
Sonal Hukumpal Singh

Assistant Professor



I am working as Assistant Professor in the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Mahindra University. I have completed my PhD from Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the area of grassroots innovation and entrepreneurship. My Ph.D. research contributed to the entrepreneurship development of grassroots innovators. Furthermore, my research described how innovation potential can be explored and exploited for socio-economic development in a resource constrained environment. I have also worked in the domain of regional foresight, circular entrepreneurship in tourism and leisure sector and technological innovations for sustainable development.

  • Ph.D in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
  • B.Tech in Dairy Technology and MBA in International AgriBusiness Management from Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat.

I have worked as Research Fellow in the Department of Systems Management and Strategy, Business School, University of Greenwich in the FACET project (Facilitate the Adoption of Circular Entrepreneurship in the Tourism and leisure sector) in area of circular entrepreneurship. I was a Research Associate in Regional Technology Foresight Project funded by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) at Information School, the University of Sheffield from February 5th, 2020 to July 15th, 2020. As a Research Associate, I have worked in the area of regional foresight and entrepreneurship at the regional level. I also worked as a visiting Researcher in Innovate UK Project at Sheffield University Management School, the University of Sheffield from August 2019 to February 2020. I have worked as Assistant Professor at Thiagarajar School of Management (TSM), Madurai, India from December 10th, 2018 to February 2nd, 2020. I have completed my PhD thesis with the title “Developing Framework on Grassroots Innovation for Entrepreneurial Success in Indian Context” from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India on 4th December 2018.

Research & Publications:

Journal papers published

  • Kanakamedala, Venkata Chaitanya, Sonal Hukampal Singh, and Rishitha Talasani. “Sentiment Analysis of Online Customer Reviews for Handicraft Product using Machine Learning: A Case of Flipkart.” In 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2023.
  • Martins, Jorge Tiago, and Sonal Hukampal Singh. “Boundary organisations in regional innovation systems: traversing knowledge boundaries for industry 4.0 regional transformations.” R&D Management (2023), vol. 53, Issue. 3. (A Grade in ABDC, Impact Factor -5.962)
  • Sonal H. Singh, Bhaskar Bhowmick, Dale Eesley, and Birud Sindhav. “Grassroots innovation and entrepreneurial success: Is entrepreneurial orientation a missing link?.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 164: 119582, (2021) (3*ABS, Impact Factor: 5.846)
  • Sonal H. Singh, Lohithaksha M. Maiyar, and Bhaskar Bhowmick. “Assessing the appropriate grassroots technological innovation for sustainable development.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 32(2)-175-194, (2020) (2* ABS, Impact factor: 1.867)
  • Sonal H. Singh, Bhaskar Bhowmick, Birud Sindhav and Dale Eesley. “Determinants of Grassroots Innovation: An empirical study in the Indian Context.” in Innovation: Organization and Management 22(3): 270-289, (2020) (2*ABS, Impact factor: 2.962)
  • Sonal H. Singh, Birud Sindhav, Dale Eesley and Bhaskar Bhowmick. “Investigating the role of ICT intervention in grassroots innovation using structural equation modelling approach.” Sadhana, 43(7): 104, (2018) (SCI Index, Impact factor: 0.849)
  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhaskar Bhowmick. “Innovation Network for Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Indian Context: Exploratory Factor Analysis.” International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 13(7): 1650016, (2016) (1* ABS )
  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhaskar Bhowmick. “An Exploratory Study for Conceptualization of Rural Innovation in Indian Context.” in Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 207 (2015): 807-815 (DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.10.171)

Book Chapter published

  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhowmick Bhaskar. “Research on Rural Innovation in India: Evaluating Factors of Microfinance Innovation” in Innovative Management Solutions for Competitive Advantages, Excel India Publishers, (2017): 74-87.


  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhowmick Bhaskar. “A study on Evaluating Factors of Community Innovation in Rural Indian Context.” In Proceeding of Eleventh Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, Bookwell, I (2015): 401-409.


  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhaskar Bhowmick. “Community Collaboration: Roles as its Implication in Grassroots Innovation Strategy.” in Strategic management Society Conference, Costa Rica, USA (2017).
  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhowmick, Bhaskar. “A study for conceptualization of technological innovation in rural Indian context.” In Third International Conference on Innovation and Creativity at Grassroots, IIM Ahmedabad, India (2015).
  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhowmick, Bhaskar. (2015). “Research on Rural Innovation in India: Evaluating Factors of Microfinance Innovation.” 8th ISDSI International Conference, Pune, Maharashtra, India (2015).
  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhowmick, Bhaskar. “A study on Evaluating Factors of Community Innovation in Rural Indian Context.” In Eleventh Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, EDI, Ahmedabad, India (2015).
  • Sonal H. Singh and Bhowmick, Bhaskar. “An Exploratory Study for Conceptualization of Rural Innovation in Indian Context.” in 11th International Strategic Management Conference, Vienna, Austria (2015).

My research interest includes innovation, circular entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, technology adoption, technology foresight, small business development and sustainable development.