jen-Jia Lin, (2024) “Are TOD and Travel Characteristics Influencing Residential Dissonance? An Analysis from a Developing Country’s Perspective”, Transportation Research Record, https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981241243325
- Jen-Jia Lin, Tzu-Yun Lin, Raghuram Kadali, Subbarao, SSV. (2023). “Zone-based TOD evaluation method considering interdependences among criteria and zones”. Transport Policy, 133, pp. 108-119 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.01.011
- Subbarao, SSV.,Raghuram Kadali (2021). “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on public transportation system and strategic plans to improve PT ridership: A review”. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Springer https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-021-00693-9
- Kadali, B.R., Shantanu, I., Kannan, I. and Subbarao, SSV.(2021). “User perception towards ride-hail service: A case of Nagpur city, India”. Journal of European Transport, Issue no. 84, December 2021 (accepted)
- Subbarao, SSV.,Swaroop, Somasekhar (2020). “Interrelationships between mode choice and trip chain choice decisions in the context of developing countries”. Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 48, pp. 3049-3061, Elsevier, DOI:1016/j.trpro.2020.08.182
- Praveen, S.K., Mandla, V.R., Subbarao, SSV., Nagaveni, Ch. and Sylesh, P.V.S. (2020). An integrated hybrid renewable energy system: Potential of electricity a Geospatial approach, S.N. Applied Sciences, 2, 1642, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03329-2
- Dinu, M.J., Mandla V.R., Subbarao, SSV., Rao, N.S., Moses, S.A. (2018). “Assessment of Coastal Water Quality along South West Coast of India using Multiple Regression Analysis on Satellite Data”. Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 269-284 DOI:25175/jrd/2018/v37/i2/129673
- Sadguna, N. and Subbarao, SSV.(2018). “Adaptive Signal Control for Non-lane based Vehicle Movements”. International Journal of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 249-260. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7708/ijtte.2018.8(2).09
- Subbarao, SSV.And Krishna Rao, K.V. (2016). “Activity-Based Approach to Travel Demand Analysis: An Overview,” Journal of European Transport, Issue no. 61, August 2016.
- Subbarao, SSV.and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2014). “Characteristics of Household Activity and Travel Patterns in Mumbai Metropolitan Region,” Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 5, 484-504.
- Subbarao, SSV.and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2013). “Trip Chaining Behaviour in Developing Countries: A Study of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India,” Journal of European Transport, Issue no. 53, April 2013.
- Subbarao, SSV. and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2013). “Analysis of Household Activity and Travel Behaviour: A Case of Mumbai Metropolitan Region,” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2013.
National Journals
- Sasidhar, K., Vineeth, Vineeth, Y. and Subbarao, SSV.(2016). “Trip attraction rates of commercial land use: A case study.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), 9, Issue 30, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i30/99245, August 2016.
- Rahul, Prakash, B., Vishal, S. and Subbarao, SSV.(2016). “Analysis of University students travel behaviour: En-route to sustainable campus.” Indian Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), 9, Issue 30, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i30/99246, August 2016.
International Conferences
- Anam Hyder, Subbarao, SSV (2024) “Understanding pedestrian perceptions towards safety at Un-signalized Intersections in Urban areas: A case of Hyderabad, India”, 15th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), 18-20th December 2024, Mumbai, India
- Anam Hyder, Subbarao, SSV (2024) “Understanding Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour using Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour: A case of Hyderabad, India”, Proceedings of 28th International conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation studies (HKSTS), pp 304-311, 9-10th December 2024, Hongkong, China
- Samuel Peter, Subbarao, SSV (2024) “Analyzing the impact of road geometry on Two wheeler driving behaviour”, submitted to 10th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2024), 19th – 20th July 2024, VNIT Nagpur
- Biswarup Das, Kadali B.R.,, Subbarao, SSV, Jen-Jia Lin, (2024) “Are TOD and Travel Characteristics Influencing Residential Dissonance? An Analysis from a Developing Country’s Perspective”, 103rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting, TRBAM-24-01566, 7th -11th January, 2024, Washington DC
- Kadali B.R., Reddi Rani N., Subbarao, SSV, (2024) “Evaluation of Transit Oriented Development using Analytic Network Process with 10D approach”, 103rd Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting, TRBAM-24-01209, 7th -11th January, 2024, Washington DC
- Biswarup Das, Kadali B.R.,, Subbarao, SSV, (2023) “Household proximity to metro: A perspective related to TOD and travel”, 9th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2023), 12th – 14th October 2023, NIT Warangal
- Reddi Rani N., Kadali B.R., Subbarao, SSV., Jen-Jia Lin. (2023) “Evaluation of Existing Transit-Oriented Development from the Perspective of Developing Countries: A Review Approach”, Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) conference, 9th – 10th August 2023
- Biswarup Das, Kadali B.R., Subbarao, SSV., Jen-Jia Lin. (2023) “TOD and its’ Association with Commuting Travel Behaviour of People Living in Station Areas: An Investigation in Indian Contexts”, Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) conference, 9th – 10th August 2023
- Reddi Rani N., Kadali, B.R., Subbarao, SSV., Prashanth, S.L. (2023). “Evaluation of Transit-Oriented Development in Developing Countries Context”. EASTS 2023, Malaysia
- Sriram, M., Raghuram Kadali, Subbarao, SSV., Jen-Jia Lin (2022). “Evaluation of Transit Oriented Development based on 9-D’s approach using Best-Worst method”. 102nd Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting, TRBAM-23-00835, 8th - 12th Jan, 2023, Washington DC
- Subbarao, SSV., Raghuram Kadali, Ch. Abhishek Kumar, B. Semanth Reddy (2022). “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the grocery shopping behaviour of Individuals”, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering (RATE) 2022, 11-12 November 2022, Surat
- Subbarao, SSV., Deepti, A., Akshay, A., Amit, H. and Charan, SK. (2019). “Emission modeling of Passenger cars in India: A case of Hyderabad city”, Proc., of 5th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG – 2019), 18-21 December 2019, Bhopal
- Dinu M. J., Mandla, V.R., Srinivasa N. Rao , Subbarao, SSV.(2019). “Development of satellite data based multiple regression equations for the estimation of Total Coliform and Petroleum Hydrocarbons along south-west coast of India”, Proc., of International conference on Advanced Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering (ARICE – 2019), 13-14 June 2019, Kerala, India
- Subbarao, SSV., Swaroop, Somasekhar (2019). “Interrelationships between mode choice and trip chain choice decisions in the context of developing countries”, Proc., of 15thWorld Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), 26-31 May 2019, Mumbai
- Praveen, S., Mandla, V.R. and Subbarao, SSV.(2017). “Integrated Hybrid Renewable Energy System Site Suitability using GIS and Economic way Production of Electricity”, Proc., of International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change, 21-22 December 2017, Hyderabad.
- Dinu, M.J., Rao, N.S., Mandla, V.R., Subbarao, SSV. and Sheela, A.M. (2017). “Assessment of Coastal Water Quality along South West Coast of India using Multiple Regression Analysis on Satellite Data”. , of International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change, 21-22 December 2017, Hyderabad.
- Sasidhar, K., Vineeth, Vineeth, Y. and Subbarao, SSV.(2016). “Trip attraction rates of commercial land use: A case study.” Proc., of 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Built Environment, Vellore, Tamilnadu
- Rahul, Prakash, B., Vishal, S. and Subbarao, SSV. (2016). “Analysis of University students travel behaviour: En-route to sustainable campus.” Proc., of 2ndInternational Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Built Environment, Vellore, Tamilnadu
- Subbarao, SSV. and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2015). “Activity-Travel Pattern Choice Model in the context of Developing Countries,” Proc., of 3rdConference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2015), 17-20 December 2015, Kolkata, India.
- Tanay Desai, Narayan, V., Subbarao, SSV.and Joshi, G. (2014). “Disaggregate Travel Behaviour of a Metropolitan City – Surat,” Proc., of 11th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Mumbai, India.
- Subbarao, SSV. and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2014). “Development of Mode Choice Model for Developing Economy,” Proc., of 11thInternational Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Mumbai, India.
- Subbarao, SSV. and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2013). “Analysis of Household Activity and Travel Characteristics in Mumbai Metropolitan Region,” Proc., of 13thWorld Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Subbarao, SSV. and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2012). “Analysis of Activity-Travel Patterns: A case of Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), India,” Proc., of 10thInternational Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Mumbai, India.
- Subbarao, SSV. and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2010). “Activity Travel Behaviour in the context of Developing Countries,” Proc., of 12thWorld Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), Lisbon, Portugal.
- Subbarao, SSV. and Krishna Rao, K.V. (2010). “Analysis of Activity Travel Behaviour in the context of Developing Economy,” Proc., of 9thInternational Workshop on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Mumbai, India.
Book Chapters
- Biswarup Das, Kadali B.R.,, Subbarao, SSV, (2024) “Household proximity to metro: A perspective related to TOD and travel”, Recent Advances in Transportation Systems Engineering and Management—Volume 2: Selected Proceedings of CTSEM 2023, Springer, pp. 303-322, ISBN: 9819760712, 9789819760718
- Subbarao, SSV., Raghuram Kadali, Ch. Abhishek Kumar, B. Semanth Reddy (2022). “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the grocery shopping behaviour of Individuals”, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature, pp. 181-197, ISBN: 978-981-99-4464-4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4464-4_12
- Subbarao, SSV., Deepti, A., Akshay, A., Amit, H. and Charan, SK. (2022). “Emission modeling of Passenger cars in India: A case of Hyderabad city”, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature, pp. 343-351, ISBN: 978-981-16-9925-2
- Jose, D.M., Mandla, V.R., Neerukattu, S.R., and Saladi, S.V.S. (2021). “Development of Satellite Data-Based Multiple Regression Equations for the Estimation of Total Coliform and Petroleum Hydrocarbons Along South West Coast of India.” In: Singh R.M., Sudheer K.P., Kurian B. (eds) Advances in Civil Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 83. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5644-9_37
- Jose, D.M., Mandla, V.R., Neerukattu, S.R., and Saladi, S.V.S.(2021). “Development of Satellite Data-Based Multiple Regression Equations for the Estimation of Total Coliform and Petroleum Hydrocarbons Along South West Coast of India.” In: Singh R.M., Sudheer K.P., Kurian B. (eds) Advances in Civil Engineering. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 83. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5644-9_37
- Kaval, C., Divesh, A. and Subbarao, SSV. (2017). “Modeling of polypropylene modified bitumen mix design results using regression analysis.” Handbook of Research on Manufacturing Process Modeling and Optimization Strategies, IGI Global, ISBN 9781522524410, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2440-3.ch012
- Project Title: Evaluation of Transit oriented development (TOD) and its association with travel behavior and gentrification using Big Data analytics
Project amount: Rs. 44, 17, 752/-
Sponsored agency: DST India-Taiwan Programme of cooperation in Science and Technology
Duration: 2021-24 (3 years) - Project Title: Ultrahigh Performance Composites as sensor elements and for embedded sensor applications in Transport and Bridge infrastructure
Project amount: Rs. 5, 00, 000/-
Sponsored agency: Mahindra University, Hyderabad
Duration: 2021-23 (2 years) - Project Title: Green Mobility in India: Impact of electric vehicles
Project amount: Rs. 3, 50, 000/-
Sponsored agency: Mahindra Ecole Centrale, Hyderabad (completed)
Duration: 2018-20 (2 years)