
Sanjay Banka

Executive Chairman of Banka BioLoo Limited
Head- Marketing, People Supply Chain (RMG) & Corporate Services


Sanjay Banka is Executive Chairman of Banka BioLoo Limited, and a strong propagator of SDG 6, the water and sanitation Goal.

With academic background in sciences, humanities, human rights, law and business management, he has a strong understanding of the society, economy and the polity, along with technology and sustainable development.

Professionally, he has worked in family businesses, start-ups, MNCs and co-founded Banka BioLoo, with spouse Namita Banka. The bioloo is an affordable onsite sanitation system, whereby the fecal matter is converted into water and biogas in a multi-chambered bio-digester tank, with the help of naturally-inoculated bacterial culture. Now, the company also provides fecal sludge treatment plants and packaged sewage treatment plants. All the solutions are environmentally-friendly, and have circularity at heart, with outputs as reusable water and biosolids, both enhancing agriculture yield.

Well-versed with development and humanitarian problems, primarily issues related to water and sanitation, he puts his best foot forward in helping provide sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) solutions to households, school children, workers and many other user groups, with a focus on the marginalized and vulnerable sections of the society, helping eradicate open defecation, generally, and affordable waste treatment.

Sanjay is a prolific writer and speaker, and has authored many a piece on sustainable WaSH, as also spoken extensively, including at the UN. He is a member of many international committees and councils; and has put Banka BioLoo on the global map. The company is widely appreciated for its triple bottom-line, the 3 Ps – people, planet and profit.

Linkedin Id: sanjay banka