M.A. Education Program


IMSE has announced the launch of the Master of Arts (MA) in Education program from the Fall 2023 academic session. This two-year, full-time program is designed to take students through a process of learning unfolding through discussions, close readings, group projects, and participation in academic activities within and outside the School. This program offers an in-depth knowledge of the complexities of the education sector, closely familiarise them with practice orientation, and introduces them to the classics as well as updated research. The skills acquired in the Master’s program can be useful in the development sector, think tanks, government employment, and academia.

The program has been developed with four components: Course work, field association, skill-based modules, and a dissertation. The course-work consisting of core and wide variety of elective courses would cover foundational, disciplinary, thematic, sector based and a mixture of sector-based and thematic with disciplinary perspectives. While the field immersion aims at providing the students with intensive field experience, skill-based modules would help them in developing specific task-oriented skills to prepare them for higher studies and professional life. The Master’s dissertation would provide them with an opportunity to engage with research problems of their choice and learn from the process of reading, discussion, assessment and analysis.


Program Profile: M.A. Education Program

M.A. Degree will be awarded after successful completion of TWO years of study as per academic program & curricula set and approved by the Academic Council of the University.

Program Proposed intake for the academic year 2025-26*
M.A. Education: Core Elements
  • Courses (core and electives)
    • Foundational
    • Discipline-based
    • Sector Based
    • Theme based
    • A mix of sector-based and thematic
  • Field Association
    • Intensive field experience
    • Fieldwork report
  • Skill/practice-based modules
    • Specific, hands-on module courses
  • Dissertation
    • Developing a research problem
    • Discussion with review, findings, and analysis
    • Presentation
Course Structure

The overall course structure for M.A. includes Core/ mandatory courses (11), elective courses (5), and skill/practice-based modules that involve 2 mandatory courses and a variety of choice-based courses.

In the first semester, the students will take 5 core courses (CC) and 2 practice/skill-based modules (SB) that will all be mandatory, thus providing a much-needed foundation. In the second semester, the students will take 4 core courses (CC), one elective (EC) and two skill-based modules (SB).

The third semester will have 2 core courses (CC), 2 electives (EC) and two or three skill-based modules to choose from. In the fourth semester, students will take two elective courses (EC) and complete her/his dissertation

 Course Structure: An Overview
Academic Year Semester Core Courses Electives Practice/Skill-based modules Dissertation No. Of credits
First Year Sem 1 CC-1(4 credits)
CC-2 (3credits)
CC-3(3 credits)
CC 5 (3 credits)
—– SB 1 (mandatory)
2 credits
2 credits
Sem 2 CC-5 (4credits)
CC-6 (3 credits)
CC 7 (3 credits)
CC 8 (3 credits)
(4 credits)
Basket of Electives (Maximum credits to be taken: 3)
SB3 (1 credit)
SB4(1 credit)
SB5 (1 credit)
Second Year Sem 3 CC-8 (4 credits)
CC-9 (4 credits)
(4 credits)
(4 credits)
Basket of Electives (Maximum credits to be taken: 4)
SB 7 (2 credits)
SB8 (2 credits)
SB9 (1 credit)
Sem 4 —- EC-4
(4 credits)
(4 credits)
  DISS (12 credits) 20
Total credits 80
Course Details
Core/Compulsory (4 credits) Electives (4 credits) Modules: Skill/Practice  based
Sem I
(5 Core, 2 Modules)
20 credits
1.     Education in India: Themes & Perspectives
2.     Texts, Institutions and Transformation: A History of Indian Education
3.     Society, Culture and Education
4.     Learner, Learning and Development
5.     Understanding Economy & Education
None 2 credits (compulsory)
1.     Introduction to Academic Writing
2.     Understanding and Using Educational Data
Sem II
(4 core, 1 Elective, Choice based Modules)
20 credits
1.     Foundations of Social and Educational Research
2.     Educational Ideas and Thought
3.     Children and Childhoods
4.     Education Policy in India
Sector Based (Select any one)
1.     School Education
2.     Higher Education
3.     Vocational Education in India
Choose any set of courses, but the total number of credits shall be 3 credits from this basket
2 credits
·       Video – art and Method
·       Preparing Educational Plans
·       Methods for Developmental Research
1 credit
·       Designing Policy Briefs in Education
·       Scenario planning
·       Developing Vision
(2 Core, 2 Electives, 2 or 1 choice- based modules)
20 credits 
1.     Research design and Methods – 2
2.     Curriculum and Pedagogy
Select any two courses, preferably one each from the Thematic and Discipline based basket:
Theme Based:
1.     Urban and Education
2.     Values and Education
3.     Educational Leadership
4.     Teacher Education
5.     Diversity, Marginality and Education
Discipline based:
1.     History of Science and Technology Education and Research in India (1850-1980)
2.     Advanced Sociology of Education: Thinkers, theories and Themes
3.     Advanced Economics of Education
4.     Advanced Psychology of Education
Choose any set of courses, but the total number of credits shall be 4 credits from this basket
2 credits
·       Excel and Stata
·       Qualitative Software
·       Exploring archives
1 credit    
·       Reading Children’s Literature
·       Reading Science
·       Education budget analysis
·       Team building for school improvement
·       Educational innovations
Sem IV
(2 Electives, dissertation)
20 credits
None Mixture of Discipline as well as thematic orientations (Select any two):
1.     Political Economy of Higher Education
2.     Evolution of the Modern University
3.     Feminist Pedagogy
4.     Educational Assessment and Evaluation
5.     Schooling in a Changing Society/ Perspectives on Sociology of School in India
Master’s Dissertation (Compulsory): 12 credits
Total: 80 credits

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